Mail Attender®
Version 6.2
Release Notes
Mail Attender is a member of the Attender Utilities family
Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software can be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium of machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of SHERPA SOFTWARE GROUP, L.P., except in the manner described in the software agreement.
Copyright 1998 – 2005 SHERPA SOFTWARE GROUP, L.P.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States.
Mail Attender is a registered trademark, and Attender Utilities is a trademark of SHERPA SOFTWARE GROUP, L.P.
Domino, Lotus, Lotus Notes, and LotusScript are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Lotus Development Corporation.
Attender UtilitiesTable of ContentsMail Attender
1.Mail Attender 6.2
Mail Attender Installation
License key required: IMPORTANT
Automatically create ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent
Action to create ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent
Automatically create Mail Attender Help database
Insert license key during ‘Initial Installation’ or ‘Upgrade’
Mail Attender
Capture the # of deletions per user
Enforce multiple conditions
Allow more than one active restriction
Provide more options for content condition
Administrator Definition (New)
Restrict rights for the administrators
Send to non-Notes users
Log announcement recipients
New keywords for footprint
Group calendar included within default folders/views
Include style and location for attachment footprint
Collect duplicates across users
Option to place all attachment information within child document
Provide notification is ‘Archive’ is selected and the ‘Footprint’ option is not selected
Option to only collect duplicate attachments
Provide an option to not create doclinks
Provide method to unarchive attachments
Use ‘Calendar owner’ to determine attachment owners
Use dynamic table for attachment information
Enforce multiple conditions
Change options for encryption
Prevent/require signing
Provide more options for content condition
Design (New)
Locate design elements
Group calendar included within default folders/views
Archive duplicate documents
Delete documents from local archive
Copy documents during document ‘Analyze’
Change ‘Create doclinks’ option
Maintain original doclink
Create temporary full-text index
Delete only empty folders
Only start date or end date required for date range search
New keywords for archive database naming
‘Dialog message’ option moved to ‘Document’ options
‘Specify folder order’ option moved to ‘Document’ options
Interface for multi-database searching
Option to place all document information within child document
Option to always create archive database
Create new archive database based upon size
Provide an option to not create doclinks
Provide more options for content condition
Provide ability to unarchive documents
Provide more options for the Retention ‘Exclude by content’ option
Use dynamic table for document information
Multiple active restrictions
Maximum folder length
Populate the Mail User Information documents
Out of Office
Specify default subject and message
Prevent reply based upon content
Make default date values reflect current date
Move the ‘Standard’ (‘Generic’) tab to the ‘Basics’ tab
Use ‘Calendar’ profile for leave/return times
Provide user option for internet mail
Hide form components on Out of Office Request
Make options conditional
Manage additional preferences
Manage ‘Default fonts’
Manage profile documents
Default to ‘Use template enforcement’
Accrue orphan mail database counts
Document locking status
Manually execute the Mail Attender agent
Use wildcards for groups within the Mail Restrictions
Move the ‘Manage by mail file size’ option
Refine schedule option always available
Attachment/Document reclamation display
Default frameset upon database open
‘Always collect statistics’ option renamed
‘Include special databases’ option renamed
‘Special Database Information’ renamed
Out of Office option combined
Restriction title visible at top of form
Out of Office option availability
On-line help
Server Definition logging options removed
Server Definition options removed
Replace ‘Include keywords’ button with hotspots
Replace ‘Include style’ button with hotspots
Notification Header Definition keywords
Collect cluster information
‘Inclusion/Exclusion Definition’ renamed
June 20051
Attender UtilitiesVersion 6.2Mail Attender
1.Mail Attender 6.2
Mail Attender Installation
License key required: IMPORTANT
Within the installation, the administrators will be required to enter a ‘license key’ to activate the internal code to recognize that the software is licensed (purchased). This is done using the ’99. Update License Key’ action. In addition to the license key (provided with the software purchase), the administrators can enter the company name and assigned User ID.
Note: This is not required for evaluation versions.
Automatically create ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent
During the ‘Initial Installation’, the ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent will be automatically created for the server where the installation database resides.
