lesson Plan

Name of the Assistant Professor –Mrs.Kiran Subject: English

Lesson Plan: January 2018 – April 2018

Week / Date / B.A. 2nd sem / B.A 6th sem
1 / 1-Jan-18 / Chapter I – Pigeons and Daybreak / Introduction to drama, the basic elements of theatre
2-Jan-18 / Chapter I – continued / The Aristotelian poetics, the origin and growth of English drama, growth of Elizabethan theatre
3-Jan-18 / Essay type questions, The sentence (1st group) / Types of drama – I , elements of précis writing
4-Jan-18 / Short answer type questions, exercise based on the sentences / Types of drama – II , précis writing (worksheet- I)
5-Jan-18 / Vocabulary exercise, The sentence (2nd group) / Introduction to Shakespeare, elements of Precis writing
6-Jan-18 / Oral test of Essay type questions, exercise based on the sentences / Introduction to the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ , worksheet of precis writing
7-Jan-18 / Sunday
2 / 8-Jan-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions, Revision of Consonant sounds / Introduction to the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’
Act I – scene I
9-Jan-18 / Oral test of Vocabulary exercise, Revision of Vowel sounds / Act I – scene I ( continued)
10-Jan-18 / Practice of Transcription, Auxiliaries (1st group) / Act I – scene II , précis writing, one word substitution 1 to 15
11-Jan-18 / Chapter II – With the Photographer(introduction), exercises based on Auxiliaries / Act I – scene II, precis writing, one word substitution 16 to 25
12-Jan-18 / Chapter II – study of text, Auxiliaries (2nd group) / Act I – scene III, precis writing, one word substitution 1 to 15
13-Jan-18 / Chapter II – continued, exercises based on Auxiliaries / Act I – scene III, precis writing , one word substitution 16 to 25
14-Jan-18 / Sunday
3 / 15-Jan-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions, Revision of Consonant sounds / Reference to the context with explanation of important passage of the first act.
16-Jan-18 / Oral test of Vocabulary exercise, Revision of Vowel sounds / Character sketch – A discussion
1)Antonio 2)Shylock
17-Jan-18 / Practice of Transcription, Auxiliaries (1st group) / Relationship of Antonio and Bassanio (discussion), business letters
18-Jan-18 / Chapter II – With the Photographer(introduction), exercises based on Auxiliaries / Test: Introduction to drama , business letters
19-Jan-18 / Chapter II – study of text, Auxiliaries (2nd group) / Short question of Act I, business letters( worksheet)
20-Jan-18 / Chapter II – continued, exercises based on Auxiliaries / Short question of Act I , business letters( worksheet)
21-Jan-18 / Sunday
4 / 22-Jan-18 / Vasant Panchami
23-Jan-18 / Oral test of Vocabulary exercises / Assignment : Introduction to drama
24-Jan-18 / Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
25-Jan-18 / Written test of Essay type questions, Modal exercise (1st group) / Act – II scene I , official letters 1
26-Jan-18 / Republic Day
27-Jan-18 / Black board practice of Transcription, The sentence exercise / Act – II scene II , official letters 1
28-Jan-18 / Sunday
5 / 29-Jan-18 / Chapter III – The Journey / Act – II scene II, scene II, scene IV
30-Jan-18 / The Journey – continued / Act - II scene V, scene VI, scene VII
31-Jan-18 / The Journey – continued, Subject- verb agreement (1st group) / Act - II scene VIII , official letter 2
1-Feb-18 / Essay type questions, Subject- verb agreement / Act - II scene IX , official letter 3
2-Feb-18 / Short answer type questions, Subject- verb agreement (2nd group) / Reference to the context with the explanation of important passages of 2nd act , official letter 2
