July 23, 2012

Assistive Technology Process

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Table of Contents IU1 Assistive Technology Process

IU1 Assistive Technology Decision-Making Tree………………………………….. 6

IU1 Assistive Technology Options

Option A 7

Option B 8

Option C 8

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs 10

AT & the IEP 10

AT Recommendations 11

AT Services & Settings 12

AT Consultation Follow-up 12

AT Funding…………………………………………………………………………………… 12

AT School-Age & Early Intervention Services…………………………………. 13

IU1 Assistive Technology Considerations Checklists 14

AT Intervention for Communication 14

AT Intervention for Computer Access 14

AT Intervention for Mathematics 15

AT Intervention for Organization 15

AT Intervention for Reading 15

AT Intervention for Seating and Positioning 16

AT Intervention for Sensory Needs 16

AT Intervention for Writing 17

IU1 Request for Assistive Technology Consultation 19

The SETT Framework - Part 1, Collaborative Consideration of Student

Need for Assistive Technology Devices and Services………………………… 42

The SETT Framework – Part II, Incorporating AT into School Tasks 44

Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan and Rating Scale 45

Assistive Technology Roles and Responsibilities Matrix 46

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IU1 Assistive Technology Process

Please note the following changes that go into effect at the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year

1.  This document contains all necessary information to assist in determining assistive technology for a student – whether facilitated by the IU1 Assistive Technology Consultants or conducted by an individual student’s IEP team.

2.  Teams make a decision as to whether the services of the Assistive Technology Consultant are required. Three options are offered and highlight the specific forms that must be completed for the desired level of service.

a.  Option A – The team requires assistance from the IU1 AT Consultant to identify AT for IEP/program planning purposes. The following options for assistance are available:

1)  Pre-Referral Screening

i.  The LEA/designee will notify the parents of the screening request for a particular area(s) (See REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form).

ii. The LEA/designee sends REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form and any appropriate intake forms to the Assistive Technology (AT) secretary.

iii.  Upon receipt of the REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form, the AT secretary will stamp and date, and distribute to the Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant.

iv.  The AT Consultant will schedule the screening, which will consist of an observation of the student.

v. Prior to the screening, the AT Consultant will review the intake forms.

vi.  The AT Consultant will make recommendations for consideration to the student’s school-based team.

vii.  The school-based team will receive a summary report within 4 weeks from the date of the screening.

2)  Evaluation

i.  The LEA/designee will send a copy of the signed Permission to Evaluate and the REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form along with the appropriate intake forms and any other pertinent information is sent to the AT Secretary.

ii. Upon receipt of the REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form, the AT secretary will stamp and date, and distribute to the AT Consultant.

iii.  The AT Consultant will complete the evaluation and will submit a report to the IEP team for consideration and possible inclusion in the student’s Evaluation Report (ER). The report will make recommendations as to the student’s need for assistive technology in order to access his/her general education curriculum.

iv.  The student’s IEP team will consider the recommendation of the AT evaluation when developing the IEP. If needed, “assistive technology” will be checked under the “special considerations” section of the IEP and will then be reflected as specially designed instruction, supplemental aids and services, program modifications, supports for school personnel and/or incorporated into the student’s IEP goals/objectives.

3)  Re-evaluation

i.  The IEP team must meet and determine that there is a need for additional data and complete the Reevaluation Report (RR) and issue the Permission to Reevaluate Consent form.

ii. The LEA/designee will send the REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form along with the signed Permission to Reevaluate Consent form, RR and current IEP to the AT secretary.

iii.  The AT Consultant will complete the evaluation and will submit a report to the IEP team in order to complete the “DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR ADDITIONAL DATA, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS” of the RR. The report will make recommendations as to the student’s need for assistive technology in order to access his/her general education curriculum.

iv.  The student’s IEP team will consider the recommendations of the AT evaluation when developing the IEP. If needed, “assistive technology” will be checked under the “special considerations” section of the IEP and will then be reflected as specially designed instruction, supplemental aids and services, program modifications, supports for school personnel and/or incorporated into the student’s IEP goals/objectives.

