All- Campus Meeting – January 18, 2007

TABLE TOPIC: Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities

MODERATOR: Dr. Laura Gaudet

1. Describe the Idea or Activity

Debates/Events – Encouragement of faculty to host CSC and community events (timely, topic specific) in their disciplines or across disciplines to engage thought, debate and reflection of creative ideas, opinions, and dialogue (i.e. Mr. Perry)

2. How would you accomplish the Idea/Activity?

Include this in Promotion and Tenure as an aspect of “service”

Provide funding to departments as incentive/rewards for establishing and developing and maintaining successful programs of this type

3. Who needs to be involved?

All faculty/interested faculty





4. What resources are needed?

Available space

Incentive funding

Assistance from Conferencing Office

5. How soon do we need to get started?

Fall 2007

6. How will we know if the Idea or Activity is working or not?

1) event planning

2) community attendance

3) increased faculty involvement

4) recognition of faculty/student involvement in planning execution of events


All- Campus Meeting – January 18, 2007

TABLE TOPIC: Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities

MODERATOR: Dr. Laura Gaudet

1. Describe the Idea or Activity

Speakers Bureau – Organization and publication of CSC faculty names and areas of expertise and willingness to speak on various topics. Coordinated by an administrative person to establish an awareness of the service and contact information to make service a reality.

2. How would you accomplish the Idea/Activity?

1. Have administrative person coordinate service

2. Establish a list and identify information

3. Request volunteers

4. Public service/notification to CSC campus and community

5. Review/Summary/Newspaper reports of speakers, etc. in CSC newspaper and community newspaper.

3. Who needs to be involved?

All Faculty


4. What resources are needed?

1. travel cost for speakers (reimburse them)

2. publicity costs (posters, brochures)

5. How soon do we need to get started?

As soon as possible

6. How will we know if the Idea or Activity is working or not?

1. Community requests for speakers

2. Community & region response (attendance at events or requests for speakers at their events)

3. Newspaper articles describe events


All- Campus Meeting – January 18, 2007

TABLE TOPIC: Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities

MODERATOR: Dr. Laura Gaudet

1. Describe the Idea or Activity

Student Research / Research Day – Greater campus emphasis on student-faculty research. Greater emphasis on collaborative effects. Recognition on scholarly work of students and faculty. Combine present research work in various programs to create one large CSC Conference.

2. How would you accomplish the Idea/Activity?

Credit or recognize on student transcripts for research work. Interdisciplinary efforts between schools/programs (classes during research and classes analyzing research efforts for those other classes)

Student funding!!! Establish and increase funding for faculty too. (travel, housing, etc)

3. Who needs to be involved?

Research Institute





4. What resources are needed?

Money, time, involvement of Blue Key and Cardinal Key to coordinate events or assist with coordination

5. How soon do we need to get started?

Fall 2007

6. How will we know if the Idea or Activity is working or not?

Increase of total student scholarship

Establishment of CSC Research Day (& participation of many departments or programs)


All- Campus Meeting – January 18, 2007

TABLE TOPIC: Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities

MODERATOR: Dr. Laura Gaudet

1. Describe the Idea or Activity

Re-evaluate the job description and modify

- from 85,10,5 % Teaching, Scholarly, and Service

To 75 & 25 Teaching and Scholarly/Service

Provide the faculty time to do quality research and creative activities to CSC, community, region and State of Nebraska.

2. How would you accomplish the Idea/Activity?

1. Change 4/4 teaching load to a 3/3 teaching load.

2. Limit student enrollment to 25 online and appropriate numbers for activity classes (i.e. labs at 10-12, etc.) and 35-40 for face-to-face lecture classes. Have two sections of classes if student number (enrollment) goes over the class cap.

3.Identify quality pool of permanent adjuncts/train adjuncts.

4.Have faculty develop courses and pay faculty for courses to be owned by CSC for adjuncts


a) provide them w/the course

b) give them an online preference so they don’t have to travel

c) train them (see above)

5.Split the faculty into two categories (tenure track and non tenure track)

a) tenure track duties

- teaching (3/3)

- service/scholarly

b) non-tenure track duties

- teaching only (4/4)

6.Increase funding for presentations

3. Who needs to be involved?

Departments and administration

4. What resources are needed?

Increased funds for release time and adjunct costs

5. How soon do we need to get started?


6. How will we know if the Idea or Activity is working or not?

1.Increased publications

2.Faculty evaluations – PAR

3.Established pool of qualified adjuncts

4.Evaluation of adjuncts following training