Community Arts Project Plan

A Community Arts Project engages students and non-school

community members (neighborhood residents, local organizations, etc…)

in collaborative art making.


Identify the Unit of Study to Implement the Project
Identify the Participating Community
Identify the Community Goal as the Driving Concept
Elevate the Unit of Study to Address the Community Goal
Communicate the Community Need as the “WHY” of the Project
Schedule a Partner/Student Meeting / Facilitator Input / Community Input
Student Input / Evidence of Completion


Establish the Project Design
Establish Guidelines for the Partnership as Mutually Beneficial to the Partner and Students
Create a Project Calendar / Facilitator Input / Community Input
Student Input / Evidence of Completion


Organize and Disseminate Research for Students based on the Driving Concept
Identify and Implement the Elevated Arts Techniques Necessary to Accomplish the Project
Create a Project Assessment Rubric (See Community Arts Unit Rubric)
Create a 30-minute, presentation to be shared at staff or faculty meeting / Facilitator Input / Community Input
Student Input / Evidence of Completion


Identify Project-Specific Work Sessions
Deepen Understandings through Additional Research
Elevate Student Technique and Ownership through Project-Specific Work Sessions / Facilitator Input / Community Input
Student Input / Evidence of Completion


Create and Implement an Event to Share the Final Project
Create and Share with All Stakeholders a Final Participant Reflection Activity
Document and Share the Project Process and Final Product / Facilitator Input / Community Input
Student Input / Evidence of Completion
Community and Concept / A community partner was not identified.
The unit concept is no different than system curricular expectations. / A community partner was identified but had little or no influence on the project.
The unit concept is extended slightly beyond system curricular expectations. / A community partner was identified and connections were facilitated between the partner and the students to identify the “why” of the project.
The unit concept is elevated and clarified because of the input of the community partner. / A clear community goal is evident as the driving idea in the unit of study and the resulting project.
Establishing the Partnership / There was little or no attempt of collaboration and a procedure for partnership. / An effort was made to collaborate without guidelines or procedure agreed upon by the students and partner. / Students were involved in multiple stages of the collaboration guided by clearly stated guidelines for the partnership. / A clear collaboration, from inception to implementation, is established with mutually beneficial guidelines and procedures.
Initial Project Review / No evidence of research or exploration beyond curriculum-driven technique.
No school-wide professional development was offered. / Minimal research tasks were present.
A minimal contribution was made as a segment of a school-wide professional development. / Student research, inspired by the collaboration, is evident in a deeper understanding of the concept.
Presentation of project at a faculty or staff development meeting to explain the project to the school. / Student research, inspired by the project, extends to additional research opportunities in other/future projects.
Presentation of project at a faculty or staff development meeting to gather support and assistance from other faculty and staff members.
Create and Refine / No growth in artistic technique and skills beyond curricular standards. / Some elevation of artistic technique and skills beyond curricular standards because of minimal research and defined creative exploration. / Obvious growth in artistic technique and skills inspired by the driving concept and defined creative exploration.
Artistic techniques are extended beyond curricular expectations as evidenced by student ownership. / Level-appropriate mastery of artistic technique and skills attributed to a commitment to the units’ creative process and product.
Artistic techniques are enhanced and elevated to a level of excellence as evident in the process and product.
Project Presentation / No implementation of the project. / Minimal project information was presented within an established event. / The project was presented as a unique event with a reflection assignment for all participants. / The project was documented, presented as a unique event, with a reflection assignment for all participants shared with all stakeholders.