General Education / 22 / cr*
First Year Experience / 3cr / UNV 100
English / 3cr / ENG 111
3cr / ENG 112
Finance and Quantitative Literacy (fq) / 3cr / MTH 100
Fine Arts (f) MUS 201/401/203/403/210/410 / 3cr / Lg. ens. / (√)
Global Studies (gs) / 3cr / MUS 226 / (√)
Health and Well-Being (hw) / 3cr
Humanities (h) / 3cr / MUS 261 / (√)
3cr / MUS 262 / (√)
Natural Sciences (n/nl)must include lab / 4cr
Social Sciences (s) / 3cr / PSY 100 / (√)
3cr / PSY 313
Technology (t) / 3cr / MUS 170 / (√)
Capstone Course (cap) / 3cr / MUS 361 / (√)

*Additional GenEd credits needed beyond what is required in BME program

Music Theory / 18 / cr
Music Theory I / 3cr / MUS 141
Music Theory II / 3cr / MUS 142
Music Theory III – Orchestration / 3cr / MUS 241
Music Theory IV – Topics (analysis) / 3cr / MUS 242
Aural Harmony I / 2cr / MUS 143
Aural Harmony II / 2cr / MUS 144
Aural Harmony III / 2cr / MUS 243
Music History & Literature / 12 / cr
Music History I / 3cr / MUS 261
Music History II / 3cr / MUS 262
Music History Seminar (capstone) / 3cr / MUS 361
Wind Literature (for instrumentalists) / 3cr / MUS 365
Choral Literature (for vocalists) / 3cr / MUS 369

Revised Sept. 2015

Music Performance / 33 - / 34 cr
Applied Music / 16cr
Level I / 2cr / MUS 151
Level II / 2cr / MUS 152
Level III / 2cr / MUS 251
Level IV (pass/fail technique jury) / 2cr / MUS 252
Level V / 2cr / MUS 351
Level VI / 2cr / MUS 352
Level VII / 2cr / MUS 451
Level VIII / 2cr / MUS 452
Large Performance Ensembles / 7cr
Wind Symphony [or MUS401 for55cr] / 1cr / MUS 201
University Chorale [or MUS 410] / 1cr / MUS 210
University Orchestra [or MUS 403] / 1cr / MUS 203
Conducting / 4cr
Conducting I / 2cr / MUS 371
Conducting II / 2cr / MUS 372
Secondary Instruments / 7cr / *
Guitar Class / 1cr / MUS 117
Brass Class / 1cr / MUS 121
Percussion Class / 1cr / MUS 124
Strings Class / 1cr / MUS 125
Voice Class / 1cr / MUS 126
Single Reed, Flute / 1cr / MUS 127
Double Reed / 1cr / MUS 128
Other Ensembles and Keyboard
Chamber Singers [or MUS 411] / 1cr / MUS 211
Jazz Ensemble [or MUS 405] / 1cr / MUS 205
Jazz Combo [or MUS 404] / 1cr / MUS 204
Chamber Strings / 1cr / MUS 302
Chamber Ensembles / 1cr / MUS 302
Opera Workshop / 1cr / MUS 230
Keyboard I† / 1cr / MUS 129
Keyboard II† / 1cr / MUS 130
Keyboard III† / 1cr / MUS 131
Keyboard IV† / 1cr / MUS 132

*6 credits for vocal majors

†Keyboard strongly recommended for piano proficiency test.

Professional Coursework / 40- / 41cr
Education / 24cr
Intro to Psychology / 3cr / PSY 100
Community, Family, Self / 3cr / SEC 200
Teacher and Learner / 3cr / SEC 320
Improvement of Reading in Middle and Secondary School / 3cr / SEC 445
Student Teaching – Elementary* / 5cr / EDE 469
Student Teaching – Seminar*
S / 3cr / SEC 499
Student Teaching – Secondary* / 4cr / SEC 469
First Aid requirement / -- / ------
Music Education / 16- / 17cr
Music Technology I / 3cr / MUS 170
Music in World Cultures / 3cr / MUS 226
Principles of Music Education / 2cr / MUS 380
Teaching General Music, Grades K-8 / 3cr / MUS 381
Methods and Materials for Teaching
Secondary Performance Classes / 3cr / SEC 346
Instrumentalists / ---- / ------
Techniques for Marching
and BeginningBands / 3cr / MUS 383
Vocalists (one of the following required) / ---- / ------
Vocal Pedagogy / 2cr / MUS 232
Diction for Singers / 3cr / MUS 366

*concurrent registration required

Additionally, PLEASE NOTE: BME progresses through phases,

described below. Please consult with your advisor before you

register each semester.

A. Phase I: Foundations block

1.PSY 100, SEC 200, MUS 380 (9cr)

2.Additional requirements:

a.At least 55 credits, minimum GPA 2.7;

b. MUS 251; minimum GPA in Music coursework 3.0.

c. Interview with the TCP advisor.

d.MTTC Professional Readiness Examination (PRE).

e. Application and acceptance to Phase II.

B.Phase II: Pre-professional block

1.MUS 381 or MUS 382; SEC 320, SEC 445 (9cr)

2.Additional requirements:

a.At least 85 credits, minimum GPA 2.7.

b.Department of Music requirements

i.MUS 252; minimum GPA in Music coursework 3.0.

ii.Piano Proficiency Exam

iii.Completion of Music Theory/Aural Harmony sequence

c.Interview with the TCP advisor.

d.Application and acceptance to Phase III.

C. Phase III: Professional block

1. Remaining of MUS 381 or 382 (3cr)

2. SEC 469 (4cr); EDE 469 (5cr); SEC 499 (3 cr.)

D. Requirements for certification recommendation

1. Completion of all BME coursework requirements,

including general education; minimum GPA 3.0

in Music coursework; minimum GPA 2.7 overall.

2. Exit interview with the TCP advisor

3. MTTC Music Education subject area test.

4. First aid and adult/child CPR from anapproved provider.

5. Certification paperwork.