Movie Star Kisses
Put hands to your mouth. Throw each letter a kiss, like Marilyn Monroe at the Oscars. / Opera

Sing the letters like an Opera Singer
Fly like an eagle

Flap your arms up and down with each letter / Chicken
Fold your arms up to make wings. Bob your head back and forth as you spell the word

Hold your nose and spell it! / Beat it

Beat it out on the desk
say the word and call out for each letter (give me an “h”) / Snap and Clap

Snap each vowel
Clap each consonant
Make a fist with one hand and pat it with your other hand like you would to a difficult ketchup bottle. / Volcano
Start in a whisper
Get louder with each letter
Explode when you say the word at the end
Marshmallow Clap

Almost like a clap, but you stop just before your hands touch / Slow Motion

Hold the sound of each letter for a second or two
Ride ‘Em Cowboy

Straddle the back of a chair
Spin a lasso around for each letter
Pretend to rope a calf and pull it in at the end as you say the word. / Deep Voice

Say each letter and the word in a deep voice
Mouse Talk

Say each letter and word in a squeaky voice with your hands curled up by your face / Scream It/Whisper It

Scream the letters and the word
Whisper the letters and the word
Hand Jive
Find a partner
Double clap hands together for consonants. Double lap clap for vowels. Put your hands in the air at the end as you say the word. / Raise the Roof
Push hands up towards the ceiling for each letter (one push for each letter).
Pretend to be John Travolta in Sat. Night Fever. Start with your hands on your hips. Point your finger in the air for each consonant. Cross your body and point down for each vowel. / Reach for the Stars
Reach up towards the ceiling and try to pull down a star with alternate hands for each letter.
Mexican Hat Dance

Alternate putting one foot out in front of your body for each letter / Stomp
Stomp out each letter with your foot

Put your hands on pretend handle bars and do a wheelie for each letter. / Basketball

Dribble each letter and shoot the word
Pumping Iron
Pretend to lift weights. Say each letter as you “lift the barbell”. Put “the barbell” down and sound exhausted as you say the word. / Sky Write
Have students pick their favorite color and pretend it is in their arm. “Write” the letters in front of you with your eyes closed, “seeing” your color. Underline your word and say it.
Apple Picking

Pretend to pick an apple for each letter. Pick up the apple basket as you say the word. / Robot

Say the letters and word using a robot voice.

Say the letters and word using a voice like royalty. / Tigger

Bounce up and down for each letter. Save the biggest bounce for the word.
Alligator Clap

Hold your arms straight out in front of you with your fingers curled up like teeth. Open and close your arms together, clapping for each letter. / Blast Off

Start by crouching down. As you say each letter, get a little higher. Jump into the air at the end as you say the word.
Back Tracer
The whole class sits in a circle. Trace the letters on the back of the person in front of you. Underline the word when you say it. / Pat It
Pat heads for tall letters. Pat tummies for short letters. Pat knees for low letters.

“Punch” each letter out in front of you like a boxer. / “YMCA” it

Form the letters with your body like YMCA
Start with your hands on hips. Swivel your hips in a circle for each letter swaying your hands to one side of your body. Switch your hands to the other side of your body with each letter. Put your hands in the air when you say the word. / Jumping Jacks
Do a jumping jack for each letter.

Toe Touches
Touch your toes for each letter. / Batter Up
Get into a baseball batter position. Swing for each letter.

Throw out a Frisbee for each letter. /
At the Mound
Pretend to be a baseball pitcher and pitch a ball for each letter. Watch the ball go out of the park as you say the word.
Lumber Jack
Pretend to cut down a tree with an ax, swinging with each letter. Pretend to watch “the tree” fall down and say the word like a lumberjack would say Tim-ber. / Surfin’

Start out by singing:
Sing: "Let's go spellin' now, everybody's
learning how, come and spell it with me!"
Surf with each letter.

Swim a stroke with each letter. Hold your nose and “go under water” when you say the word. / Songs for 3 letter words:
·  This Old Man
·  Jingle Bells
·  Are you sleeping?
·  Three Blind Mice
Songs for 4 letter words:
·  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
·  Skip to my Lou
·  Are you sleeping? / Songs for 5 letter words:
·  Skip to my lou
·  Row, row your boat
·  You are my sunshine
Songs for 6 letter words:
·  This old Man
·  Jingle Bells
·  Happy Birthday
·  The Farmer in the dell
·  Skip to my lou / Songs for 7 letter words:
·  She’ll be coming around the mountain
·  My Bonnie lies over the ocean
·  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
·  Willoughby, Walloughby Woo
Songs for 8 letter Words:
·  We wish you a Merry Christmas
·  For he’s a jolly good fellow / Songs for 9 letter words:
·  I’m a little teapot
Say each letter and the word in a scary monster voice. / Ghost

Say each letter and word like a ghost.