Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders

Dear Leader,

I am filled with excitement that this packet has reached your hands!Greatamounts of prayer, planning, and counsel have gone into the opportunity in front ofyou!

One of the greatest joys I have as the Founder and Director of NextGenRGV is helping to develop and release young men and women into their destiny. Watching them face their fears of failure and becoming established in their God-given identity is very rewarding. It is truly an honor and privilege to see them thrive and overcomechallenges.

When I first started in ministry, I really didn’t have anyone expose me to different facets and orbits of ministry perspectives. Today, I am burdened for young men and women who havestepped into various ministry roles and need some type of exposure to great leadership models and lives. Due to the lack of finances, location, church structure, and time, most young leaders simply do not have the access to leadership insight.

This is why the TRIBEwas created. It is designed to give you access to other great leaders that are currently doing effective work for the Kingdom. The TRIBE offers youthe opportunity to develop your gifts while modeling godly integrity,leadership insight, and personal growth responsibilities. From having access to a team of seasoned ministry leaders, scheduledgatherings and resources, it all works towards the purpose of developing you and the call of God on yourlife.

It’s time for YOU to enter into a season of DESTINY TRAINING and this packet isthe first step in the right direction. Let us journey together in dedicating this journey to excellenceand transformation on all levels. It would be an honor to have you be a part of the TRIBE.This packet will give you more details for this uniqueopportunity.

Believing in you,

Abram Gomez

Founder andDirector of NextGenRGV & the TRIBE


The TRIBE is a 6-month leadership & coaching cadre that will help you in character development as well as teach you how to cultivate the call of God on your life. One of the biggest reasons leaders burn outis because of the lack of next level training. The TRIBE will edify your strengths and will impart wisdominto your vision.


Individuals with a calling to ministry leadership between the ages of 18-35 years old.


The TRIBE is designed to encourage and strengthen young leaders. Here’s a short list of reasons why you should join:

  • You are called to work in theministry.
  • You need next level training so you can operate at your highest level ofpotential.
  • You want to establish lifelong kingdomrelationships.
  • You want exposure to current national voices in ministry.


From January 2016 to June 2016 - Specific dates & times will be given once your application has been processedaccepted.

5. WHAT DOES THE TRIBEINCLUDE?(This is based on what level you choose)

Phone Conference Calls – Once a month, you will draw from a time of teaching and Q & A from PastorAbramand/or a special guest. This will take place on the thirdThursday of everymonth.

Resources – Over the course of the semester, each TRIBE member will receive a variety of resources.You can expect anything from audio messages, e-books, sermon outlines, and othertools.

Direct Communication – You will receive Pastor Abram’s personal contact information to keepthelines of communication open. Pastor Abram and his team are ready to answer any questions you may haveandgive insight on issues ranging from personal life to ministry practices.

Access to the OUTPOUR Conference- Outpour is a three-day conference geared towards youth & young adults in San Benito, TX. At OUTPOUR, youwillhear from seasoned leaders who are elevating the nextgeneration across the nation.


A donation to NextGenRGV covers the 6 Month TRIBESessions for one of three levels.


  • Access to Conference Call once a month
  • A Monthly Phone Call from one of our Coaches
  • Tribe T-shirt
  • Access to the TRIBE Facebook Private Group

INTERN LEVEL - $350.00

  • Access to Conference Call once a month
  • A Monthly Phone call from one of our Coaches
  • Tribe T-shirt
  • Access to the TRIBE Facebook Private Group
  • A Weekly email with updates and news from the TRIBE
  • Monthly Ministry Resources
  • Free Registration to Outpour Conference

LEADER LEVEL - $500.00

  • Access to a Conference Call once a month
  • A Monthly Phone call from one of our Coaches
  • Tribe T-shirt
  • Access to the TRIBE Facebook Private Group
  • Weekly email with updates and news from TRIBE
  • Monthly Ministry Resource
  • Free Registration to Outpour Conference
  • A CD set of Pastor Abram's Youth Ministry (10 Sessions) or Church Administration (12 Sessions)
  • A Leadership Book
  • CD Copy of Tad Ruiz Album


First Name: ______Last name: ______Date of Birth:______

Gender: __ Male __Female Marital Status: ______

Home Address:______City: ______


Email:______Cell (_____) ______-______Work: (_____) _____ - ______


Please select the statement that best applies to your current ministrystanding:

I am a full-time pastor/leader, and I receive a full-time salary forsuch.

I am a primary leader of our ministry, and I receive partial salary forsuch.

I am a primary leader of our ministry but I do not receive any financial compensation forsuch.

In addition to working in ministry, do you have another paidoccupation?

__ Yes __No If Yes-what is youroccupation/job? ______







WhatisthenameoftheSeniorPastorofyourchurch?______Church / Ministry Address:______City: ______

State/Province: ______Zip / Postal Code:______Country:______


Church / Ministry Website (if any):______

Howlargeisyourtotalchurch(approx.attendanceonanaverageSundaymorning)? _____


Approximately,howmanypeopledoesyourministry team/service (example: youth, worship)averageonaweeklybasis?______

NOTE: Please give a non-evangelistic weekly AVERAGE.

Approximately, what is the size of your leadershipteam?______

If youth ministry -out of this numberapproximately:

_ _ are still in high school (studentleaders)

_ _are college-aged leaders

___ are adult leaders (mid 20s orabove)

Does your ministry currently have a small group ministry implemented? oYes oNo


involved in smallgroups?




Please attach your answers to these questions on a different sheet of paper (orothermedia). Please clearly mark everything with yourname.

  1. If you were selected to join THE TRIBE, describe what you would hopeto gain from this experience?
  1. If you could change one thing about your current place in ministry, whatwould that be andwhy?
  1. If you could change one thing about YOURSELF personally, what wouldthatbe andwhy?
  1. Tell us a little about your family andministry.