Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of January 25 2006

Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006

There is a relatively large, developing anomaly in the spiraling motion of the spin axis, including an huge phase shift, a shortening of the length of the normal 7 year cycle, the tightening of the spiral motion into an exceptionally small spiral, and a major acceleration in the drift ofthe Spin Axis (secular drift of the poles, or so-called True Polar Wander). This anomaly is on-going and portends major changes in tectonic activity during ensuing years.

(ECB – January 25, 2006, MWM)There has been almost no movement of the spin axis since the last report. The track of the wobble for the past week has added nothing to last week's graph which is shown below. See the January 18 note. The phase and magnitude of Chandler's Wobble is undergoing a profound shift. I suspect this lack of movement is an awesome portent of sudden tectonic changes, judging by the results of the last major anomaly in the movement of the spin axis during 1934-1938. If tectonic activity mirrors that period in the coming years, we will see two periods of major increase in tectonic activity One period will be for about 14 months when the spin axis does continue its progression of movement into the next 7 year X WAVE cycle of Chandler's Wobble. This first spiral turn will produce a major increase in volcanic activity, possibly by as much as as 100% over last year or even more. This 14 month spiral turn should also produce a similar increase in general earthquake activity in the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire - should be unusually strong in Japan, Alaska, California. This means from now through to the middle of 2007. Then for the next some 14-16 years, world earthquake activity 7.0 plus should be double that of the general yearly average.Please note that this doubling of activity 7.0 plus during the next 14 years will be on top of the general trend of increase in earthquake activity in the 3.0 to 7.0 range, which is increasing in the range of 50% per decade. These numbers are uncertain and are not predictions, but they do reveal a range of realistic possibility based on the averages of the past. An acceleration in this range over the base of the past few years would doubtless substantially increase destruction of human habitats. The first surge may come in as little as 90 days but is probably not all that likely during the next lunar period.

See the background report (as of Jan 18, 2006)and the latest plot:Go immediately and see the current wobble track. This introduction and all updates related to polar motion is written with the graph at

Doubtless, with this anomaly we can see reflected in facts what we already feel in our bones, namely that the Change In The Earth is definitely underway, now in about its fifth of six year. This is pretty much in the time frame as laid out by Edgar Cayce some 70 years. We can now clearly see that the Change In The Earth is occurring at all levels, geophysical, geological, climatological as in Global Warming, geopolitical, spiritual, economic, and now most certainly and pervasively at the personal level.

There is no exit. Whatever intellectual wiggle room of doubt which still exists for the more weakly attuned is shrinking rapidly and will be utterly gone in 14-16 months. THIS WILL INDUCE A PROFOUND CHANGE IN SOCIAL DYNAMICS. THIS SHIFT WILL OVER-RIDE EVERYTHING. We will still have the deniers, liars, deceivers, and shills manipulating the sheeple with various hooks and crooks about the greatness of the never-neverland of the Late Great American Con. But their impact and force will dissolve rapidly during the next 48 months.

FOR THOSE SPIRITUALL ATTUNED, this era will rapidly open up the greatest opportunities for real meaningful change and personal evolution than has been seen since the 1960‘s.

As Abe Lincoln said a long time ago, “just as our situation is new, we must think anew”. For the first time really in some 70 years we have the opportunity to forge the personal connections, alliances, and framework to fundamentally shift the nature of life on the North American continent.


Apparently the Sunspot Count DID NOT peak on Jan 14 for the January 21 three-way alignment Venus | Earth | Saturn. Apparantly theypeaked on January 23 at 73 and declined slightly yesterday to 62.

Since the solar flux is holding in there at 93 while Mercury spirals during the next two weeks to meet alignments with first Neptune and then Uranus, while Venus holds close to Earth, we may see two more wiggles in the Sunspot peaks during the next couple of weeks, but probably the 73 was the max for this period of time and quite probably for this dying phase of Solar Cycle 23. Sometime later in the year, possibly as late as sometime in 2007, the Sunspot Count average for a month will drop to zero and that will be the end of this current cycle.

Planetary chart in fictional equal orbits, all planets rotating counter-clockwise as of Jan 25


For the weather, the Arctic express will continue on steroids with a couple of mildings but not for much and not for long during the next three weeks or so. Finally, this cold winter should begin to break up by the end of February and who knows at this point what Spring will bring.

