28-30 Colonial Springs Road
Wheathley Heights, NY11798
Phone (631) 334-6206
Fax (631) 539-6673
A journey of a thousand miles (lifetime) begins with the first step.
Remember; The Young Shall Grow.
It is Egg that later becomes the Roaster.
Bright Start today, brighter future and greater tomorrow.
Welcome To Bright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc. (BSECP).
Your handbook is a collaborative effort between staff, parents, and the Program Directors. Our goal is to provide quality childcare within a developmentally appropriate learning environment. We strive to ensure that everyone has a positive experience and enjoys their time with our childcare family. Parents/Guardians are respected partners in achieving this goal. Your suggestions and contributions are always welcome. This book is always a work in progress! Any changes will be reflected in future updates. If you have any other questions, please feel free to discuss them with the Program Director.
Table of Contents
I. Our Center.
II. Enrollment & Financial Information.
III. Children’s Programs.
IV. Health Policies & Emergency Procedures.
V.Nutrition Program / Healthy Eating.
VI.Parent Involvement.
VII.Other Items You Should Know.
VIII. Protecting Children identified as victim of indicated abuse.
IIX. Parent Handbook Synopsis.
I. Our Center
Program Philosophy Statement: Bright Start Early Childhood Programstrives to provide a safe, healthy and nurturing environment that facilitates children to grow, discover, and learn through a variety of age and developmental appropriate experiences.
Our philosophy is designed to enhance the whole child in a positive atmosphere of warmth and caring. Through our awareness of child development and consistency in our care, our goal is to meet the social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs that are unique to each child.
Children learn through their daily experiences and routines to make decisions, to carry out responsibilities, to express themselves creatively and to discover friendships. Children are exposed to music, movement, art, science, reading, dramatic play, life skills, blocks, outdoor play and manipulative experiences. Themes are planned around the interests of each group of new children and staff.
A daily schedule helps to provide a familiar flow to each day. It balances active and quiet play with child and teacher directed activities within various learning programs.
We strive to achieve these goals through the partnership of child, parent, school, community, Center staff and appropriate regulatory agencies.
II. Enrollment & Financial Information:
Admission: Admission at Bright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc. is an ongoing process and we accept applications year round. Acceptance into our program is only limited by space availability and completion of all necessary paperwork. Care is provided on a priority basis to meet full time childcare needs. Part-time care may be available for no less than 2 days per week. Waiting lists are routinely updated, checked, and revised to assist parents in placement of their child/children.
Admission is complete with the following steps being taken:
1. Interview/Tour with the Director or designated person in charge.
2. Completed Application packets.
3. Completed and current Medical/Immunization Form from the child’s doctor
4. Parent Contract signed and returned
5. Registration Fee is received ($0.00 per family)
6. First two week’s tuition payment is received in advance of service
An on-site orientation visit is mandatory for both parent/guardian and child prior to enrollment. The length of the visit may vary depending upon the needs of the child and time restraints of the parent/guardian. The Director may be contacted to schedule a time that is best for all parties.
Hours of Operation and Holidays: The Program is open from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. We are also open most snow days and Parent Days when the School Districtis closed.
The Center will be closed the following days:
New Years Day; Columbus Day for Staff Development; Memorial Day for Staff Development; Independence Day; Thanksgiving; Thanksgiving Friday; Labor Day; Christmas Day
The Program willclose at 2:00 pm on the following days: Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Program will be closed on the Friday prior to the holiday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Program will be closed on the following Monday.
9 Hour Days: For the well being of your child, we ask that he or she not be in attendance at day care for more than 9 hours a day. If you feel you will be unable to adhere to this guideline please speak with the Director.
Tuition and Fees General Info
Delinquent Accounts: Bright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc.’s goal is to have an open and positive relationship with each family. We understand that family finances may change or be stretched from time to time making it difficult to pay your child care bill. We ask parents/guardians to discuss these matters with the Director.
Payments: Tuition Fee Statements will be placed in your mailbox. A TUITION BOX is available at the Administrative Office for you to drop your payments into. Please make payments payable to: “Bright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc.”. Someone is usually in the office daily to receive your payment as well. You may also use the Director’s Box to drop of important paperwork or correspondences with the Director. When possible we would prefer that payments be made by check. It is easier to trace when an error occurs. If you must pay by cash, please be sure to ask for a receipt from one of our staff members.
