World Music Drumming Handbook 2016-2017

Director, Marylynn Miles


I am excited about your participation in our school’s unique performance group. Learning to play music well takes hard work but can pay huge rewards throughout the years. Parents, please read the handbook with your child so that you know the expectations of the class.


There are multiple ways to keep up with what is going on in drumming:

1. Email:

2. Website: Check the NCMS website for drumming updates

3. Phone: (828) 464-4221, ext 268

Grading Policy

World Music Drumming is an academic class. Grades are averaged from three areas:

60%-Rehearsals. Students are graded on their work in rehearsals using a rubric.

20%-Concerts. Students will attend performances and apply all that is learned in class.

20%-Assessments and Written Work: written tests, playing tests, quizzes, projects, and the like.

If there is no performance during a grading period, the final grade will be redistributed in this manner:


40%-Assessments and Written Work

Students may set up a time with the director to make up or retake tests as many time as they like before the end of the grading period.


There will be one required concert during the semester. It will be held during the school day during the drumming EA time and performed for families and friends of World Music Drumming students. NCMS students and staff will also be invited. The concert will be recorded for audience members unable to attend. There may be other performance opportunities and field trips that arise throughout the year.

1st semester performance: Friday January 20th

2nd semester performance: Friday, May 24th

Discipline Policy

In order for our group to learn and be successful, each person has a responsibility of self-discipline. Students are also expected to adhere to behavior guidelines as stated in the NCMS Student Handbook and in the Chorus Expectations Rubric. If a member of the group breaks the rules, discipline will be handled in the following manner:

1.  Warning

2.  Removal from rehearsal. A written assignment will be completed to make up the points of the lost rehearsal.

3.  Removal to another classroom to complete the written assignment. Parents will be contacted.

Consequences for repeated violations may result in loss of privileges, lunch detention, or referral to the administration.

World Music Drumming Rehearsal Expectations Rubric

DIRECTIONS: Please circle the statement in each category that best describes you. Each statement is worth points. Add your points up at the bottom of the page.

First and Last Name______

Category / I always... / I sometimes… / I often...
Punctuality / 10
get to class on time. / 6
get to class late. / 4
get to class late.
Responsibility / 10
bring my own pencil . / 6
do not have my pencil. / 4
do not have my pencil.
Class Procedures / 10
quickly get my materials ready and go to my assigned spot. / 6
take extra time to get my materials ready and/or have to be reminded go to my assigned spot. / 4
take extra time to get my materials ready and/or have to be reminded of my assigned spot continually.
Respect / 10
am respectful of other students and do not make others uncomfortable while learning. / 6
try to be respectful of other students and try not make others uncomfortable while learning. / 4
can be disrespectful of other students and make fun of them.
Class Contribution / 10
make a positive contribution.
I limit all quiet conversation and play my instrument at times when it is appropriate. / 6
make a positive contribution. I sometimes talk or play when I should not. / 4
behave inappropriately. I often talk at inappropriate times or play when I should not.
Listening Skills / 10
follow the “water only” rule. / 6
chew gum or snack even though it is clearly against the rules. / 4
chew gum or snack even though it is clearly against the rules.
Growth in Musicianship / 10
try to learn and apply new information. I always participate in rehearsal activities. / 6
try to learn and apply new information. I participate most of the time in rehearsal. / 4
do not try to learn or apply new information. I often do not participate in rehearsal.
Attitude / 10
have a good attitude and I am respectful of the adults who are helping me learn. / 6
have a good attitude and I am mostly respectful to the adults who are helping me learn. / 4
have a bad attitude and I am disrespectful to the adults who are helping me learn.
Stewardship / 10
take care of the classroom equipment, materials, and instruments. / 6
take care of the classroom equipment, materials, and instruments. / 4
treat the equipment, materials, and instruments badly. I have caused damage.
Manners / 10
ask to use the restroom and/or get water at times when it is appropriate. I raise my hand before talking. / 6
ask to use the restroom and/or get water at times when it is appropriate. I mostly remember to raise my hand before talking. / 4
interrupt and ask for bathroom and water at inappropriate times. I blurt out in class.

Add the Column Totals to get your grade:

World Music Drumming Contract

Dear Parents and Students:

I hope that you have read the chorus handbook carefully. It is important that you and your child understand the policies of the Newton-Conover World Music Drumming Program. Without the involvement and support of the parents, the program could not continue to grow. Below you will find a contract, to be signed by yourself and your student, stating that you understand policies and responsibilities, and that you agree to these in order to be contributing members of the class.

We have thoroughly read the World Music Drumming Handbook. We understand all policies and responsibilities as explained and agree to uphold the standards of the drumming program, including: (please initial each below)

______Participate in the required performance

______Follow the rehearsal expectations rubric

Parent name ______(please print)

Parent Signature ______

Student name ______(please print)

Student Signature ______

*Please return this page by Friday of this week.