ACC New Jersey Board of Directors Retreat
November 14, 2016
Basking Ridge, NJ


  1. Introduction
  2. All were welcomed at 8:35am. Board Manuals were pre-distributed and permanent (official) board name badges were given to board members to keep for future events.
  3. Tori was introduced as Associate Vice President for Leadership and Development and Ariel Moyer as Chapter Director.
  4. All board members introduced themselves to Tori and Ariel.
  5. Board members were asked to take notes through the morning to use as reference points during the planned brainstorming sessions prior to lunch.
  6. A photo compilation of chapter highlights was shown titled “ACC New Jersey Reaches for the Stars.


  1. Explanation of Board Manuals and Retreat Objectives (the following is a list of inclusive materials in the manual – specific discussions about particular sections will be listed thereafter)
  2. Agenda
  3. Mission/Values ACC
  4. Bylaws
  5. BOD/Sponsors/Committees & Chairs & dates of meetings
  6. Chapter Requirements & Recommendations
  7. ACC Reserve Requirements & New Rebate Policy
  8. Internal Financial Controls
  9. Conflict of Interest Policy/Code of Conduct/Expectations
  10. ACC New Jersey Highlights
  11. Sponsorship Opportunities 2017
  12. Financials
  13. Strategic Plan
  14. An additional handout was given, outside the manual titled “Homework” which includes Pre-Retreat Questionnaire Revised to Post-Retreat Expectations, Goals for Post-Retreat, Regarding Strategic Planning and Goals, Regarding Board Meetings, Regarding Personal Performance. This document will be referred to at future meetings serving as jumping points from the retreat and a means to achieve follow through.

[following are notes from discussions of particular portions of the manual]

  1. Sponsors and Sponsorship Opportunities
  2. The list of sponsors was read and correlation was made with the section of the manual for sponsorship opportunities.
  3. Strength of sponsor firm commitment and participation was discussed and several sponsors were noted as questionable for renewal for 2017 (Advanced Discovery, Pashman Stein)
  4. Ad Hoc versus Metal sponsorship was differentiated.
  5. It was decided that each board member would be assigned one sponsor to reach out to attorney contacts to promote more open communications from attorney to attorney so that we can assess that their needs are being met.
  6. Lowenstein Sandler – Nicole
  7. Jackson Lewis – Nicole
  8. Fisher Phillips – Catherine
  9. Gibbons – Liliana
  10. Advance Discovery – open
  11. Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete – Kevin
  12. DLA Piper – Bert
  13. Grant Thornton – Kim
  14. K&L Gates- Bryon
  15. McCarter & English – Rohan
  16. Morgan Lewis – Joelle
  17. Pashman Stein – open
  18. Thompson Hine (not necessary due to nature of sponsorship)
  19. Update Legal – Michael
  20. Wilentz – Terri
  21. Wyatt Partners – Kevin
  22. Ad hoc sponsors: Cole Schotz - Maria, Genova – Terri
  23. The question was asked if there is a conflict of interest between the BOD proposing sponsorships to firms they work with. Tori Payne said “NO!” Many boards are very overt and proactive about this.
  24. Value proposition was discussed
  25. What do sponsors want?
  26. Aside from being invited to all events, what other value is offered? (ex. Visibility)
  27. How do our board and members sell our sponsors?
  28. Increased communications and programming benefits
  29. Can we work together to increase attendance at programs?
  30. Let’s refresh a list of benefits (Leslie will work with Nicole)
  31. Leslie asked about 2017 sponsorship package that must go out to sponsors soon – no time to refresh before package goes out – [Leslie to work with Nicole as VP Sponsorship to make small changes to new opportunity package]
  32. We discussed that as much as we give our sponsors visibility and marketing, the firms are also quite responsible for marketing themselves – they must be involved in our programs to help market and create their relationships with our members.
  33. Leslie will get sponsor engagement notes from Tori
  1. Committees
  2. Committees were reviewed and the board decided to omit Mergers & Acquisitions, Small Law Department, and Pro Bono committee meetings.
  3. It was decided that Health Law and Life Sciences roll together into one committee.
  4. Mark volunteered to run another Data Privacy committee meeting on one of the open dates, March 7, 2017
  5. The ACC New Jersey will have a morning Board meeting on the other open date, February 7, 2017.
  6. We will consider adding an Ethics & Compliance Committee if we can recruit a good candidate to chair.
  7. A new nominating committee was formed and includes Kevin, Bryon, Rohan, Terri, and Maria
  1. Conclusion-Administrative
  2. What kind of board do you want to be?
  3. Responsive?
  4. Engaged?
  5. Active?
  6. Passive?
  7. Involved?
  8. Tori and Leslie developed a pre-retreat questionnaire so that we could build the retreat around your needs. Most pre-retreat questionnaires were not returned so were turned into post-retreat expectations/homework to be discussed at a later time.
  9. [thank you to new board members – it became clear that new board members may have clearly been uninformed about “what ACC NJ Board members purpose/responsibilities are” – and therefore needed more information to answer these questions – thank you for this insight]
  1. The Strategic Plan slide show was shared for planting seed ideas for the upcoming brainstorming sessions.