Subsidized Parents DSS:(Suffolk County Department of Social Services)Bright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc.provides some subsidized child care spaces. Families are required to contact their local office, to speak to a representative from the Day Care Unit. DSS may set a co-pay fee which you are required to pay to Bright Start. DSS families are responsible for paying their childcare fees, as per our contract, when due.
Field Trips: From time to time parents will also be asked to contribute funds towards an outing, field trip, special event, or organized group activity.
Contract Agreement:You will be required to sign Childcare Service Contract Agreement. If it is not attached to your Parent Handbook please ask a staff member to provide one.
1. Contract Period:Each contract period is from January 1st to December 31st. The Program reviews contracts every Fall, and will inform parents in advance of tuition and other relevant changes that may take place at the beginning of each fiscal year.
2. Childcare Schedule:You are contracting for a childcare space in our Program. Staffing patterns are determined by the schedules contracted by you in compliance with NYS Child Care Regulations. Therefore, you must adhere to the contracted schedule selected. No variance is permitted unless cleared by the Program Director in advance. We expect you to call in any delays or absences if your child is normally expected at the Program, but will not be attending.
3. Registration Fee:Upon admission to the Program a registration fee of $0.00 per family will apply upon registration.
4. Annual Contract Renewal Fee: At the time of our annual contract renewal a $0.00 fee will be charged per family.
5. Tuition Fee: Tuition fees are billed two weeks in advance of care. The first two week’s tuition is due on the first day of your child’s attendance at the center. A fee statement will be placed in your mailbox every other Tuesday. Alterations to your bill will be reflected on your next fee statement. Payment is due on or before the Monday following receipt of your statement.
6. Late Payment Fee: A Late Payment Fee of $10.00 will be charged if payment is not received by the close of business on the MONDAY following receipt of your Fee Statement and if the child is allowed to attend the Program.
7. NSF Fee: You will be charged a $30.00 fee for any check returned to us for Non-Sufficient Funds.
8. Late Pick-Up Fee: The Program is licensed to open at 6:00 am and to close at 6:30 pm. Please pick up your child/children promptly. A Late Fee of $20.00 for pickup after 6:30 to 6:45, and $10.00 for every 5 minutes after 6:15 for each child at the Program beyond our 6:00 p.m. closing. Late fees will be added to your next Fee Statement, and it will be your responsibility to pay the late fee. If you anticipate that you will be late please call the center to inform our staff.
9. Holding Fee: A $50.00 holding fee is required if you would like to withdraw your child/ren from the program and wish to reserve your spot for a later date (i.e. during summer or winter vacation).
10. Unpaid Balances: Any special arrangements for payment must be made in advance with the Director. Absent of any special arrangements, children of those parents with unpaid balances of MORE THAN ONE WEEKS will be subject to withdrawal from the program until their account is current.
11. Delinquent Accounts: Delinquent Accounts are subject to a continued late fee charges of $15.00 every tuition period. If payment agreements are not fulfilled and delinquency notices go unanswered, the Program will seek legal restitution. A delinquent account will be given to a credit-reporting agency. Parents/Guardians are responsible for any fees incurred from the agency as well as the amount of the delinquent payment.
12. DSS Families: DSS or other Subsidized Parents/Guardians are responsible for payment of their fees every week.A $15.00 late fee will be applied if payment is not received in a timely manner.
13. DSS Attendance Requirements: If your child is not at the Program during the times you have contracted, or at the day care beyond the times you have contracted, you will be responsible for paying the amount DSS is not obligated to pay.
14. Absence Vouchers: Under future consideration.
15. Sibling Discount: There is a 5% reduction in tuition on the lower paying childcare fee for full fee families who have more than one child enrolled at the Center.This discount does not apply to DSS subsidized parent.
16. Holidays: We are closed the following holidays: New Years Day; Memorial Day (staff development); Independence Day; Labor Day; Columbus Day (staff development); Thanksgiving; Thanksgiving Friday; Christmas Day, New Years Day. We are closed at 2:00 pm on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. If a holiday should fall on a weekend, the weekday closest to that holiday will be the day the center will be closed to observe the holiday.
17. Inclement Winter Weather: Bright Start Early Childhood Programwill be open regardless of public school closings and/or delays. In the rare event that the Center will close, it will be announced on a designated radio and television station. Please call the center to ensure a staff member is at the center to take your child. If there is a point where the number of children will exceed the child/staff ratio, the next parent to arrive at the Center will be asked to stay until the next staff member arrives. Listen to Public Radio for our closure announcement. The following television station will also be notified of the Center’s delays or closings: TV channel 12.Please call the center to ensure we are open!
