A Meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held in the Jubilee Room, Dunholme Village Hall on 15th July 2015.
Present: A Sawhney (Chairman), S. Barrett, T. Brumpton, B. Lewis, R.Gregson, Mrs G McKay, T Pache and M. Burre
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
Also present: 5 members of the public
15/07/01 Chairman’s Remarks
15/07/02 Apologies for absence
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept apologies of absence from Cllr Mrs Nicholls and District Councillors England and Parish.
15/07/03 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Sawhney declared an interest in agenda items 11d and 19 as the homeowner.
Cllr Barrett declared an interest in agenda item 18 as licensee
15/07/04 To approve notes of the meeting held on 20th May 2015
On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Lewis following a vote it was agreed to sign the note of the previous meeting as a true record of events.
15/07/05 To approve notes of the meeting held on 17th June 2015
This was deferred to a future meeting.
15/07/06 To approve notes of the meeting held on 1st July 2015
On a proposal from Cllr Pache, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously agreed to sign the notes of the previous meeting as a true record of events.
15/07/07 Report from representatives from outside bodies
A Police report was circulated prior to the meeting.
15/07/08 Clerks Action Plan
Speed Signs – The speed signs are being erected next week with forst positions being on Honeyholes Lane and Lincoln Road with the Post Office regarding the possibility of an outreach location. It was requested that the Clerk request the removal of the postbox from the Spar to get relocated at the co-op
Bus Shelter – Anjum and Tony and Rex will form a working group to meet Noel with regards to the type of shelter that can be position on Ryland Road. Once known they will advise the Clerk who will look into costings for a future meeting.
Litter Bin – Still awaiting one on Lincoln Road lay by
15/07/09 Financial Matters
a) To receive a a request for a financial donation from the Dunholme News
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Barret following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to donate £600 to the Dunholme News under section 137 of the 1972 LGA as in the Councillors opinion this expenditure will benefit the majority of the residents.
b) To consider joining the annual LALC training scheme
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Lewis following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to join LALCs annual training scheme.
c) To agree accounts for payment
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it
Was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following payments:-
£ Payee Detail
15/07/10 Correspondence
C. Pickering- Letter regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire
Mrs Vaughn – Letter regarding the plan signs Ryland Road and Dunholme Close
15/07/11 Planning Matters
Applications Received:-
133208 – 6 Woods End – Loft conversion to include dormer windows, external door and garden wall
The Council made no comments regarding this application
133203 – Spar Shop – Demolition of Spar shop and erection of 5 dwellings
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Barrett it was proposed that the application be supported – a vote was taken and 2 were in agreement.
On a proposal from Cllr Gregson, seconded by Cllr Lewis, it was proposed that the application be declined – a vote was taken and 2 were in agreement.
4 people abstained until further clarification of buildings and layout is known.
Applications previously received to be discussed:-
133064 – Land of Ryland Road – Erection of 12 dwellings
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Burre, it was proposed that the application should be supported. A vote was taken and 5 Councillors were in agreement.
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Gregson, it was proposed that the application should not be supported as it had been discussed time after time again and had been rejected on numerous occasions. A vote was taken and 3 Councillors were in agreement
b) To agree to send another letter to the Secretary of State regarding the Chestnut Homes application
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to send a further letter to the secretary of state as previously circulated.
Cllr Gregson expressed concern that this letter had not be sent previously but as advised by the Clerk, it had been on previous agendas and a decision had not been reached if to send it or not and therefore, as delegated powers had not previously been given to communicate regarding this matter it had to wait until another meeting to agree to send the letters – especially since a new council were meeting from when the topic had previously been discussed.
The Clerk was given delegated powers to reply to further correspondence should it be necessary in liaisons with the Chairman.
c) To receive a letter from a local resident regarding the plan signs on the land of Ryland Road/Dunholme Close
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the signs should be removed or moved onto the applicants own land.
d) To agree for Cllr Sawhney to be a non-voting member of Welton Parish Councils planning committee
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Brumpton following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to allow Cllr Sawhney to be a non-voting member of Welton. We will extend the invitation to a representative of Welton.
