
A.B. Principal Author and C. D. Secondary Author

Name of Affiliation/Organization

City, State


Start your abstract here. The abstract should be a concise summary of the work, not to exceed 250 words. It should be able to stand alone, without reference to other works.


Begin the introduction here. Provide the reader with general background information. Introduce the subject, state the reason for the investigation, and state the scope.

Results and discussion

This is where you begin the body of your paper. You may treat this portion of the paper as one large section, or you may divide it into additional sections. You may also add subsections.

Additional heading

If you wish to divide the body of your paper into separate sections, use additional headings. Center the headings, but do not begin a new page for each section.

Subsection heading

You may also divide your sections into subsections. Headings for subsections are left justified and underlined.

Summary and conclusions

Provide a concise summary of the work, as well as conclusions and recommendations drawn from the effort. Do not introduce any new material.

Future work

This is an optional section for authors who would like to briefly describe future work remaining.


This is another optional section that may be used to acknowledge individuals or institutions that provided technical assistance.


1. Fry, R. S. and Peters, S. T., Burning Rates of Standard Solid Propellants for Gun Applications, CPTR 99-69, CPIA/JHU, Columbia, MD (Sep 1999).

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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: You must include the distribution statement. The complete name of the controlling office and address must be included and the statement must match the signed JANNAF paper clearance form submitted with the paper. Acronyms are not acceptable for the address. See Appendix E for complete listing of distribution statements.

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