Department of Education and Training

Western Australia

RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Certificate IV in Frontline Management

Key Management Skills Set

First Published 2009

ISBN 978-1-74205-321-9

© Department of Education and Training

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This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI).

This resource contains Units of Competencies t from theBSB07 Business Services Training Package – BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management, © Commonwealth of Australia, used under the AEShareNet-FfE licence


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in thisRPL Assessment Tool Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have been excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in thisRPL Assessment Tool Kit can be accepted by theWestern Australian Department of Education and Training.

BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management
Key Management Skills Set – RPL Assessment Tool Kit


Units of competency covered by this Assessment Tool 5

Information for RPL Assessors 6

Key Management Skills Set 7

Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 1 9

Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 2 13

Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 3 17

Interview Question Bank and Recording Documents – Skills Set 1 19

Interview Question Bank and Recording Documents – Skills Set 2 25

Interview Question Bank and Recording Documents – Skills Set 3 31

Demonstration Observation/Practical – Skills Set 1 35

Demonstration Observation/Practical – Skills Set 2 39

Demonstration Observation/Practical – Skills Set 3 43

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Version 1, March 2009

BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management
Key Management Skills Set – RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Units of competency covered by this Assessment Tool

Unit Code / Unit Title / Core / Elective
BSBMGT401A / Show leadership in the workplace
BSBMGT402A / Implement operational plan
BSBWOR402A / Promote team effectiveness

Information for RPL Assessors

This document contains the self-assessment tools covered in the Key Management Skills Set. They support and reflect the tasks undertaken in the workplace and are presented as skills sets.

Skills Set 1 – Show leadership in the workplace

BSBMGT401A Model high standards of management performance and behaviour

BSBMGT401A Enhance organisation’s image

BSBMGT401A Make informed decisions

Skills Set 2 – Implement operational plan

BSBMGT402A Plan resource use

BSBMGT402A Acquire resources

BSBMGT402A Develop and maintain networks and relationships

Skills Set 3 – Promote team effectiveness

BSBWOR402A Plan to achieve team outcomes

The Assessment Tools contained in this document include:

1.  Self-Assessment Checklists

2.  Interview Questions and Recording Documents

3.  Workplace/Simulated Workplace Assessment Reporting and Recording Documents

4.  Third Party Evidence Reports.

Key Management Skills Set

Frontline Management qualifications are designed for people who have worked their way up into a supervisory position without necessarily having any formal management qualifications. At Certificate IV level, you would normally have a job title such as team leader or supervisor. You will be responsible for a small group of employees.

Certificate IV of Frontline Management consists of ten units. A group of three of these units, covering leadership, planning and teamwork, has been selected as the Key Management Skill Set.

Completion of the Key Management Skill Set can stand alone as a recognised program or be used to provide credit to a number of qualifications including the Certificate IV of Frontline Management.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) acknowledges that much of our learning is not necessarily undertaken in a formal educational setting. Instead, it is a combination of training, life experiences and responsibilities in our work. RPL is a process which allows these experiences to be assessed and used towards a nationally recognised qualification.

Preparing for RPL

Your assessor needs to ensure that your skills and knowledge meet the national standards. The steps in this process are outlined below, including some things that you should know about the RPL process.

·  You must be able to prove or substantiate your claims, even though the recognition process is a series of interviews with an assessor.

·  Documented proof is satisfactory; however it is not the only form of evidence.

·  You can prove your claims by demonstrating your skills, obtaining verification from a supervisor survey those who work with you and for you.

·  Mountains of paperwork will not be required. Your assessor will most likely be able to view original documents in your workplace setting

·  Should there be areas in your application which lack supporting evidence; your assessor can help you fill those gaps by suggesting alternate evidence or workplace-based projects.

·  Extra studies are rarely required, and if they are, they will be in the context of your own work.

·  The best form of preparation would be to look at the units and then spend some time thinking about how you do those things in your job.

·  There is no single or ‘right’ way of doing things. Being prepared and then talking about how you do your work will help your assessor put things into context of what you know best – your own job.

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Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 1

BSBMGT401A – Show leadership in the workplace

Model high standards of management performance and behaviour

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of working with teams and individuals; conduct standards and initiative to influence others.

Questions relating to Skills Set 1 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you ensure management performance and behaviour meets organisational requirements? / q / q
Q2 Can you ensure management performance and behaviour serves as a positive example for others? / q / q
Q3 Can you develop and implement performance plans in accordance with organisational goals and objectives? / q / q
Q4 Can you establish and use key performance indicators to meet organisational goals and objectives? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.



Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 1

BSBMGT401A – Show leadership in the workplace

Enhance organisation’s image

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of working with teams and individuals; conduct standards and initiative to influence others.

