Dr. Michael Catapano Dr. Jeffrey Woodberry

Principal, H.S. West Principal, H.S. East

September 2013

Dear Parent,

My name is Douglas Gannon and I am the School to Business Partnership Coordinator for the Half Hollow Hills Central School District. The School to Business Partnership is a networking group that will assist our students during their high school career and beyond. This program focuses on helping our students through many avenues such as internships, job shadowing, networking events, and mentoring. We are looking to build and grow this program in Half Hollow Hills and need your help. This program is looking for individuals and companies that are willing to pass down their expertise and knowledge to our students. Our community contains a wealth of people in corporate America. Connections with our community will enable us to utilize all of these resources and create a large group to assist our students.

Some of the topics planned for 2013-2014 contain the following: networking, what a student needs to know about the corporate world, job shadowing, mentor/mentee programs, scholarships, business etiquette, resume writing, interviewing, etc. This program will better prepare our students for college and the professional workplace. We also will be hosting our 2nd Annual Half Hollow Hills Shark Tank Competition this year which is sponsored by the School to Business Partnership

If being a part of our School to Business Partnership interests you or your company, either fill out the information below or visit our website at http://www.hhh.k12.ny.us/page.cfm?p=977638. A confirmation email will be sent to you when your information is received. Thank you again for all of your help. I look forward to meeting with you at one of our events. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Doug Gannon

School to Business Partnership Coordinator

Business Teacher

Half Hollow Hills HS West

Please fill out and return to: Doug Gannon, School to Business Partnership Coordinator, HS West,

375 Wolf Hill Road, Dix Hills, N.Y. 11746

Name: Company:

Years with Company: Position/Occupation:

Work Mailing Address:


Interested in: ___ Mentoring ____ Guest Speaker ____ Networking Event ____ Internships