3-Feb-18 / Vocabulary exercises, Subject- verb agreement / Reference to the context of 2nd act , official letter 3
4-Feb-18 / Sunday
6 / 5-Feb-18 / Oral test of Essay type questions / Reference to the context of 2nd act, short questions of 2nd act
6-Feb-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions / short questions of 2nd act, character sketch of portia
7-Feb-18 / Oral test of Vocabulary exercises, change the Voice (1st group) / Discussion – what makes Shakespeare a famous play –wright – with respect to ‘The Merchant of Venice’, test of letter 1st
8-Feb-18 / Practice of Transcription , change the Voice (1st group) / Portrayal of female characters by Shakespeare,
Test of letters 2nd
9-Feb-18 / Assessment test based on Chapter –I, II, III, change the Voice (2nd group) / Test of character sketch of portia , Test of letters 1
10-Feb-18 / Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 / Sunday
7 / 12-Feb-18 / Chapter IV – The Refugee / Act –III scene I ,
13-Feb-18 / Maha Shivratri
14-Feb-18 / The Refugee – continued, change the Voice exercises(1st group) / Act - III scene II , one word substitution 26-50
15-Feb-18 / The Refugee- continued, change the Voice exercises (2nd group) / Act – III scene II, one word substitution 51-75
16-Feb-18 / Essay type questions, change the Voice exercises (2nd group) / Act – III scene II, one word substitution 26-50
17-Feb-18 / Short answer type questions, change the Voice exercises (2nd group) / Act – III scene III, one word substitution 51-75
18-Feb-18 / Sunday
8 / 19-Feb-18 / Vocabulary exercises / Act – III scene IV , scene V
20-Feb-18 / Oral test of Vocabulary exercises / Reference to the context with explanation of important passages of 3rd act
21-Feb-18 / Transcription, Phrasal verbs (1st group) / Discussion of short questions, one word substitution 76-100
22-Feb-18 / Black- board test of Transcription, Phrasal verbs (1st group) / Discussion of short questions , one word substitution 101-125
23-Feb-18 / Oral test of Essay type questions, Phrasal verbs (2nd group) / Discussion – Importance of caskate episode , one word substitution 76-100
24-Feb-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions, Phrasal verbs (2nd group) / Role of minor characters in the play , one word substitution 101-125
25-Feb-18 / Sunday
9 / 26-Feb-18 / Chapter V- Bellows for the Bullock / Father daughter relationship between Shylock and Jessica, test: one word substitution
27-Feb-18 / Chapter V- continued, Narration (1st group) / Test : character sketch of Portia
28-Feb-18 / Holiday
1-Mar-18 / Guru Ravidas Birthday
2-Mar-18 / Holi
3-Mar-18 / Holiday
4-Mar-18 / Sunday
10 / 5-Mar-18 / Essay type questions / Act - IV scene I
6-Mar-18 / Short answer type questions / Act - IV scene I
7-Mar-18 / Vocabulary exercises, Direct Indirect (1st group) / Act - IV scene I, one word substitution 126-150
8-Mar-18 / Transcription , Direct Indirect (1st group) / Act - IV scene I, one word substitution 151-175
9-Mar-18 / Written test of Vocabulary, Direct Indirect (2nd group) / Act - IV scene II , one word substitution 126-150
10-Mar-18 / Oral test of Essay type questions ,Direct Indirect (2nd group) / Reference to the context with explanation of important passages, one word substitution 151-175
11-Mar-18 / Sunday
11 / 12-Mar-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions / Reference to the context of important passages, discussion of short questions
13-Mar-18 / Practice of Transcription / discussion of short questions, comment on the trial scene
14-Mar-18 / Chapter VI – Panchlight , Narration exercise (1st group) / Test: trial scene