  1. Financials
  2. Current checking account balance $29,062.08
  3. Current money market balance $438,755.08
  4. Budget was discussed
  5. Statement comparisons on all large events are in all binders (with budget)
  6. New items added to the budget are PR/marketing and program speakers
  7. Leslie will have bookkeeper eliminate storage unit.
  8. Members
  9. ACCNJ currently has approximately 1320 members
  10. Leslie will set up a call with Rohan and Tori to discuss Washington view of new members
  11. Newsletter
  12. Our “click rate” (number of readers) is approximately 7% over the last 7 months or read by approximately 92 people
  13. The board decided to publish our newsletter 4 times a year
  14. Leslie will confer with Washington to see if it might benefit us to provide our newsletter through National versus using our current company CommPartners.
  15. Social media was discussed – how do we BEST disseminate information?
  16. Communications were discussed along with PR – what services do we want?
  17. Communication with members
  18. Communication with sponsors
  19. Increase our geographic area
  20. Increase membership
  21. Increase attendance at programs and events
  22. Let’s gather info from members and sponsors to see how they like to receive information
  23. Leslie will get resources from Washington regarding PR experts
  24. The board formed a committee led by Maria and including Liliana, Michael, and Marnita to assess the needs of the chapter.
  25. We will see if there are any local, successful firms we can tap into.
  26. Leslie will get RFP from Washington.
  27. Program Highlights
  28. Chapter highlights were listed in the Board manual in the following areas:
  29. Education
  30. Networking
  31. Communication
  32. Community Service
  33. Diversity
  34. Pro Bono
  35. Charities
  36. Collaboration
  37. New registration and scanning systems for CLE programs
  38. The new systems received a gold star from the board (and members)
  39. We now have 3 methods to utilize in lieu of hand written “sign in and out” sheets.
  40. Download and log in to the app (free on phone)
  41. Scanning name badges
  42. Inputting in email address in system
  43. CLE certificates are received by attendees within 24-48 hours
  44. Evaluations (feedback) are built into the system so that attendees merely click into the program on their phones to send feedback
  45. There was a concern about draining battery due to the app. Leslie followed up immediately with the company and they have already fixed this problem!
  46. Rebates and Reserves
  47. Tori spoke about the new rebate and reserves policy
  48. All large law department rebates will stop as of October 2018
  49. Individual member rebates ($30 per member) will remain as long as chapter adhere to reserve requirement
  50. 6 months of operating expenses is the amount that National is now requiring for acceptable reserves in chapter bank accounts
  52. A justifiable and clear explanation is all that is needed to maintain reserves in excess of 9 months.
  53. Note that although the requirement is 6 months of reserves, a chapter can hold 9 months with no penalty
  54. Reserves are NOT to be spent down quickly and mindlessly. National expects this process of spend down to take about 5 years.
  55. It was noted that it is common to plan for the future – include this in our explanation
  56. NJ is currently at about 20 months of reserves, we should be very explanatory for our reasons in planning for the future –keep communications open
  57. Our chapter (NJ) has the rebate history for individual and large law departments listed in our Board Manual
  58. Discussion ensued regarding why the change in policy
  59. This requirement is a non -profit association with members “best practice”
  60. There are adverse tax consequences for over storing reserves for these entities