Action to create ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent
Within the Installation database, an action is provided to create the ‘Mail Attender Synchronization’ agent for the specified servers.
Automatically create Mail Attender Help database
During the Installation and/or upgrade, the Mail Attender Help database will automatically be created. This will replace the previous help.
Insert license key during ‘Initial Installation’ or ‘Upgrade’
The administrators can specify the license key, which will be used to update the license key within Mail Attender.
Mail Attender
Capture the # of deletions per user
This will allow the administrators to keep track of how many document deletions users are doing within the mail database.
Enforce multiple conditions
This will allow the administrators to use multiple conditions when determining if the user is allowed to edit and/or delete.
Allow more than one active restriction
This will allow the administrators to create multiple restrictions for the same user and have all be active/enforced.
Provide more options for content condition
When selecting content, the administrators can select more intuitive options (e.g. ‘All of the words’).
Administrator Definition (New)
Restrict rights for the administrators
The Administrator Definition document is used to restrict what forms an administrator is allowed to use to create and/or edit documents. For the ‘Mail Restriction’ form, the administrators can also specify what type of restriction is allowed. For the ‘Mail Restriction’ and ‘Server Definition’ forms, the administrators can specify the list of available to servers.
Send to non-Notes users
Within the Announcement, you can now also send the announcements to users that do not use Lotus Notes as their mail system.
Log announcement recipients
Each recipient of an announcement will be logged, so that the administrators will know who received the announcement.
New keywords for footprint
The archive server, archive file name and archive file path can now be included.
Group calendar included within default folders/views
‘Group calendars’ is included within the default drop-down list of folders/views.
Include style and location for attachment footprint
Within the original email, the administrators can control all aspects of the footprint (e.g. Rich text). Also, the footprint will be located exactly where the attachment was located.
Collect duplicates across users
An option has been added that will allow the administrators to not archive an attachment until more than one occurrence of the attachment exists within the mail databases.
Option to place all attachment information within child document
Instead of adding the attachment information to the Mail User Information document, the administrators have the option to place all attachment information into the Mail User Attachment Information documents.
Provide notification is ‘Archive’ is selected and the ‘Footprint’ option is not selected
If the administrators specify to ‘Archive’ attachments and ‘Leave footprint’ is not selected, the administrators will be notified that it is recommended that a footprint be created.
Option to only collect duplicate attachments
This will provide reclamation simulation only for attachments that have duplicates within the mail databases.
Provide an option to not create doclinks
Within the Attachment restriction, the administrators can specify that the doclinks within the Mail User Information/Mail User Attachment Information documents are not created.
Provide method to unarchive attachments
Within the Mail Attender Archive database, an action has been added that will allow the user to request that the attachment be placed back into the original message.
Use ‘Calendar owner’ to determine attachment owners
If attachments are archived from within the document archive databases, the attachment owner’s name will be created using the ‘Calendar’ profile document.
Use dynamic table for attachment information
Within the Mail User Information/Mail User Attachment Information documents, the attachment information will be displayed within a table.
Enforce multiple conditions
This will allow the administrators to use multiple conditions when determining if the user is allowed to send and/or save a message.
Change options for encryption
The options have been changed from ‘Disabled’/’Enabled’ to ‘Prevent’/’Required’.
Prevent/require signing
The administrators can specify that an email must be signed or not signed when sending/saving.
Provide more options for content condition
When selecting content, the administrators can select more intuitive options (e.g. ‘All of the words’).
Design (New)
Locate design elements
The administrators can locate design elements within the mail databases and report on what was found or not found.
Group calendar included within default folders/views
‘Group calendars’ is included within the default drop-down list of folders/views.
Archive duplicate documents
The administrators can specify if duplicates should be allowed within the document archive databases.
Delete documents from local archive
The administrators can specify that the documents within the local archive databases can be deleted by a ‘Retention’ restriction.
Copy documents during document ‘Analyze’
The administrators can now copy the documents to a document archive that match the criteria for a ‘Retention’, ‘Size’ or ‘Type’ restriction that has ‘Analyze’ specified as the action. This will duplicate the functionality for a ‘Content’ restriction.