15-Mar-18 / Chapter VI – continued, Narration exercise (1st group) / Act – V scene I , Test: one word substitution
16-Mar-18 / Chapter VI- continued , Narration exercise (2nd group) / Act – V scene I , one word substitution 176-200
17-Mar-18 / Essay type questions / Act – V scene I , Test: one word substitution
18-Mar-18 / Sunday
12 / 19-Mar-18 / Short answer type questions / Act – V scene I ,
20-Mar-18 / Vocabulary exercises / Reference to the context of important passages
21-Mar-18 / Transcription , Punctuation (1st group) / Discussion of short question, E-mail
22-Mar-18 / Practice of Transcription, Punctuation (1st group) / Discussion of short question, test: E-mail
23-Mar-18 / Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
24-Mar-18 / Chapter VII – The Child , Punctuation (2nd group) / Memo, E-mail
25-Mar-18 / Sunday/ Ram Navami
13 / 26-Mar-18 / Chapter VII – continued / Circular, RTI writing
27-Mar-18 / Essay type questions / Test: Circular, RTI writing
28-Mar-18 / Short answer type questions , exercise for practice given in Appendix (1st group) / Quiz: characters of Merchants of Venice, test: one word substitution
29-Mar-18 / Mahavir Jayanti
30-Mar-18 / Vocabulary exercises , Punctuation (2nd group) / Test: character Bossanio and Antonio, test: E-mail
31-Mar-18 / Transcription, exercise for practice given in Appendix( 2nd group) / Test: types of drama, test: precis
14 / 1-Apr-18 / Sunday
2-Apr-18 / Chapter – VIII The Blind Dog / Test: reference to the context , act – I scene I
3-Apr-18 / Chapter – VIII continued / Test: short questions of act – I
4-Apr-18 / Essay type questions , Revision of Sentences (1st group) / Test: précis writing , test: circular
5-Apr-18 / Short answer type questions, Revision of Consonant Sounds (1st group) / Test: précis writing , test: RTI
6-Apr-18 / Vocabulary exercises, Revision of Auxiliaries (2nd group) / Test: Act - I Scene II, Scene III
7-Apr-18 / Transcription, Revision of Sentences (2nd group) / Revision : Act – I, RTI
8-Apr-18 / Sunday
15 / 9-Apr-18 / Oral test of Essay type questions / Revision : short questions , Act - I
10-Apr-18 / Oral test of Short answer type questions / Revision : short questions , Act – II, Act –III
11-Apr-18 / Test of Vocabulary exercises, Revision of Voice / Revision : character of Portia
12-Apr-18 / Practice of Transcription, Revision of Narration / Revision: casket scene
13-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – I Question answers, Revision of Narration / Revision: trial scene
14-Apr-18 / Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 / Sunday
16 / 16-Apr-18 / Revision chapter- II Question answers / Revision: tragi comedy
17-Apr-18 / Revision of Vocabulary exercise of
chapter I, II / Revision: important passages of ‘The Merchant of Venice’
18-Apr-18 / Parashurama Jayanti
19-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – III Question answers / Test : Women character in ‘The Merchant of Venice’
20-Apr-18 / Revision chapter- IV Question answers / Clarification of doubts in the play
21-Apr-18 / Revision of Vocabulary exercise of
chapter - III, IV / Test: business letters
22-Apr-18 / Sunday
17 / 23-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – V / Test: official letters
24-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – VI / Test: one word substitutions
25-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – VII / Discussion : important questions from play
26-Apr-18 / Revision chapter – VIII / Discussion : important reference to the context
27-Apr-18 / Doubt class for Grammar / Discussion : important short questions
28-Apr-18 / Doubt class for Grammar / Clarification of doubts

Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya Uchana lesson Plan

Name of the Assistant Professor –Mrs.Meenu

Subject :English

Lesson Plan: January 2018 – April 2018

Week / Date / B.A 6th sem. / B.Sc. 2nd Sem.
1 / 1-Jan-18 / Introduction to drama, the basic elements of theatre / Introduction to the essay ‘Our Civilization
2-Jan-18 / The Aristotelian poetics, the origin and growth of English drama, growth of Elizabethan theatre / Praise of Civilization
3-Jan-18 / Types of drama – I , elements of précis writing / Defects of Civilization
4-Jan-18 / Types of drama – II , précis writing (worksheet- I) / Comparison of modern civilization with the previous ones
5-Jan-18 / Introduction to Shakespeare, elements of Precis writing / Short questions and stanzas for explanation
6-Jan-18 / M / Introduction to the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ , worksheet of precis writing / Praise of civilization for learning
7-Jan-18 / Sunday
2 / 8-Jan-18 / Introduction to the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’
Act I – scene I / Defects of civilization for learning
9-Jan-18 / Act I – scene I ( continued) / Short questions
10-Jan-18 / Act I – scene II , précis writing, one word substitution 1 to 15 / Practice of comprehension
11-Jan-18 / Act I – scene II, precis writing, one word substitution 16 to 25 / Practice of explanation
12-Jan-18 / Act I – scene III, precis writing, one word substitution 1 to 15 / Test
13-Jan-18 / Act I – scene III, precis writing , one word substitution 16 to 25 / Practice of translation
14-Jan-18 / Sunday
3 / 15-Jan-18 / Reference to the context with explanation of important passage of the first act. / Introduction to ‘Its Question Time’
16-Jan-18 / Character sketch – A discussion
1)Antonio 2)Shylock / Discussion on autographed answers
17-Jan-18 / Relationship of Antonio and Bassanio (discussion), business letters / Defective syllabi and disadvantage of rote learning
18-Jan-18 / Test: Introduction to drama , business letters / Why originality is discouraged at schools and what best can be done in the present situation
19-Jan-18 / Short question of Act I, business letters( worksheet) / Rote learning and its advantages and disadvantages. Steps to encourage curiosity, creativity and originality
20-Jan-18 / Short question of Act I , business letters( worksheet) / Short questions and explanation
21-Jan-18 / Sunday
4 / 22-Jan-18 / Vasant Panchami
23-Jan-18 / Assignment : Introduction to drama / Practice of comprehension
24-Jan-18 / Sir Chhotu Ram Jayanti
25-Jan-18 / Act – II scene I , official letters 1 / Test
26-Jan-18 / Republic Day
27-Jan-18 / Act – II scene II , official letters 1 / Oral test of short questions
28-Jan-18 / Sunday
5 / 29-Jan-18 / scene II, scene II, scene IV / Discussion and explanation of précis writing
30-Jan-18 / Act - II scene V, scene VI, scene VII / Practice of précis writing
31-Jan-18 / Act - II scene VIII , official letter 2 / Practice of précis writing
1-Feb-18 / Act - II scene IX , official letter 3 / Introduction to An interview with Dr. Christian Barnard
2-Feb-18 / Reference to the context with the explanation of important passages of 2nd act , official letter 2 / Discussion and explanation of the essay
3-Feb-18 / Reference to the context of 2nd act , official letter 3 / Discussion and explanation of the essay
4-Feb-18 / Sunday
6 / 5-Feb-18 / Reference to the context of 2nd act, short questions of 2nd act / GD on policy of Apartheid
6-Feb-18 / short questions of 2nd act, character sketch of portia / Dr. Barnard’s achievements
7-Feb-18 / Discussion – what makes Shakespeare a famous play –wright – with respect to ‘The Merchant of Venice’, test of letter 1st / Practice of comprehension and explanation
8-Feb-18 / Portrayal of female characters by Shakespeare,
Test of letters 2nd / Very short questions
9-Feb-18 / Test of character sketch of portia , Test of letters 1 / Assignment: praise and defects of civilization. Rote learning
10-Feb-18 / Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti
11-Feb-18 / Sunday
7 / 12-Feb-18 / Act –III scene I , / Practice of Translation
13-Feb-18 / Maha Shivratri
14-Feb-18 / Act - III scene II , one word substitution 26-50 / Introduction to ‘ Untouchability and the caste system’
15-Feb-18 / Act – III scene II, one word substitution 51-75 / Principles of inequality and graded inequality
16-Feb-18 / Act – III scene II, one word substitution 26-50 / Three kinds of sanctions and when will untouchability vanish
17-Feb-18 / Act – III scene III, one word substitution 51-75 / Stanzas for explanation
18-Feb-18 / Sunday
8 / 19-Feb-18 / Act – III scene IV , scene V / Practice of comprehension
20-Feb-18 / Reference to the context with explanation of important passages of 3rd act / Short questions
21-Feb-18 / Discussion of short questions, one word substitution 76-100 / Three barriers in mater of social inter course
22-Feb-18 / Discussion of short questions , one word substitution 101-125 / Test
23-Feb-18 / Discussion – Importance of caskate episode , one word substitution 76-100 / Quiz
