~TaiwanICDF International Higher Education Scholarship Programs~





Ming Chuan University (MCU)

Introduction of University

Undergraduate Program in Journalism and Mass Communication

I.  Introduction of Program

II.  Qualification

III.  Admission

IV.  Application Deadline

V.  Contact Information

VI.  Application Form & TaiwanICDF Medical Report

Undergraduate Program in International Trade and Management

I.  Introduction of Program

II.  Qualification

III.  Admission

IV.  Application Deadline

V.  Contact Information

VI.  Application Form & TaiwanICDF Medical Report

Introduction of Ming Chuan University

Since 1957, Ming Chuan University (MCU) has become an engine for economic, social, technological and cultural developments in Taiwan. In 2004, MCU was rated by the Taiwan government as the best university for its international/bilingual education environment. Moreover, MCU applied for the MSCHE (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) accreditation in year of 2006. In December 2010, MCU was fully accredited by the MSCHE to be the first U.S. accredited institution of higher education in Asia. The degree of MCU is fully recognized by both U.S. and Taiwan Ministry of Education. MCU offers 44 undergraduate programs and 28 graduate programs in 10 schools. MCU’s International College is the first institution in Taiwan offering bachelor’s degrees through classes instructed completely in English. The four-year curriculum is especially designed to parallel degree programs in Australia, Europe and the United States, providing students with broader study options, including the possibility of earning a dual-degree. Through International College (IC), students may currently enroll in one of the five undergraduate majors: International Business and Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Applied Computing, Travel and Tourism, and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, or post graduate programs in International Affairs, Applied English, Applied Japanese, and MBA. In 2010, MCU had 610 students from 56 different countries and selected around 78 students to advance their studies in U.K, U.S., Germany, France and Asian Region for exchange or dual degree.

Students with good command of English and a sound scholastic background are very welcome to apply for the International College programs. Prospective students are welcome to contact us at +886-3-3507001 ext. 3704/3703 or e-mail further inquiries at

Undergraduate Program in Journalism and Mass Communication

I. Introduction of Program

1.  Total number of credits for degree is 128 credits. According to different study field, the program divided the course into five professions such as News, Television, Radio, Advertising and Public Relations. The program focused on not only academic study, but also concerned with practical knowledge. Students are also required to take at least 140 hours of internship domestically or overseas.

2.  During the first 2 years, the program provided general education and core course like Journalism and News Editing, Advertising, Communication Research Methods and Electronic Media. After the 3rd year, the program focused on courses such as Practices in Media, Media Industry, and Integrated Marketing Communications.

3.  The students will earn the “Bachelor of Arts” degree from MCU after the full completion.

II. Qualification

1. Senior high school or vocational high school education, or the equivalent.

2. Good command of English (non-native English speakers should provide TOEFL IBT 61、TOEFL CBT 173 or IELTS 5.5 certificates).

III. Admission

Source of Funding for the Scholarship Program

The scholarship program designed for the undergraduate students is for the period from September 2012 through July 2016, funded by the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF).

Program Objectives

1.  Understand basic principle of journalism and mass communication

2.  Comprehend the responsibilities and ethic of journalist

3.  Employ advanced technologies to carry out the professional duties

4.  Master useful communication techniques of social media

Documents Required

1. Completed application form

2. TaiwanICDF Medical Report (including an HIV test) dated within the past three months

3. Two recent two-inch photos

4. Autobiography

5. Study plan written in English

6. One copy of passport

7. One photocopy of the applicant’s diploma with verification by the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Representative Office in the country of the issuing school (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original diploma is not in either language)

8. One photocopy of the applicant’s English yearly transcript with verification by the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Representative Office in the country of the issuing school (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original transcript is not in either language)

9. Two letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes

10. Evidence of English proficiency


All materials must be forwarded by the ROC (Taiwan) Embassy / Representative Office to the Office of International Education & Exchange Division, Ming Chuan University.


1. Original diploma of highest degree or graduation certificate and original yearly transcript must be in Chinese or English and have to be verified by ROC (Taiwan) Embassy/ Representative Office.

2. Bring certified original diploma and transcript to registration at MCU.

Other information

All international applicants for full-time undergraduate degree programs at MCU must apply to the university and your application will be considered by the MCU International Student Admissions Committee (ISAC) and a decision will be made on your application. After eight weeks, one of three things will happen:

1.  You will receive an admission from us if your qualifications meet our requirements.

2.  You will receive a conditional offer if you do not have all of the necessary qualifications.

3.  You may be advised that we can not make an offer at this stage if it is obvious from your application that you can not meet our requirements.