The next New Moon draweth near (Jan 29 UTC) bringing with it a near Perigee (Jan 30 UTC, only 17 hours later). Our Syzygy for this may be said to begin on January 27 UTC and end about February 2 UTC. This should be a virulent New Moon for earthquakes and volcanoes. Perigee is at Jan 30 7:48 357780 km N+ 17h

The Moon is currently nearly in its extreme Southern Node and will be moving to an even greater extreme to the equator during the New Moon. Watch the Southern Hemisphere for the greatest frequency and magnitude of quakes during the coming week.

Maintain high vigilance during each of the next three Perigee New Moons, plus or minus four days either side. I believe you can relax after that until late in the year.


Quake activity is moderate in both frequency and magnitude, still more centered in the West Pacific (East Asia)than anywhere else. Another six shape-shifters have struck the Great Rifts of the oceans this past seven days and activity on the Carib plate remains elevated. In North America, activity is still muted. BUT I EXPECT THAT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, AS IS CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE ENTIRE ZONE CONNECTED TO THE BAJA PLATE IS IN A HIGHER STATE OF POTENTIAL DURING THE NEXT EIGHT DAYS. HOWEVER, THE MOON IS NEARLY 5.4 DEGREES SOUTH OF THE EQUATOR WITH THE SUN AND THUS CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE NORTHERN ANDES MAY BE IN A GREATER STATE OF DANGER. Thus California may not get the beeg one this time. Costa Rica through to Peru or adjacent may.

Volcanic activity is still about the same as last week. Augustine in Alaska is the most active but it company with 22 other active volcanoes, most of which are now active enough to cause new reports to be written each week for gas, ash, or lava. SWVC also reports 6 restless and 62 on the alert list. This is a more vigorous start than 2005 and thus I expect that during 2006 volcanism will be more explosive and colorful than in the previous five years.


Erebus, on Ross Sound in Antarctica, one of the most active volcanoes in the world (apparently 100 years nonstop of liquid lava lake and virtually daily strombolian explosions)is once again showing a major peak in its activity, equivalent to the last peak in its activity during the last X MIN phase of the Earth's Wobble.

Since technically we have not quite flown into the X MIN at the moment, this peak of activity is a little on the early side. But perhaps not, perhaps we have entered into it rather early. This volcano, little known, may be an exceptionally important harbinger to the stresses in the Earth's crust. The charts of the monthly and annual count of eruptions at Erebus which are posted at the SWVC are well worth watching for signs of a major shift in the tectonic activity of the Earth.

AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: This period actually has one additional whammy built into it for the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire. I cannot explain why, but during a X MIN year when the wobble is as small as it gets during its seven year cycle of expansion and contraction, seismic activity mag 3.0 plus in Japan and California go way up, even doubling overall for the year. This has been seen several times since 1962.

Worldwide, overall quake activity above 3.0 decreases or at least seems to "pause" in its growth curve during the X MIN, but overall volcanic activity increases RADICALLY, which is followed in the next expansionary phase of Chandler's Wobble with an increase in the acceleration of Earthquake activity. This pattern has been seen repeatedly since 1973.

These patterns can be seen ever more clearly in the charts I have updated for the "Return of the Phoenix".

Based on these charts I can predict that 2006 will be the most dangerous earthquake period in California and Japan since 2000, with "big ones" much more probable than during the past several years. This zone of danger will persist all year and into 2007 through at least the Spring. Thereafter the danger will diminish through the next X Wave cycle of Chandler's Wobble.

MAJOR PROVISO: Polar Motion is currently anomalous. This affects all else related to tectonic activity. Accordingly, predictions based on past relationships are not necessarily valid.

St. Helens is likely to have the major eruption it has been building up towards this past year, along with Popo, Colima, and of course with major flare-ups in the steady erupters, including esp. Etna and Kilauea. If St. Helens erupts, expect it will have company in the Far East in Kamchatka, the Aleutians, the Kuriles, and possibly Japan and the Philippines.

Any volcanic pre-signaling during 2006 should be taken with GRAVE ATTENTION. Often times the flare up of pre-signals lead to nothing, but during the next 18 months they are more probable than at other times to actually lead to increased activity.


The revised version of Books One and Two are available now at the website. All current paid subscribers should now have their access codes. If you do not, please contact me at

The ebook version of Book Three will be only partially posted at the end of January. I doubt I will have all the new charts finished. I definitely will not have the new index finished. I am changing quite a bit of text and this takes constant re-editing. I am making a lot of explanations and discussions even more reader-friendly. Plus a variety of new things to fit in. It is really hard work to write really well, I constantly find.