Change ‘Create doclinks’ option
The option for capturing the document information during either a ‘Content’ or ‘Type’ restriction is changed from ‘Create doclinks’ to ‘Collect information’.
Maintain original doclink
When archiving from a document archive database, the administrators can specify if the doclink within the footprint should point to the original or secondary document.
Create temporary full-text index
Within a ‘Content’ restriction, the administrators can specify if a full-text index should be created for the mail database before the search is done and then deleted after the search is done.
Delete only empty folders
When the ‘Delete folders’ option is specified, the administrators will have the ability to refine the deletion to only those folders that are empty. The ‘Delete folders’ option is only available for folders not within the default drop-down list and when ‘Delete’ is selected as the action.
Only start date or end date required for date range search
When ‘Date range’ is specified for managing documents, the administrators are no longer required to enter both the start and end dates. Only one date is required.
New keywords for archive database naming
The keywords of ‘Year’, ‘Month’, ‘Day’ and ‘MonthName’ are available to dynamically name the archive database for automatic file creation.
‘Dialog message’ option moved to ‘Document’ options
The ‘Dialog message’ option has been moved from the global restriction options to the ‘Document’ options.
‘Specify folder order’ option moved to ‘Document’ options
The ‘Specify folder order’ option has been moved from the global restriction options to the ‘Document’ options.
Interface for multi-database searching
The users can search both the mail database and archive database at the same time with the results separated by database.
Option to place all document information within child document
Instead of adding the document information to the Mail User Information document, the administrators have the option to place all document information into the Mail User Document Content/Type Information documents.
Option to always create archive database
The administrators can specify on the Document Archive Definition document that an archive database be created, even if there are no documents to archive.
Create new archive database based upon size
Within the Document Archive Definition document, the administrators can specify the maximum size for a document archive database. This will allow the dynamic creation of a new archive when the specified size is exceeded.
Provide an option to not create doclinks
Within the Document ‘Content’ and ‘Type’ restrictions, the administrators can specify that the doclinks within the Mail User Information/Mail User Document Content Information/Mail User Document Type Information documents are not created.
Provide more options for content condition
Within the Document ‘Content’ restriction, the administrators can select more intuitive options (e.g. ‘All of the words’).
Provide ability to unarchive documents
Within the document archive database, the users can select documents that should be unarchived (placed back into the mail database).
Provide more options for the Retention ‘Exclude by content’ option
Within the Document ‘Retention’ restriction, the administrators can select more intuitive options (e.g. ‘All of the words’) for the content exclusion.
Use dynamic table for document information
Within the Mail User Information/Mail User Document Content Information/Mail User Document Type Information documents, the document information will be displayed within a table.
Multiple active restrictions
Mail Attender will acknowledge more than one active restriction per user.
Maximum folder length
The administrators can manage the folders that have a name that exceed a specified size.
Populate the Mail User Information documents
The ‘located’ folders will be added to the Mail User Information documents.
Out of Office
Specify default subject and message
The administrators can specify a default subject and message for the user. The user could modify the subject, but the message will be static for all users. This value could contain the leave/return dates.
Prevent reply based upon content
The administrators can prevent the Out of Office reply to occur, if specified content is found within the message.
Make default date values reflect current date
Within the Out of Office Request, the leave and/or return dates will reflect the current date.
Move the ‘Standard’ (‘Generic’) tab to the ‘Basics’ tab
This will allow the users to view the standard reply message information along with the leave/return dates.
Use ‘Calendar’ profile for leave/return times
The leave/return times for the user will reflect the default values for the start and end times from the ‘Calendar’ profile.
Provide user option for internet mail
The user can specify if internet mail should receive a reply from Out of Office.
Hide form components on Out of Office Request
The administrators can specify that the Out of Office Request form be simplified by hiding options for the users.
Make options conditional
The administrators are able to replace a current user option with an alternate value.
Manage additional preferences
The administrators can manage any R6 preference. Prior to this version, the preferences that were able to be managed did not include the specific R6 preferences.
Manage ‘Default fonts’
The administrators can manage the ‘Default fonts’ values.
Manage profile documents