Civic Award Nomination Form

I propose:

Name: ______

Address: ______


Telephone number: ______

Email address: ______

Closing date for submission of applications is Friday 02 March 2018.

Please provide the details above for the person / Organisation or Group being nominated as if successful, we will need to contact them.

To receive a Civic Award Certificate for services to the town and people of Chippenham as detailed as follows:

I certify that the details given are correct, that I have not been influenced or canvassed in any way and that the person nominated has no knowledge of the present application.

I understand that all matters relating to the nomination are confidential and that should the present nomination fail, it may be re-submitted after the expiry of twelve months.

Please continue on a separate sheet, if applicable.

PROPOSER –must be proposed by residents within the Chippenham civic boundary.


Address: ______


Tel: ______


SECONDER:must be seconded by residents within the Chippenham civic boundary.




Tel: ______

Email: ______

Please return to:

Mary Laing

Democratic & Civic Officer

Chippenham Town Council,

Town Hall,

High Street,



SN15 3ER


A Civic Award is presented to individuals or groups / organisations in recognition of outstanding service to the community. The criteria for the Award Scheme approved by the Town Council are as follows:-

(a)That a maximum of five awards be made in any one Municipal Year, and no minimum number be specified.

(b)That no nominations be initiated by the Civic Matters Sub-Committee or its members.

(c)That no nomination be considered in respect of any serving Member or employee of Chippenham Town Council.

(d)That each such valid nomination be considered on its own merits and no firm criteria be specified except that no award would normally be made to any employee for carrying out any tasks within their normal employment.

(e)That the award comprise of a framed A4 certificate on high quality paper and include the words “in recognition of outstanding service to the people of Chippenham on whose behalf the Town Council records its appreciation”.

(f)That any award include in addition some other memento such as an engraved glass plaque, the exact specification to be determined.

(g)That those nominated be informed of their nominations and be asked whether they are prepared to have their names go forward to the Town Council committee responsible for selecting recipients for Civic Awards. The Sub-Committee’s recommendations for Civic Awards will then go forward to the next meeting of the Town Council and the names of those selected be made public at that time.

(h)That any approved award be presented on Civic Sunday in any year, the presentation to take place after the Church Service.

(i)That no nominations be proposed or seconded by any Councillor of Chippenham Town Council.

(j)That a maximum of 3 people from each group / organisation will be invited to receive their Civic Award at Civic Sunday.

(k)A Posthumous Award nominationfor individuals who performed voluntary services to the community within 2 years of the date of their death.

The Proposer and Seconder, plus two others, be invited to receive the award at Civic Sunday on behalf of the Nominee.

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