IV. Application Deadline: April 30, 2012

V. Contact Information

Ming Chuan University

Division of International Education & Exchange

No. 5 De-Ming Rd., Gui-Shan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan

TEL:886-3-3507001 ext. 3704/ 3703; FAX:886-3-3593891


Website: http://www1.mcu.edu.tw/Apps/SB/SB_Site.aspx?PageID=583

For more information please go to:


VI. Application Form & TaiwanICDF Medical Report

Application Number (For Office Use)


Ming Chuan University International Student Application Form

□Apply for Fall Semester. Application Period: From March 1 to May 31.

□Apply for Spring Semester. Application Period: From November 1 to December 1.

*Please type or print clearly in ink. This application will not be processed if not complete.

1. Name (as it appears on your passport) / 中文姓名
□ Mr. □ Mrs. □ Miss
Last (family) First (given) Middle
2.性別Gender □ Male □ Female / 3.生日 Date of Birth month/date/year
4.出生地 Birth Country / 5.國籍 Nationality
6.護照號碼Passport No. / 7.婚姻狀況 Marital Status □ Single □ Married
8.通知信郵寄地址Mailing Address
Street Address
City State/Province Country Postal Code
E-mail / Telephone No. / Fax No.
9.永久地址Permanent Address
Street Address
City State/Province Country Postal Code
E-mail / Telephone No. / Fax No.
10.父母姓名Parents’ Full Names
Father (Given Middle Family) Mother (Given Middle Family)
11. 學費來源Financial Support □ Self □ Family Relation
□ Scholarship Please specify □ Others Please specify
12. 欲選擇的主修課程Program you are applying for: (每人限勾選一項 Tick one □ only!)
12.1 英語授課課程English-taught program
Bachelor Program in International College
/ □  International Business and Management
□  International Trade and Management
□  Journalism and Mass Communication
c International Finance / □  Applied Computing
□  Travel and Tourism
□  Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
1 Post/ graduate / Graduate School of / School of
12.2 華語授課課程Chinese-taught program
1 學士課程Undergraduate / Department of / School of
1 研究所Post/ graduate / Graduate School of / School of
13. 教育背景Summary of Educational Experience
List in chronological order each high school/university attended.
Name of School / 所在城市
City / 就讀期間
Period (month /year) / 主修
Major / 平均成績
Grade Point Average
From to
From to
14. 語言能力Language Ability
14.1 TOEFL or IELTS Score分數 考試日期Date Taken
14.2 母語Native Language
14.3英語能力自我評估Self evaluation of English language ability
聽Listening / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
說Speaking / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
讀Reading / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
寫Writing / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
14.4華語能力自我評估Self evaluation of Mandarin language ability
聽Listening / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
說Speaking / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
讀Reading / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
寫Writing / 1優 Excellent / 1佳 Good / 1尚可 Average / 1差 Poor
15. 自傳與讀書計劃Autobiography & Study plan (另附A4一張Attached hereunder)
16. 切結書 Deposition (請詳細閱讀並逐一þ確認 Please read it carefully and tick all boxes þ that apply.)
¨1. I hereby certify that I do not hold the nationality of Republic of China. (Please refer to Article 2 of Nationality Law of the Republic of
China for ROC Nationality Definition.) 本人保證不具中華民國國籍法第二條所稱中華民國國籍。
¨2. I hereby certify that I do not possess overseas Chinese student status or have previously applied to colleges/universities with this status in Taiwan. 本人保證不具僑生身份且在台並未以僑生身份申請大學校院。
¨3. I hereby certify that the certificates of the highest-level diploma I provide are valid and authentic from my school, and they are equivalent to the degree level that universities/institutes offer in the Republic of China. 本人所提供之最高學歷畢業證書在畢業學校所在國家均為合法有效取得畢業資格,並所持之證件相當於中華民國國內之各級合法學校授予學位。
¨4. I hereby certify that I have not finished high school programs in Taiwan with international student status, or ever dropped out/withdrew form colleges/universities in Taiwan. 本人不曾在台以外國學生身份完成高中學校學程,或未曾經國內大學校院退學。
¨5. I hereby authorize Ming Chuan University to verify any information provided above. I am willing to follow the rules and regulations of Ming Chuan University without any objections should the information provided be found untruthful. 上述所陳之任一事項同意授權 貴校查證,如有不實或不符規定等情事屬實者,本人願依貴校相關規定辦理,絕無異議。
Applicant shall sign in person, same as your passport signature. Do NOT use printed name.
請確認你已經填妥以上所有的資料。Please make sure you tick all the boxes þ below.
申請人簽名 日期
Signed by Date
17. 文件檢查Check List
I hereby affirm that all information supplied on this form is complete and accurate. It is my understanding that I will not be considered for admission to Ming Chuan University until I have submitted all of the required documents:
þ An application form with two recent two-inch passport photos.
□  A Study plan.
□  A copy of passport.
□  One photocopy of high school diploma / University diploma with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original diploma is not in either language. The original verified certificate shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
□  One photocopy of official English yearly transcripts from all high school/ university years with verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. (English or Chinese verified version is also necessary if the original transcript is not in either language. The original verified transcripts shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
□  One photocopy of bank statement, with a minimum balance of US$6000 per person and verification by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office; or a copy of scholarship award notification. (The original verified bank statement shall be submitted upon registration at the beginning of the new semester.)
□  Two letters of recommendation in sealed envelopes.
□  One Language certificate (TOEFL Paper test 500 or TOEFL IBT 61 or TOEFL CBT 173)
revise 2010/12 IEE

