Application for Membership of Molonglo Rail Trail Incorporated(incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009)
I wish to become a member of Molonglo Rail Trail Incorporated Association for 2015.
Email: ......
Phone: ......
I agree to be bound by the constitution of the association available at
...... Signature of applicant
Please note that notices to members and quarterly updates will be via email.
My annual membership fee of $20 per individual and $30 per family$20/$30
Please circle one
The Molonglo Rail TrailCommittee is currently raising money to undertake a feasibility study to look at the cost of establishing a rail trail compared to the benefits to the community and local businesses. For the first time there is a real opportunity to bring the project to fruition, with the state providing funding for the design and construction phases if our proposal to the state is successful. However, the state is unlikely to consider proposals that do not have a completed feasibility study to show that the project is viable, has significant community support, has properly considered landowner issues, and will provide a major economic stimulus to the region.
Your generous donation will help us find answers to these questions in an open and transparent way so that any decision for or against such a development is informed and well understood.
I would like to make a donation to the Molonglo Rail Trail to support the development of a Feasibility Study.
$50/$100please circle one or specify other amount $______
Payment Options:
Pay by direct deposit
BSB: 633108
Account number 1540 94411
Account Name: Molonglo Rail Trail
Please provide your name in the transaction description field.
Date of payment by direct deposit…………………
Pay by cheque:
Payable to Molonglo Rail Trail Incorporated
Send to Treasurer, 4/240 City Walk Canberra 2601
Please complete this form, scan or take a photo of it and send it to