The Darkest Evening

By ______

Name ______Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Jacket cover & Foreword

Key Points

• ______

• ______

• ______

• ______


• ______

• ______

• ______

Boot Steps in the Night pp. 1-8

Write 2 literal questions with answers. Literal questions can be answered with information from the text.

1. ______

Answer: ______

2. ______

Answer: ______

Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

A Trip to the Opera pp. 9-15

Write 2 inferential questions with answers. Inferential questions require one to use personal knowledge or judgement to answer a question. Often these questions begin with why or how.

1. ______

Answer: ______

2. ______

Answer: ______

Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

A Change of Season pp. 16-22

What conclusions can you draw from the statements Jake’s friends made to his family at the going away party? ______





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Bon Voyage pp. 23-27

Paraphrase this statement: “Gabbing don’t make sawdust.”



Summarize this chapter.





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

By Land and by Sea pp. 28-34

Compare and contrast the Winter Palace and the customs office.

Winter PalaceCustoms Office







Describe Father ______



Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

The Sleeping Bear pp. 35-38

Describe Russia using the facts and opinions in this chapter.








Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

The Land of the Midnight Sun pp. 39-49

Describe the setting of Lonnrot.




Describe the character, Victor Karlov.




Tell how the setting affects the plot.




Tell how the character, Victgor Karlov, affects the plot.




Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

A New Day pp.50-58

What is the main idea in this chapter? Think… what’s the most significant problem. Remember a problem can have more than one part.






Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Medved’s Mission pp. 59-64

Write a literal question with answer. Literal questions can be answered with information from the text.

1. ______

Answer: ______

Write an inferential question with answer. Inferential questions require one to use personal knowledge or judgement to answer a question. Often these questions begin with why or how.

1. ______

Answer: ______

Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Alphabet Soup pp. 65-69

What impression have you formed about the Russian Communist Party? Back your conclusion with a minimum of two facts from the story.






Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

A Winter of Discontent pp. 70-80

Summarize this chapter.






Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Part II: The Red Broom Sweeps June 1935 p. 81

Predict what is meant by this title



Swamp Street pp. 83-89

How does the setting affect the tone of the story in this chapter?





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Life in the Toilet pp. 90-96

How has the tone changed in this chapter? Give examples to back up your opinion.





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

INSAB pp. 97-100

Compare the INSAB store with our grocery stores.



The Gray House pp. 101-109

What foreshadowing of problems do we hear in this chapter?





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Finn or Finglish? pp. 106-109

Write a literal question with answer and an inferential question with an answer. Literal questions can be answered with information from the text. . Inferential questions require one to use personal knowledge or judgement to answer a question. Often these questions begin with why or how.

Literal ? ______

Answer: ______

Finn or Finglish? pp. 106-109 continued

Write an inferential question with answer. Inferential questions require one to use personal knowledge or judgement to answer a question. Often these questions begin with why or how.

Inferential ? ______

Answer: ______

Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Revolution Day, pp. 110-118

Stalin encourages free thinking and open discussion. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Back up your opinion with facts from this chapter.





Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

The Rites of Winter pp. 119-126

What are the pros and cons of living in Petrozavodsk?






Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

In the Valley of the Shadow pp. 127-132

Describe Father.




How does Father’s character affect the plot of this story?




Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Shots in the Dark pp. 133-135

In ten words or less, summarize this chapter.


The Red Broom pp. 136-142

Why has Father been so blind to the atrocities of the NKVD?




Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Troikas pp. 143-148

How would you describe the mood in this chapter? Quote words, phrases or images to back up your description.




Class vocabulary: Troikas = threesome

Friends in the North p. 149-154

Should Mother and Jake and Maija leave or stay? Justify your answer.




Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Part III The Darkest Evening of the Year December 1937 The North p. 155

Before turning the page, what decision has Mother made? ______

Night Train pp. 157-175

Summarize this chapter







Class vocabulary: sisu ______

Bushwhacking pp. 176-184

Write a literal question with answer and an inferential question with an answer. Literal questions can be answered with information from the text. . Inferential questions require one to use personal knowledge or judgment to answer a question. Often these questions begin with why or how.

Literal ? ______

Answer: ______

Inferential ? ______

Answer: ______

Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Miles To Go Before We Sleep pp. 185-188

What is the mood of Mother & Jake in this chapter? Cite words or phrases to back up your answer. ______


What is the mood of Maija in this chapter? Cite words or phrases to back up your answer.



Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

Night Blind pp. 189-196

Which hardship that the family faces is the worst or most dangerous? Support your answer.



Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: ______

The Big Chill pp. 197-200

How does one survive in -30 degree temperatures? ______



Rudolph’s Road pp. 201-205

How does the setting affect the plot in this chapter? ______



Enemies of the State pp. 206-211

What surprising twist of fate is discovered in this chapter? ______



Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: capitalist ______

The Rut Race pp. 212-215

Is it worth the risk to take the road? ______Explain your answer with facts from the story.______






Personal vocabulary: ______

Class vocabulary: capitalist ______

The Crossing pp. 216-227

Why wouldn’t the Russians want people to return to Finland? ______



When did Maija suddenly change her attitude so she was able to say, “We’ve got to keep going. They’d never shoot a little girl.”? ______



Historical Note pp. 228-232

Actual historical facts I learned from reading The Darkest Evening