  1. Strategies for Board Engagement – How can we increase board engagement and participation
  2. What IS board engagement? How will our “new” board define it? What kind of board do you want to be re: engagement? What does that look like for you?
  3. Strategic Plan – long term plan for chapter -where do I as a board member fit in that plan?
  4. The board discussed Communication with members
  5. What is the best way to communicate with each other (app? Other than Email? Is there a better way?)
  6. When are programs???? Emails get lost –
  7. Members (and board members) would like to see a full picture of next month or two months –
  8. Let us evaluate communication vehicles
  9. Can we create an app – ACCNJ **** including calendar – that will push notifications – Leslie will look into this with our programmers
  10. Let’s start with an app for board specifically and then move on to our members – something more digitalized let everyone have more access to what we do
  11. When you sign up for program, let it automatically get populated in your calendar (ical file)
  12. Communications with and Questions about the Board
  13. Can we create calendar invite for board meetings - Leslie will check ORC to have invites sent to calendar
  14. Can we plan BOD meetings in advance? Ex 3rd Thursday in the month? Let’s plan for at least next 4meetings planned in advance? This will be easier for board member planning
  15. Skype? Shall we consider using this for any board meeting(s)?
  16. What do VP’s/Directors on ACCNJ Board do? This was asked by member and led to great discussion
  17. There are lists of VP responsibilities and duties in our Bylaws
  18. Leslie briefly explained some history of the chapter and stated that these jobs and responsibilities have mostly always been assigned to the Executive Director
  19. Our “new board” can reevaluate and recreate our Chapter as they see fit
  20. Catherine and Kimberly volunteered to review our current Bylaws that were revised in September 2016
  21. Leslie will set up conference calls with VP’s and Leslie and Tori for further orientation
  22. Executive summary poll
  23. Expectations
  24. Responsibilities
  25. Key events
  26. Lead contact
  27. What we’re about
  28. Book – Bryon will send Leslie intro welcome package for Litigation
  29. We could make this for board and for committees and for members
  30. Volunteer leader resource section for chapters – (Washington – Leslie will pursue and connect committee chairs and VPs with them)
  31. Board meetings
  32. Expectations of min # or board meetings were discussed - must attend 9 out of 12 board meetings
  33. Must be in person for 6?
  34. It’s important to show up at board meetings and events
  35. There have been Board members who have ignored Leslie’s emails so we didn’t know who would be showing up – it’s about engagement – we need communication –
  36. Have in person only designated meetings
  37. If we don’t give the phone option, people don’t use it!
  38. Mornings are better for some
  39. Polycom system purchase – Leslie will look into buying phone conference equipment
  40. Board needs to be coming to more CLE programs
  41. Everyone sign up for x number CLE programs
  42. Would everyone sign up for 2 programs a year?
  43. The board committed to 2 programs a year
  44. Can we create a charitable event for board members only - to foster closer connections
  45. Request for more notice on events
  46. Let’s decide on next 4-5 board meetings set now (hard with holidays – hard to preplan – may not work well)
  47. Everyone is so busy – try something different – we have been doing it flexibly, let’s plan every 6 weeks for board meetings
  48. If we space them out more, we may have a conference call in between – or at least with executive committee
  49. Will do survey - Leslie will get survey from Tori
  50. What is there to do here in sense of leadership?? SCOPE?
  51. Committees should be reporting every month
  52. VP, committee members, ad hoc committees, where is the strategy, where do we all fit?
  53. how do we all move forward for growth of the association
  54. GOAL: redefine what this board is!
  55. Committees do the bulk of work for the chapter – committees should report at every meeting
  56. Existing committees
  57. Do they make sense
  58. Are there goals and plans?
  59. Board engagement final summary
  60. Poll of board for feedback on dates and times of BOD meetings am/pm
  61. 3 meetings maybe 3 more
  62. More advanced notice and calendar invites
  63. Use of app use for board comm build out to members
  64. Board members committed to attending and introducing 2 CLE programs - Leslie will coordinate–
  65. Speaking on panels of these CLE programs is also a great opportunity for board members and furthers relationships with sponsors
  2. Corporate members – Kim is the only person from Novartis who comes to ACC events – questions arose
  3. How do we increase member attendance at CLE programs
  4. Sponsors – what do I GET for sponsorship – I get # people at programs
  5. Increasing visibility of sponsors
  6. Big event ex. rising stars – highlight people in that field, clients – increase visibility of sponsors –
  7. Actively promoting sponsors for speaking engagements – offer opportunities
  8. Approaching – how can we help sponsors solve their problems?
  9. Changing framework for getting business from companies – strategize about how to make them appealing (a value add to sponsorship)
  10. Develop faculty guidelines