4)  Consultation

i.  The LEA/designee will notify the parents of the consultation request for a particular area(s) (See REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form).

ii. The LEA/designee sends REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form and any appropriate intake forms to the AT secretary.

iii.  Upon receipt of the REFERRAL FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES form, the AT secretary will stamp and date, and distribute to the Assistive Technology Consultant.

iv.  The Assistive Technology Consultant will schedule the consultation that consists of observation, one-on-one work with the student, and team meeting.

v. The LEA will designate at least two team members to meet with the Assistive Technology Consultant to discuss recommendations and draft an action plan following the consultation, based on the Student Environment Task Tools (SETT) Framework, refer to FAQ on page 10. It is the school’s responsibility to share recommendations with parents if they are not participating in the meeting.

b.  Option B – The team has a clear idea of which assistive technology should be trialed or implemented. Assistance is needed in acquiring loans or learning about product features. An onsite consultation is not conducted; a team meeting or communication with the Assistive Technology Consultant may be useful. Request for Short Term Loan is to be initiated by member of the IEP Team and processed by IU1.

1)   The IEP team documents the specific tasks and environments for which assistive technology is being considered for an individual student.

2)   The IEP team specifies the specific tools that need to be acquired for trial or training purposes.

3)   The IEP team defines the roles and responsibilities of team members who then coordinate loan and training needs with the Assistive Technology Consultant.

o  Option C – The team does not require the services of the IU1 AT Consultant; however, the team wants to document information in preparation for IEP planning or program development. An onsite consultation is not conducted, a team meeting with the Assistive Technology Consultant is not necessary. Instead, the team may opt to use portions of the IU1 assistive technology form for record-keeping and data collection purposes, i.e. SETT Framework, Data Collection Forms, etc.


IU1 Assistive Technology Decision-Making Tree

Is assistive techology needed

Does the team require assistance

from the IU AT Consultant?

Does the team have sufficient Does the team have sufficient

assistive technology data to assistive technology data to

develop the IEP? develop the IEP?

Follow directions to Option A Follow directions for Option B Follow Directions for Option C Develop IEP as appropriate.

The team requires assistance The team has a clear idea of The team does not require the Check “Yes” under Section 1

from the IU 1 Consultant to which assistive technology services of the IU 1 AT (page 4) of the IEP: “Special

identify AT for IEP/Program should be trialed or Consultant; however, the team Considerations for Assistive

planning purposes. implemented. Assistance is wants to document information Technology, Present Education

needed in acquiring loans or in preparation for IEP planning Levels, Goals & Objectives

learning about product features. or program development using SDI’s, etc.

the SETT Framework and data

collection forms.

IU1 Assistive Technology Options

Option A

The team requires assistance from the IU1 AT Consultant to identify AT for IEP/program planning purposes.

1.  Team completes Referral For Assistive Technology Services (p. 18) and forwards to district administrator/LEA for approval.

2.  Administrator/LEA approves request.

3.  Request and required documentation is sent to IU1 AT Program.

4.  Request is confirmed, Parent/Teacher In-Take Forms sent out, and pre-referral screening, evaluation/reevaluation, or consultation is scheduled.

a.  If a pre-referral screening is requested, the AT consultation will complete an observation of the student. Prior to the screening, the AT Consultant will review the intake forms. The AT Consultant will make recommendations for consideration to the student’s school-based team. The school-based team will receive a summary report within 4 weeks from the date of the screening.

b.  If an evaluation is requested, the AT Consultant will complete the evaluation and will submit a report to the IEP team for consideration and possible inclusion in the student’s Evaluation Report (ER). The report will make recommendations as to the student’s need for assistive technology in order to access his/her general education curriculum. The student’s IEP team will consider the recommendation of the AT evaluation when developing the IEP.

c.  If a reevaluation is requested, the AT Consultant will complete the evaluation and will submit a report to the IEP team in order to complete the “DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR ADDITIONAL DATA, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS” of the RR. The report will make recommendations as to the student’s need for assistive technology in order to access his/her general education curriculum. The student’s IEP team will consider the recommendations of the AT evaluation when developing the IEP.