15/07/12 Neighbourhood Plan
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the public consultation of the Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to undertake the following as a form of consultation with the public:-
· Venue – The Old School Hall
· Publicise – Dunholme News, Facebook, Website, Co-Op, Noticeboard, DIG e-shot.
· Working Group – Rex, Tony, Brian
· Print the results on A3 paper and make comment sheets
b) To receive a letter from a local resident regarding the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire and take any necessary action
The letter had previously been circulated to the Councillors. The Clerk was asked to reply to the letter to thank them for their comments but at present no further comments will be made to those previously discussed in meetings and public forums.
c) To discuss and take any other necessary action
No other actions required
15/07/13 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding upgrading the Clerks electronic equipment
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to purchase a new laptop/tablet for use by the Clerk together with the latest version of Microsoft Office and the support contract.
15/07/14 To receive a report from the Play Park improvement working group and take any necessary action
Various meeting have been held regarding the idea of a wooden pirate ship in the Kennington Close play area.
A meeting had been set up with a play area equipment supplier who will meet Cllr Mrs McKay o discuss what upgrades are needed.
5/07/15 To receive and decide upon quotes for work required to the Cemetary on Ashing Lane
It was agreed by all that further quotes will be requested. The Clerk was given delegated powers to accept the best quote up to a maximum of £2,500 in liaison with the Chairman between meetings.
15/07/16 To receive and decide upon quotes to paint the bridges alongside the church.
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote from TS Garden Products Ltd to undertake the paint work required.
15/07/17 To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake the annual play area inspections
On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr McKay following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote from RoSPA to undertake the annual play park inspections.
15/07/18 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the renewal of the Village Halls lease
On a proposal from Cllr Gregson, seconded by Cllr Lewis following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to extend the current lease by a year so further meetings with the trustees and solicitors can take place.
21:24 The meeting was suspended to hear from the Village Hall Chairman for clarification of village hall ownership and maintenance required.
21:26 The meeting was called back into session
A working group consisting of Cllrs Gregson, Pache, Sawhney and Barrett was set up to discuss further propositions to bring back to a full meeting in the future.
15/07/19 To sign a deed of grant regarding a property on Market Rasen Road.
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to sign the deed of grant for return to the necessary solicitor.
15/07/20 To decide upon a representative to attend the LALC AGM
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllrs Lewis, Sawhney and Gregson would attend the LALC AGM on behalf of the Parish Council.
15/07/21 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the maintenance required to the dyke at the rear of the village hall
Find out who owns the dyke and write letters requesting it is cleared.
15/07/22 To decide upon a working group to meet with Peter Banks regarding the planning application granted on Honeyholes Lane and Mike Braithwate for the land of Ryland Road
On a proposal from Cllr Sawhney, seconded by Cllr Burre following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the planning working group would meet with the necessary people.
15/07/23 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the lease agreements for the sports pavilions and the football pitch
No action is required as this was resolved at last month’s meeting.
15/07/24 Village Maintenance
On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Sawhney following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following village maintenance is required:-
· Point of contact for grass cutter to Matt
· Overgrown tree on Market Rasen Road, contact Noel
· Get tree cut back on 1 Anderson, tree on Ryland Road for speed sign
· Matting on Allwood Road
· Quotes for equipment painting.
15/07/25 Proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Gregson
15/07/26 Anjum and Tim to meet
15/07/23 Other Urgent Matters
· Green bin collection, liquid that leeks from collection Lorries, clarification from West Lindsey regarding safety of this?
· Dog fouling around village, letter to Dunholme news, and more signs required around the village.
· Removal of Co-op temporary signage from parish council land, letter to Co-op, PC will remove if we can mount notice board on Co-op building?
· The Village Fete is this coming weekend
Signed by the Chairman ...... 15th July 2015