Applying for: Ming Chuan University (MCU)

Undergraduate Program in Journalism and Mass Communication


PART 1: Personal Details and Health Declaration - to be completed by the applicant

I hereby certify that the following information is true and complete, and agree that any misrepresentation or deliberate omission of a material fact on this form may result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place or scholarship, or may result in the termination of any such offer at a future date. I hereby grant the TaiwanICDF permission to share information contained in my Medical Examination Form with relevant authorities.


PART 2: Medical Examination - to be completed by certified physician

☆Ming Chuan University (MCU) reserves the right to require the applicant to undergo a future medical examination after he/she arrives in the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Applying for: Undergraduate Program in Journalism & Mass Communication, MCU



Name: (Last)


(M. Initial)

Gender: Male□ Female□ Date of Birth: Y/ M/ D/

Health History:
Have you ever suffered any of the following conditions? Please mark X in appropriate box
Psychiatric illness
Tuberculosis (PTB)
Hypertension (HPT)
Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Heart Diseases
Malaria / □ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □ / Thyroid Diseases
Kidney Diseases
Venereal Diseases
German Measles (rubella) / □ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
Please State (if any)
Other illnesses
Operation / Surgical
Allergic to
Family Medical History (if any)
Father:…………………………………………… Mother: ……………………………………………
Past Year Life: Please select
1. Sleep: □7~8 hours every day □Under 7~ 8 hours □Often suffer from insomnia
2. If that is basic to exercise each time for 30 minutes and 3 times every week at least, did you achieve? □No □Yes
4. Do you often feel anxious and worried? □Few or not □Sometimes □Often
5. Do you often feel the chest is stuffy? □No □Sometimes □Yes
6. Stomach-ache? □No □Sometimes □Often;. Headache? □No □Sometimes □Often
7. The menarche (girl only): (1) The age of the menarche: ______years-old
(2) Is menstrual cycle regular? □No □Yes(Date of partition ______day)
(3) Do you ever have menstrual cramp phenomenon □No □Yes


Physician must complete all questions and give additional comment where necessary. Kindly note that physician is responsible for the information, suggestions and recommendation regarding the applicant’s health given in this form.

Certified original lab data need to be attached as reference.

Name of Applicant: Date of Birth

Y/ M/ D/

Physical Examination:
/ mmHg / WEIGHT:
EYES:□normal □color anomalous □other
EAR/NOSE/THROAT:□normal □auditory meatus abnormal □cleft lip and palate
□impending infarction □allergic rhinitis □chronic rhinitis □other
NECK:□normal □wryneck □goiter □the lymphoid swelling of gland is big □other
CHEST:□normal □thoracic anomaly □core noise □arrhythmias □other
CHEST X RAY:□normal □advertise for like the tuberculosis □pleura effusion □thoracic abnormality
□tuberculosis calcify □the spinal column side is curved up □cardiac hypertrophy
□bronchiectasis □other
ABDOMEN:□normal □hepatomegaly □splenomegaly □hernia □other
SPINAL COLUMN ARMS AND LEGS:□normal □scoliosis □frog limb □articulation deformity
□edema □other
SKIN:□normal □wart □purple plague □scabies □a dermatitis □other
MOUTH CAVITY:□normal □oral hygiene is poor □calculus □gingivitis □milk tooth □other
Urine Test:
Hepatitis B Test:
Serological Test for Syphilis:
HIV Test:
Pregnancy Test:
Is the applicant now under treatment for any physical or emotional condition?
Do you have any recommendations for the health care of this applicant?
By history and physical examination, is this applicant a carrier of any communicable disease?
I certify that I have examined the above applicant and in my opinion:
□ The applicant is medically fit to undertake a program in Taiwan
□ The applicant suffers mental or physical defects and is NOT in good health
Name of physician, Title / :…………………………………………………
Name of Hospital / Clinic / :…………………………………………………
Address / :…………………………………………………
Not valid if without the hospital or clinic’s seal

Applying for: Undergraduate Program in Journalism & Mass Communication, MCU