The Phi Delta Kappa - ECU Chapter’sEducational Foundation annually awards scholarships to prospective educators. Eligible applicants are graduating high school seniors intending to major in education; graduate students who are currently pursuing a masters degree in education (must be members of PDK) ; and doctoral students who are currently pursuing a doctorate in education (must be members of PDK). PDK – ECU chapter also awards a professional development scholarship to a currently employed, licensed, public education teacher who is a current PDK member.

For more information about PDK International Prospective Educator Scholarships, please visit the following web address:

Four scholarships will be awarded in the amount of at least $400.00 in April.

The criteria used to select PDK’s scholarship recipients are academic standing, written essay, letters of recommendation, and leadership activities. The executive board of the PDK – ECU chapter will review all applications and determine the recipients.

All applications are to be submitted no later than February 15th. Applications should be mailed to: PDK Scholarship Committee, PO Box 637, Winterville, NC 28590.

Recipients will be notified by March 1st.

Application Guidelines

  • Essay – Word process or type your response to the essay question on 8 1/2 x 11 inch white paper. Include your name and Social Securitynumber on each page. Limit your response to 500 words or less. (NOTE: An average single-spaced page equals approximately 560words; a double-spaced page is about 300 words.) PDK identifies one best essay from the finalist pool and provides anadditional financial award to the recipient. (SEE APPLICATION FOR CONTENT REQUIREMENTS)
  • Reference Letters – Two letters of reference are required, and only two will be accepted. One letter must be from a personfamiliar with your academic abilities and school activities; the second letter may come from a person of your choice. Both lettersshould address your interest in teaching and qualities that will make you a successful educator. Your name and Social Securitynumber should appear at the top of each letter of recommendation.
  • Transcript –Youmust make available a copy of your transcript (High School Seniors and MA/Doctoral Students only – not required for staff development award applicants)

Documentation Check List
(Submit the following as a packet in this order)
_____ Application
_____ Reference #1
_____ Reference #2
_____ Essay
_____ Transcript (HS Senior/MA/Doc
applicants only) / Instructions:
1. Type or print legibly using black ink. Essay
must be typed or word processed.
2. Include your name and Social Security
number on each page of the application.
3. Do not send folders, binders, photographs, or
other attachments.
4. Make a copy of the completed application for
your records.

REMINDER: Deadline is February 15th



PDK Scholarship Committee

Attention: Mary Edwards

PO Box 637
Winterville, NC 28590

Continue to scroll down for application

Masters or DoctorateAPPLICATION – Page 1 (Please circle one of the above) PHI DELTA KAPPA – ECU Chapter PHI DELTA KAPPA INTERNATIONAL

Please type or print legibly in black ink.

______- __ __ - ______

Last NameFirst Middle Initial Social Security Number


Street AddressCity State Zip Code

MFGENDER: Male or Female (circle one) ______(______)______

E-mail Address Telephone

______ETHNICITY: Indicate one classification and put the number corresponding to it in the box to the left.

1. White 3. Hispanic (Non-White)5. American Indian/Alaska Native

2. Asian/Pacific Islander 4. Black6. Other: ______

______ACADEMIC RECORD: A copy of your academic transcript must accompany your application. Indicate to the left with an X, that a transcript is attached.


Name of College or University Telephone Number


Street AddressCityState Zip Code Country


Name of AdvisorE-mail or Telephone

YNPHI DELTA KAPPA: Circle “Y” if you are a member of PDK International and provide chapter name.

Circle “N” if you are not a member of PDK. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE A SCHOLARSHIP, MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED. PDK Chapter ______

______EDUCATION MAJOR: PDK scholarships for prospective educators are awards to students pursuing careers in education. * Select one of the academic majors below and put the corresponding number in the box to the left.

(05) Early Childhood Education (10) Elementary Education(15) Middle School Education

**(20) Secondary Education**(25) Higher Education(26) Special Education

______**If secondary or higher education is marked on previous page, indicate the subject area you plan to teach. Put number on line to the left.

(41) Art(50) Mathematics(55) Speech and Dramatics

(42) Business(51) Music

(43) English and /or Language Arts(52) Physical Education

(45) Family/Consumer Science(53) Science

(46) Technology Education(54) Social Studies(56) Other: ______

YNEMPLOYMENT: Circle “Y” if you are employed part time and indicate below what job you hold, your responsibilities, and the number of hours per week. Circle “N” if you are not employed.


Employer Number of hours per week


Job Responsibilities

LEADERSHIP and ACTIVITIES: List significant activities for each category. Mark an X for the class level when the activities occurred. Please do not abbreviate club or organization names.

Education Activities: List those where you worked with students as a teacher, supervisor, coach, tutor, or other leader. / Total Hours
Community Activities: List those where you participated in service projects or leadership activities outside of school. / Total Hours
Other Activities: List other significant extracurricular activities not mentioned above. / Total Hours

REFERENCES: List the two persons you have asked to provide letters of reference. One should be an educator who knows your academic ability, and the other may be a person of your choice. List the name, correct mailing address, and telephone number or e-mail address for each reference. Attach both letters of reference to this application form. Make sure that each letter has your name and Social Security number in the upper right corner.

1. ______

NameTitleTelephone or E-mail Address


Street AddressCityStateZip CodeCountry

2. ______

NameTitleTelephone or E-mail Address


Street AddressCityStateZip CodeCountry

ESSAY QUESTION: Respond to the following essay question with 500 words or less. Answer all parts of the question. The essay must be typed or word processed and double spaced. Your name and Social Security number should appear on each page in the upper right corner. Attach your response to this application.

Why have you selected education as your career choice?

What are the skills and attributes that will make you a successful educator?

How do you plan to use your education degree to make a difference in the lives or your students?



Applicant’s SignatureDate


Space Below is for PDK Chapter USE ONLY


Name of PDK Chapter Representative (print clearly)Telephone or e-mail address

PDK – East Carolina University

Chapter NameChapter Number


Signature of Chapter RepresentativeDate