18. Closures: There is no Tuition Reduction for the holidays, winter delays or closings observed by the center. These days are already figured into the tuition rate scale.
19. Withdrawal Policy Two weeks written notice must be given to the Center prior to your child’s last day of attendance. Please be aware that you are responsible for payment of services until the withdrawal date. Your courtesy is appreciated not only for billing purposes, but your child’s vacant spot may make it possible for another child to attend our program.
20. Future Contract ChangesBright Start Early Childhood Program, Inc., will review future changes to the NY State Market Rates as they become available, and increase Tuition Rates as deemed necessary at that time. Parents will be required to sign a contract agreement should the Program make any changes to current tuition and fee rates.
Transportation: School Age children are bused while school is in session. Upon enrollment you must notify the bus company that your child will be attending our Program. In case an expected child does not arrive at the Program, staff will call the parents or the bus company. All the buses are equipped with radios so we can contact the bus company to see if a child got on the wrong bus, fell asleep, or did not get off the bus. Please let us know if your child will not be coming off the bus.
Classroom Management: The Teachers provide a warm, nurturing environment for each child and guidance to teaching assistants. All staffs are involved in professional development to enhance “best practice” quality care and remain sensitive to each child’s needs. Our philosophy is to foster positive self-esteem throughout the Program in order to encourage children to feel good about themselves, their classmates and their caregivers.
III. Children’s Programs:
Behavior Management Policy: The Program Behavior Management (usually known as Discipline Policy) is to guide and teach, and help the child develop the internal controls to behave appropriately.
Our staffs use positive behavior management techniques to help children understand adult expectations for behavior, to anticipate possible conflict situations and to intervene in a timely manner to prevent problems from occurring or escalating.
Teachers circulate, and strategically place themselves within full view of the room and outdoor areas, and use humor,imagination, redirection and consistency to assist the children in developing self-control.
Staffsdo not use corporal punishment or frightening methods of control; isolate; humiliate; or withhold food or sleep as a punishment.
Emphasis is placed on teaching alternative behaviors and giving each child situations to practice and establish new, acceptable habits.
Staff may utilize a“cooling off” timewhen a child is in danger of hurting him/herself or others. This brief period is intended as a time for the child toregain his/her self-control in order to better communicate and listen to the needs of all involved.
When necessary, a parent-teacher conference will be requested to employ future strategies for all involved.
The Program reserves the right to withdraw any child who endangers the welfare of the children, staff or program.
Nap/Rest Time: The toddler and preschool children have a rest time after lunch. If a child does not sleep, he/she needs to rest their body and mind. Children bring their own pillow and blanket. The children must rest quietly on their cots for one hour, after which time, if he or she is awake, he/she is offered quiet activities until the remaining children are up.SACC children have a quiet time, reading or doing art projects.
Toileting/Diapering: The bathroom is always open to the children. Special attention is given to toileting during transition times such as: going outside, before and after meals, rest time etc. Children learn to respect each other’s privacy and help model for others who may be learning to use the toilet. Self help skills and proper hygiene is emphasized. Children are encouraged to clean themselves, and never made to feel “bad” about accidents. Teachers assist the child in clean up and employing future strategies to master toileting skills. The bathroom is disinfected several times a day. Proper sanitation and diapering procedures are followed at all times. Teachers will work alongside parents in "potty" training skills.
Reflecting Diversity and Respecting Differences:Our program strives to reflect diversity and respect the differences of all individuals and families. We may have families with varying parenting styles, values and beliefs other than those of your family. Our children have daily opportunities to explore diversitythrough the curriculum, books, music, learning area, dramatic play activityetc.Our center employs and serves staff, children and families of varying needs, mental and physical capabilities. Some children may receive on-sight services for their varying abilities through various support agencies.
IV. Health Policies & Emergency Procedures
Bright Start Early Childhood Program has an approved Health Care Plan that details all health & safety policies and procedures that are followed in our day-to-day operations. The Director also consults with our designated Health Care Professional when necessary. If you have questions related to your child's health & safety please do not hesitate to speak to the Director. A copy of our Health Care Plan is also available in each program room for your review. Some of our Health Care policies include: