Due October 4, 2013

Return to:
Joyce Martin
139 Ag Hall ● Stillwater, OK 74078
Fax: 407-744-5339

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference
Concurrent Session Proposal
January 22-24, 2014
Stillwater, OK

Area and State Specialists, as well as County/District Staff are invited to submit proposals for concurrent sessions at the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference on January 22-24, 2014. Please consider sharing subject matter topics or innovative programming for the concurrent sessions. You will be contacted about whether or not your proposal is selected by November 5.

Title of Concurrent Session: ____General, State & Local Economic Update: Is the Patient Recovering or Back in ICU?

Instructor(s) Name(s): ___Sanders, Larry D. & Shideler, David

Full Mailing Address: _509 AH, campus Email Address:

Daytime Phone: ____4-9834 Fax Number: ___4-9835

Presentation Length: 1 hr 2 hrs

Number of Presentations (Would you be willing to present the session more than once?)
Yes No
Rooms – Please indicate your preference and take the room into consideration when planning the workshop
Classroom Small Auditorium

Workshop Description (75 words or less) – Description will be used for conference publicity

Everything that OCES does in educational programs and the quality of life of our various publics is underpinned by the health of the economy. Significant changes have been occurring in the national, state and local ecocnomies, as well as the budget and debt activities of the various levels of government, from local to federal. An update of the key indicators of the economy, as well as the outlook for economic and governmental activity will assist extension professionals in preparing for the programming needs in the year ahead.

Biography for each instructor – Attach additional pages if needed

Both are in the Department of Agricultural Economics. Shideler is assistant professor and extension economist. He focuses primarily on community development and economic impact analysis. He has been at OSU for about 5 years. Sanders is professor and economist. He focuses primarily on policy issues, including the general economy, natural resource and environmental issues.__Sanders has been at OSU for 29 years.

Computer and projector

Computer Needs (please list) ______