  11. Sponsors marketing themselves to members – Leslie will get models from Washington – Wyatt good example – must tap in to what works for sponsors to market themselves
  12. Some members are in position to use outside counsel and some are not- many aren’t decision makers to bring in outside counsel – this could be disconnect –
  13. We need more value for what they are buying other than business
  14. Those paying higher dollar amounts, need more value – we need to think more about who their audience is.
  15. CLO event
  16. GC event
  17. Lawyers aren’t marketing specialists – can we help teach them more about marketing and networking?
  18. Engage with firms
  19. So much pressure for lawyers to bring in $$ - can we play the role to offer a reality check on this? – there are other ways besides $$ that get and make connections
  20. Should some companies invite outside counsel in to provide a CLE program? Rohan has this at Cognizant. This also addresses the issue of decision makers who will be at the meeting/program
  21. How do you spearhead membership and sponsor involvement at the same time?
  22. Track GCs –if GC attends event and is wowed, they’re going to push ACC to their staff
  23. Consider GC program event only!!
  24. HAVE CLO AND GC ONLY EVENTS –huge opportunity for us- Leslie will discuss with Bryon
  25. Also chief compliance officer event
  26. Explore engagement of Legal aps professionals – do we have a special category? Growing trend (non-attorneys but farming work out to firms ) they don’t have full membership benefits yet
  27. Leslie will follow up with Tori re legal aps (January)
  28. Kim has contact for this as well
  29. Create opportunities for our sponsors
  30. Speaking
  31. Networking
  32. Getting people in the room
  33. PLI / ALM association of women’s lawyers are there organizations in the legal community that we can co-sponsor events with?
  34. Key into professional development –
  35. Recap
  36. Legal aps program - pursue
  37. GC or CLO for premier sponsor – do a survey on this to see if members would be interested -(Leslie will get from Washington
  38. Develop marketing for sponsor (tips) - Leslie will talk with Tori
  39. Volunteer: (document of reference – Nicole)
  40. Shift responsibility of ROI to sponsor not on us
  41. We’ll meet with sponsors/lunch to discuss/brainstorm – how to generate leads – marketing 101 - Tori will work with Leslie
  42. Career professional development programs – Kim volunteered to lead committee (consider Sandra Bodin Lerner)
  44. Ex. Kim should be told to bring 5 people to a health care committee meeting
  45. Identify what industry board members are in–board members turned this in to Leslie
  46. Committee chairswill reach out to board members in that industry to come to meeting – if needed – Leslie will advise attendance
  47. Some committees seem to attract more than others – people have limited time – what will draw members to committee meetings? Make them new, different, and interesting
  48. In-house, like minded collaborations – sit with peers and discuss issues and get answers to questions and ideas
  49. Opportunity to have sponsors there for hot topics and attendees get CLE credits
  50. Micro-networking dinners can be committee based as well
  51. Are we required to have “events” for every committee? (no)
  52. Focus on key committees or areas of interest for one year
  53. Are we happy with number of committees?
  54. Should we keep them all?
  55. Should we get new ones?
  56. Can we align with NJ Bar association?
  57. Local orgs that don’t conflict are chapter decision
  58. Yes if content is good can even include outside firms
  59. No potential threats – work together
  60. Committee goals
  61. Encourage or set overall goals?
  62. Rolling schedule – 1 meeting, then committee decides where to go
  63. Should we have scope document for committee chair?
  64. Tori and Leslie will write document and send to board to discuss and vote
  65. Segway in networking lunches or dinners
  66. CLE event with national chapter – already doing – do events with national committees
  67. Can committee chairs effectively do a few meetings/programs a year?
  68. Advice -chairs please get agendas to Leslie – handouts can come from ACC – Leslie will ask Tori
  69. Committee chairs can also partner with member –
  70. LDI
  71. Miini MBA program
  72. Mindfulness program
  73. Double headers CLE + cultural or sporting event
  74. Prudential Center – Devils game or concert
  75. Ski and CLE (Guitar and CLE)
  76. Free coupons
  77. Promotion – Dec 1- Jan 31 incentive chapters to promote midyear meeting ($100 to chapter per person to get people to go to meeting)
  78. CLO and GC programs
  79. How Washington can Help
  80. Marketing materials
  81. Portable programs
  82. ACCNJ All Abilities Program IS a portable program!
  83. Increased advertising
  84. Chapter specific egroups
  85. ACC will manage our egroups for all committees
  86. Spring LDI is April 7 in New Orleans
  87. We should consider sending upcoming leaders
  88. Also to mid-year
  89. Online QuickBooks (we already have
  90. Conference call system
  91. Globalization
  92. 2017 is year 5 of strategic plan
  93. New plan is forming for next 5 years
  94. 12 surveys will be going out to members
  95. Cross border – National will sponsor audio webcasts
  96. Continue initiatives between National and New Jersey chapter - collaboration
  97. Leslie will look into all of the above

Retreat ended at 1:00PM