To maximise our clients’ success, The Career Coach prefers to work with a select number of clients at any one time and usually over several sessions. We have introduced an application form to identify potential clients who are serious about investing in themselves to have the intellectually, emotionally and financially rewarding careers they truly desire. If your application is successful you will be invited to have a Critical Decision Consultation with one of our coaches. At the end of the Consultation, if and only if we know we can get you to the result you want, and we both feel we are a fit for each other, would we begin working together.

Please complete the following as fully as you can. All answers will be confidential.

Full name
Email address
Telephone number
Current (or last) job title and explanation of role/level, salary
Current (or last) employer, what they do/size
Brief synopsis of career to date, no. of years in sector
Results you want to create: Where do you reallywant your career to be 12 months from now? What do you want to be different/the same? List all the elements of your ideal role/new business (as applicable) Why does this matter to you? How will you feel different when you have this?
Which life goals you would also like to achieve in the next 12 months?
Starting point: Where are you now? What is our starting point? List everything that is working, and not working about your current situation (include role purpose, responsibilities, skills used or not used, relationships with boss/colleagues or clients, visibility, influence and recognition, culture fit with organisation, politics, sector, salary) If you are undergoing a job search, tell me how you have gone about finding opportunities and your success rate with getting interviews and job offers.How does this affect you on a day to day basis?
How you want your coach to help?What are all the reasons you want to work with a coach? What are the challenges you are having with achieving your goal by yourself (or which you would prefer to have a sounding board for?) List them all.
Why now? Why is coaching critical and/or urgent for you? Is there any other life issue which is more critical or urgent (and should that be getting more priority right now e.g. resolving a relationship with a partner, moving house?) What’s the timescale by which you want to achieve your career related coaching objective?
Why us, specifically?What is it about our expertise or approach at The Career Coach that draws you to explore working with us?
What do you understand to be the role of a coach/coaching?Have you worked with a coach/mentor before? How do you want us to work with you so you achieve results most quickly?
How much time do you have to dedicate each week/month to coaching sessions and assignments?
When are you available for sessions?(Daytimes or evenings)
Do you prefer phone or skype coaching? (Face to face coaching is not currently available)
How much are you willing to spend/budget for to achieve the results you want in the timescale you want it? If someone else needs to approve your spending, have you already received permission?
How might you self-sabotageyour progress on your coaching programme? What promises will you make to yourself to stay on track? Do you want your coach to keep you on track with your goals, and if so, how?
Are you undergoing (or have you undergone) any therapy for mental or emotional issues? IVF? What for, when?
How did you find out about The Career Coach? If you were referred, please say who referred you so we can thank them.
Assuming we can help you achieve your career goal and we both feel we’re a good fit for each other, is there anything else you would need to know before being able to make a decision to work with us?
Why should we work with you? What will you bring to our coaching relationship that will make it enjoyable and productive for us to work with you?

**It is a condition that before you book a consultation you are able to pay our fees, and that if you plan to speak to other coaches, you do so before going through with a Consultation.**

Fees start from £720 for Job Search Coaching and First 100 Day Coaching and go up to £1499 for our Finding Your New DirectionCareer Change Programme. The fees for your specific situation will of course, be explained on the Call, and may be less than the fees outlined online.

Thank you for completing this form. Please email to