Information Technology Assessment

Assessment Task Title / On-line Peripheral Device Catalogue (Web Pages)
Assessment ID / ICPMM63bA Access the Internet
Anticipated Duration / Two weeks
Due Date / T1 W1 2003
Short Description / Developing a peripheral device catalogue for an IT consulting company
Assessment Types / Assignment
HSC Requirement / Connect hardware peripherals – annotated peripheral device portfolio/scrapbook

Performance Criteria Addressed (Partly Addressed) ü indicates criteria assessed


/ Performance Criteria /


ICPMM63bA 1.1

/ ·  Installed Internet software applications are identified and started up
ICPMM63bA 1.2 / ·  Internet software is used off or on line
ICPMM63bA 2.1 / ·  Files and documents using the internet search engines are accessed
ICPMM63bA 2.2 / ·  The Internet is browsed to find related sites via links
ICAITS014B 1.1 / ·  Clients’ peripheral requirements are identified and are confirmed in accordance with organisation standards
ICAITU006B 1.1 / ·  Requirements of tasks are determined
ICAITU006B 1.2 / ·  Appropriate software is selected to perform task
ICAITU006B 1.3 / ·  Software is used to produce required outcome
ICAITU006B 1.4 / ·  Documents are saved and stored in appropriate directory
ICAITU006B 2.1 / ·  Software application is opened
ICAITU006B 2.2 / ·  File is determined, opened and is amended according to requirements
ICAITU006B 2.3 / ·  Documents are accessed or produced to meet organisational requirements
ICAITU006B 2.4 / ·  File is saved in appropriate directory
ICAITU006B 2.5 / ·  Applications are exited without loss of data

Minimum Resources Required

Internet access.

Detailed Task Description

You have just got a job at an IT consulting company. Your first task is to produce an on-line peripheral device catalogue so that the consultants can show the clients the products available. You need to put the catalogue on web pages. You also need to include:
·  An attractive title page
·  Appropriate and user-friendly navigation
·  A picture and a description for each device
·  An index page so that a particular peripheral device can be easier located
You should divide your catalogue into the sections of input devices, output devices, input-output devices and storage devices. A minimum of 15 devices is required. Information and details may be obtained from many on-line sales sites on the internet.

Evidence Information

The development of an annotated peripheral device catalogue with the features specified.