
As a group of mathematicians we appreciate the inherent worth and beauty of the subject. We feel it is important to share this experience. As a result we try to work together in a supportive manner to share good practice and new ideas, thus developing our teaching skills.

We offer equal opportunities to maximise experience both for teachers and students. This means that teachers have opportunities to teach all age groups and students are set to improve the quality of their learning experience.


The current mathematics team consists of:

Head of Mathematics;

Two Second in Department, one whois responsible for Key Stage 3 and 4, and the other for Engineering Development and Project Development;

Three full-time Teachers;

Three part-time Teachers;

One part-time Curriculum Support Assistant.


As this is a selective school our students come to us having studied mathematics to at least level 5 in their primary schools and although there is still a range of ability learning takes place at a high level. The girls have a positive attitude to the subject and are engaged in the development of new skills and ideas. Almost all students study for higher tier GCSE and at present over 100 continue their studies to KS5. Mathematics at university is a popular option.


We have adopted the National Numeracy Strategy for Years 7-9. The lessons are resourced using The Framework and Formula One Mathematics, with every student having a copy of the text New National Framework Mathematics. Teachers have been encouraged to adopt the three-part lesson, giving attention to lesson objectives and key vocabulary.

Years 8 and 9 are banded in half year groups.


Students are prepared for AQA Higher Tier GCSE modular course. Year 10 take two modules (Statistics in the autumn, Number in the summer). The last (Algebra)moduleis sat in June of Year 11.Textbooks are based on the AQA syllabus.

Students are set into 3 levels at the start of Year 10. Two groups do further extension work in Year 11; one group covers the AS syllabus and takes two modules, and a second studies an enriched syllabus with one AS module.


In the sixth form students follow the MEI course which is examined by OCR. Roughly 80 students take the subject up in Year 12 with about 60 continuing to the full A level. Of these about 35 / 15 will take further mathematics AS / A2.

AS mathematics contains C1, C2 and S1/M1 with C3, C4 and S2/M2 completing the A level. The further mathematics course also contains FP1, FP2, D1 and D2.

Mathematics at Sixth Form level is not set.


Teaching able students allows an opportunity to think of enrichment within the daily curriculum and this is what encourages the feeling of enjoyment for those studying the subject. We also have specific additional opportunities. Students in all years enter the Mathematical Challenge Competitions. Some Year 9 students take part in the Bromley Masterclasses and attend a follow up lecture in London. Students use road safety as part of year 9 statistics. As a part of the school enrichment week programme, mathematics offers various workshops. As an EngineeringSpecialistCollege, there are extra resources for the department to develop thinking skills and engineering-related topics within the department. Some Y13 students study an extra M3 module.


The mathematics department has dedicated teaching rooms. Each room has a small cupboard, which can resource lessons and contains numeracy strategy materials. The rooms are equipped with Interactive White Boards and have access to the Internet and maths specific software. Additional books and resources are kept in the main stock cupboard.


We use calculators at all stages within the school. The 5 ICT rooms can be booked for specific maths lessons as required.

The scheme of work includes provision of ICT to support learning.

March 2010