Questions relating to Skills Set 1 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you incorporate organisational standards and values when conducting day-to-day business? / q / q
Q2 Can you question, through established communication channels, standards and values considered to be damaging to the organisation? / q / q
Q3 Do you ensure personal performance contributes to the development of an organisation with integrity and credibility? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.



Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 1

BSBMGT401A – Show leadership in the workplace

Make informed decisions

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of working with teams and individuals; conduct standards and initiative to influence others.

Questions relating to Skills Set 1 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you gather and organise information relevant to the issue(s) under consideration? / q / q
Q2 Can you facilitate individuals’ and teams’ active participation in decision-making processes? / q / q
Q3 Can you examine options and assess the associated risks to determine preferred course(s) of action? / q / q
Q4 Can you ensure decisions are made in a timely manner and are then clearly communicated to individuals and teams? / q / q
Q5 Can you prepare plans to implement decisions and ensure they are agreed upon by relevant individuals and teams? / q / q
Q6 Can you use feedback processes effectively in order to monitor the implementation and impact of decisions? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.



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Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 2

BSBMGT402A – Implement operational plan

Plan resource use

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of implementing operational plans by monitoring and adjusting operational performance, producing short-term plans for the department/section, planning and acquiring resources and providing reports on performance as required.

Questions relating to Skills Set 2 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you ensure that resource* information for use in operational plans is collected, analysed and organised in consultation with colleagues and specialist resource managers*?
* Resources may include people, power/energy, information, finance, buildings/facilities, equipment, technology, time. Colleagues and specialist resource managers may include people at the same level or more senior managers, and may include people from a wide range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. / q / q
Q2 Can you ensure operational plans contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s performance/business plan?
(Operational plans are the short to medium-term plans developed by the department/section to describe product/service performance). / q / q
Q3 Can you develop key performance indicators within operational plans?
(Key performance indicators include OHS systems, procedures and records and organisational procedures for dealing with hazardous situations.) / q / q
Q4 Can you ensure contingency plans are prepared in the event of initial plans requiring variation? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.


Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 2

BSBMGT402A – Implement operational plan

Acquire resources

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of working with teams and individuals; conduct standards and initiative to influence others.

Questions relating to Skills Set 2 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you recruit and/or induct employees within the organisation’s human resource management policies and practices? / q / q
Q2 Can you ensure physical resources and services are acquired within the organisation’s policies, practices and procedures*?
* An ‘organisation’s policies, practices and procedures’ refers to those that govern the acquisition of resources, for example, the purchase of equipment. / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.



Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 2

BSBMGT402A – Implement operational plan

Develop and maintain networks and relationships

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of working with teams and individuals; conduct standards and initiative to influence others.

Questions relating to Skills Set 2 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you monitor performance systems and processes to assess progress in achieving profit/productivity plans and targets? / q / q
Q2 Can you ensure that budget and actual financial information is analysed and interpreted to monitor profit/productivity performance? / q / q
Q3 Can you identify unsatisfactory performance and take prompt action to rectify the situation and guide and support colleagues to resolve work difficulties? / q / q
Q4 Can you ensure that mentoring and coaching is provided to support individual and team use of resources to the required standard?
OHS considerations may include:
·  Provision of information regarding OHS and the organisation’s policies, procedures and programs
·  Employee induction / q / q
Q5 Can you ensure recommendations to amend operational plans are negotiated and approved by designated persons/groups? / q / q
Q6 Can you manage systems, procedures and records associated with documenting performance in accordance with the organisation requirements? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.



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Version 1, March 2009

BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management
Key Management Skills Set – RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Self-Assessment Checklist – Skills Set 3

BSBWOR402A – Promote team effectiveness

Plan to achieve team outcomes

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and experience of promoting teamwork.

Questions relating to Skills Set 3 / Yes / No / What evidence can you provide?
Q1 Can you ensure that team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives* are identified, established and documented in consultation* with team members?
*‘team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives’ include:
·  goals that have been set for individuals and the work team
·  expected outcomes and outputs
·  individual team performance plans and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
·  action plans, business plans and operational plans linked to strategic plans
·  OHS responsibilities.
*‘consultation’ may refer to:
·  attending meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions and using email/intranet communications, newsletters or other processes and devices which ensure that all employees have the opportunity to contribute to team and individual effectiveness
·  using mechanisms to provide feedback to the work team in relation to the outcomes from consultation. / q / q
Q2 Can you ensure team members are supported in meeting expected outcomes? / q / q

Is there anything else you have achieved/delivered or are qualified in, which has not been identified here? If so, please provide details.