After finishing them, I will put the entire trilogy into paperback and hardbound editions.

ECONOMIC VORTEX: as previously reported

Don't blink. Hold your course. The melt is definitely underway. Truckloads of new information is compiling daily. Convergence of widespread opinion that 2006 and 2007 are the years for the downturn. Expect seesaws up and down next four months, showing more and more sectoral softenings. The bs’ers will pile the load on, the bears will be armed and roaming the streets waiting and growling, no longer furtively.


MASS MEDIA BREEDS IGNORNANCE - I will proudly wear this T Shirt every time I write this update. It is now my official mascot for this effort.Get one. Start wearing them. All the major U.S. news organizations deserve as many rotten tomatoes hurled at them as we are capable of hurling.

(I forgot to wear mine today – will do so tomorrow)

As can be seen, the Imperial Faction has merely developed massively huge callouses. Not a shred of remorse and doubt.

There is no exit strategy for the Imperial drive in the Middle East. The pile on continues to build. Iran and/or Syria continue to be the next targets, the order is not entirely clear. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim world continues to consolidate in polarization against the West. The Zionists are completely incapable of seeing the limits of power, their power, and the power of the U.S. They are completely lost in their kinky concepts of aggressive dominance of what they obviously think are “sandniggers”. These morons think you rule by mass intimidation, brutal bombing assaults, indiscriminate blockbuster violence, murder, mayhem, and the generation of lies to drown out the ability of people to think rationally and make real choices. Every age, every culture knows this to be a lie. Every Empire has proven it by floundering on the truth that ultimately coercion always loses. How is it possible that the Americans are so brain-fogged that they have forgotten everything? The Pakistanis surely haven’t. Where Bin Laden had support before he now has tens of thousands of passionately aroused followers who think him and his people to be heros.

What are the odds of finding these Al Qaeda needles in the hayfields of Central Asia teeming with wildlife which is actively hostile to the U.S. and its lackies? Let me spell it for you. Z E R O

I predict Pakistan will fall to extremists within a few months of any attack on Iran.

Beyond a very kinky taste for violence and the use of record-breaking brutalities, the Imperial Faction has not a clue. This is the only Empire-building push which has been attempted without the mobilization of real mass programs for the organization and governance of the subject peoples. One supposes that this is the ultimate of capitalist-style adulteration of product, an Empire stripped down purely to the end of a gun barrel. That, and control of the illicit production and trade of drugs. RummyDum, what a flipping genious you are.

The Mass Media is still in business to shill this continued looting of what remains of the Republic. And of course, most of both Republicans and Democrats are still complicit in the tacit gambit of “Globalism” for use as Mass Deception to maintain support of the plutocracy’s One World Dominance Kink (with toys). The Lieberman-Clinton block of fellow-traveling career-parasites of the Democratic Party is now one of the main blocksto serious political debate in the U.S. about the political mugging of the constitution by small factions in service of the plutocracy’s cabals. The Democratic Party in the year ahead is likely to flounder on precisely this “talon” of the Cabal. Good riddance. Remember, the democratic slogan for the next two years is anybody but Bush, except Clinton. Better the stupid oafs you have all figured out than the sly, sneaky foxes you are never quite sure about.

I believe that the threat of a broader war in the Middle East AS A RESULT OF WESTERN IMPERIAL POLICIES continues to be EXTREMELY REAL AND EXCEPTIONALLY GRAVE through the next two years. However, it is not likely to be March of this year. Nor is it likely to be this year at all. They will wait until the November elections are over. They will wait until next year, 2007, when they can run as the War Coalition Which Is Protecting The Mensch From the Barbarians of Iran. They will use this year to bait Bush’s Mirror in Iran, the new president of Iran, as well as the new Palestinean Parliament. They will work hard at generating unfortunate, emotional responses which can be defined as displaying evil intent and actions which block international cooperation and progress. They will continue to bait and manipulate public attitudes about the “sandniggers” as the Cabal pushes towards a sudden death drop on Iran. I believe that at least some of the Cabal intend to bomb Iran back into the stone age. Only on that basis will they be able to seize and occupy Iran’s oil industry back into the dollar.

Gotta another light? Nothing has changed this week. I need another very long drag and another shot of that Henessey Cognac which “She Who Dances With Half-Wolves” sent me.