24-Feb-18 / Role of minor characters in the play , one word substitution 101-125 / Practice of précis writing
25-Feb-18 / Sunday
9 / 26-Feb-18 / Father daughter relationship between Shylock and Jessica, test: one word substitution / Discussion about writing official letters
27-Feb-18 / Test : character sketch of Portia / Practice of writing letters
28-Feb-18 / Holiday
1-Mar-18 / Guru Ravidas Birthday
2-Mar-18 / Holi
3-Mar-18 / Holiday
4-Mar-18 / Sunday
10 / 5-Mar-18 / Act - IV scene I / Introduction to 'In humanisation of War'
6-Mar-18 / Act - IV scene I / Growth of mechanization in war
7-Mar-18 / Act - IV scene I, one word substitution 126-150 / Comparison between wars of the past and the Afghanistan war
8-Mar-18 / Act - IV scene I, one word substitution 151-175 / Very short questions and explanation
9-Mar-18 / scene II , one word substitution 126-150 / Practice of comprehension
10-Mar-18 / Reference to the context with explanation of important passages, one word substitution 151-175 / Central idea of the essay
11-Mar-18 / Sunday
11 / 12-Mar-18 / Reference to the context of important passages, discussion of short questions / Test
13-Mar-18 / discussion of short questions, comment on the trial scene / Practice of explanation
14-Mar-18 / Test: trial scene / Introduction to 'Seven Types of Gender Inequality'
15-Mar-18 / Act – V scene I , Test: one word substitution / Mortality, Natality, Basic Facility and Special Opportunity Inequality
16-Mar-18 / Act – V scene I , one word substitution 176-200 / Professional, Ownership and Household Inequality
17-Mar-18 / Act – V scene I , Test: one word substitution / Short questions
18-Mar-18 / Sunday
12 / 19-Mar-18 / Act – V scene I , / Practice of comprehension
20-Mar-18 / Reference to the context of important passages / Practice of explanation
21-Mar-18 / discussion of short question, E-mail / Test of short questions
22-Mar-18 / Discussion of short question, test: E-mail / Test of long question
23-Mar-18 / Shaheedi Diwas of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru & Sukhdev
24-Mar-18 / Memo, E-mail / GD on gender inequality
25-Mar-18 / Sunday/ Ram Navami
13 / 26-Mar-18 / Circular, RTI writing / Practice of letter writing
27-Mar-18 / Test: Circular, RTI writing / Practice of letter writing
28-Mar-18 / Quiz Merchants of Venice, test: one word substitution / Practice of letter writing
29-Mar-18 / Mahavir Jayanti
30-Mar-18 / Test: character Bossanio and Antonio, test: E-mail / Test
31-Mar-18 / Test: types of drama, test: precis / Practice of translation
14 / 1-Apr-18 / Sunday
2-Apr-18 / Test: reference to the context , act – I scene I / Long questions of chapter 1
3-Apr-18 / Test: short questions of act – I / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
4-Apr-18 / Test: précis writing , test: circular / Long questions of Chapter 2
5-Apr-18 / Test: précis writing , test: RTI / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
6-Apr-18 / Test: Act - I Scene II, Scene III / Long questions of chapter 3
7-Apr-18 / Revision : Act – I, RTI / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
8-Apr-18 / Sunday
15 / 9-Apr-18 / Revision : short questions , Act - I / Long questions of chapter 4
10-Apr-18 / Revision : short questions , Act – II, Act –III / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
11-Apr-18 / Revision : character of Portia / Long questions of chapter 5
12-Apr-18 / Revision: casket scene / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
13-Apr-18 / Revision: trial scene / Long questions of chapter 6
14-Apr-18 / Dr Ambedkar Jayanti / Vaisakhi
15-Apr-18 / Sunday
16 / 16-Apr-18 / Revision: tragi comedy / Short questions, explanation and comprehension
17-Apr-18 / Revision: important passages of ‘The Merchant of Venice’ / Clarification of doubts
18-Apr-18 / Parashurama Jayanti
19-Apr-18 / Test : Women character in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ / Very short questions of all chapters
20-Apr-18 / Clarification of doubts in the play / Comprehension of all chapters
21-Apr-18 / Test: business letters / Practice of Translation
22-Apr-18 / Sunday
17 / 23-Apr-18 / Test: official letters / Practice of Precis writing
24-Apr-18 / Test: one word substitutions / Practice of letter writing
25-Apr-18 / Discussion : important questions from play / Practice of explanation
26-Apr-18 / Discussion : important reference to the context / Revision
27-Apr-18 / Discussion : important short questions / Revision
28-Apr-18 / Clarification of doubts / Revision

Lesson Plan

Name of the Assistant Professor : Mrs Meenu

Subject: English

Lesson Plan: January 2018 – April 2018

Week / Date / B.A 4th sem
1 / 1-Jan-18 / Introduction to the play 'The Envoy'
2-Jan-18 / Reading and explanation of the play
3-Jan-18 / Reading and explanation of the play
4-Jan-18 / Reading and explanation of the play
5-Jan-18 / Reading and explanation of the play
6-Jan-18 / Very Short answer type questions
7-Jan-18 / Sunday
2 / 8-Jan-18 / Discussion of important stanzas for explanation
9-Jan-18 / Discussion of short questions
10-Jan-18 / Vocabulary