  1. If a consultation is requested, a follow-up team meeting to complete the SETT Framework documents (outlined below) and discuss a plan of action will be conducted following the completion of the one-on-one work with the student. The SETT Framework – Part I, Collaborative Consideration of Student Need for Assistive Technology Devices and Services form (p.39)*

1)  The SETT Framework – Part II, Incorporating AT Into School Tasks form (p. 41)*

2)  Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan and Rating Scale form (p. 42)*

3)  Assistive Technology Roles and Responsibilities Matrix form (p. 43)*

5.  AT Consultant will follow-up, if requested, to assist in implementing/programming of short-term loan device(s).

6.  AT trainings are scheduled and conducted as needed.

7.  IEP team meets to review outcomes of trials and/or recommendations are discussed via *aforementioned documentation.

8.  AT Consultants will attend any follow up meetings IF requested by IEP Team.

9.  Student’s IEP is revised or developed as appropriate.

a.  If needed, “assistive technology” will be checked under the “special considerations” section of the IEP.

b.  Use general terminology in Section IV, Part A—Program Modifications and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) of the IEP.

c.  If necessary, document training needs of staff under Section VI, Part C—Supports for School Personnel.

d.  If needed, assistive technology will be incorporated into the student’s IEP goals/objectives.

Option B

The team has a clear idea of which assistive technology should be trialed or implemented. Assistance is needed in acquiring loans or learning about product features.

1.  District IEP Team completes the following forms and submits them to the IU1 AT Program:

  1. The SETT Framework – Part II, Incorporating AT Into School Tasks form (p. 41)
  2. Assistive Technology Roles and Responsibilities Matrix form (p. 43)

2.  Trials of devices or software may be accessed via the following and processed by IU1 (as requested by district):

  1. Loaner equipment from the PaTTAN short-term program (www.pattan.net/supportingstudents/shorttermloan.aspx)
  1. Pennsylvania Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) AT Lending Library (www.disabilities.temple.edu/programs/assistive/atlend/)
  2. Demo software, loans or rental from AT Vendors

3.  Equipment trials and training are conducted as needed—Team completes AT Trial Period Plan and Rating Scale.

4.  IEP team meets to review outcomes of trials and/or recommendations.

5.  Student’s IEP is revised or developed, as appropriate.

  1. Use general terminology in Section IV, Part A—Program Modifications and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) of the IEP.
  1. If necessary, document training needs of staff under Section VI, Part C—Supports for School Personnel.

Option C

The team does not require the services of the IU1 AT Consultant; however, the team wants to document information in preparation for IEP planning or program development.

1.  Team MAY complete the assistive technology forms to use within their own team planning process. No information needs to be submitted to the IU1 AT Consultant.

  1. Assistive Technology Intake Form (p. 19)
  2. Parent Intake Form (p.26)
  3. The SETT Framework – Part I, Collaborative Consideration of Student Need for Assistive Technology Devices and Services form (p. 39)
  4. The SETT Framework – Part II, Incorporating AT Into School Tasks form (p. 41)
  5. Assistive Technology Trial Period Plan and Rating Scale form (p. 42)
  6. Assistive Technology Roles and Responsibilities Matrix form (p. 43)

2.  Trials of devices or software may be accessed via:

  1. Loaner equipment from the PaTTAN short-term program (www.pattan.net/supportingstudents/shorttermloan.aspx)
  1. Pennsylvania Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) AT Lending Library (www.disabilities.temple.edu/programs/assistive/atlend/)
  2. Demo software, loans or rental from AT Vendors
  3. District-owned devices/software


Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Assistive Technology (AT)

What is an Assistive Technology Device?

Definition: An Assistive Technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. The term does not mean a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device (34 CFR 300.5).