Bosham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday

12th September 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Bosham Centre

Present: Mr A Chapman, Mrs J Copsey, Mr J Dean (Chairman), Mr J Fulford, Mr J Holloway, Mr A Johnstone, Mrs C Pexton, Mrs K Philips, Mrs G Powell & Mr C Whitmore Jones

In attendance: Miss Lisa Roberts [Clerk to the Council/RFO]

C13/50 / Receive apologies for absence
D/Cllrs Cullen and Myers and Cllr Rumsey sent their apologies
C13/51 / To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below.
Cllr Holloway declared a personal interest in item 8, Green Lane.
C13/52 / Questions and comments from Members of the Public Present
C13/53 / Confirm and sign the Minutes of the Bosham Parish Council meeting held 25th July 2012 (previously issued)
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of that meeting.
C13/54 / To consider matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Min Ref: C13/43.1 Cllr Johnstone reported that the Bosham Centre roof repairs have now been completed.
C13/55 / Receive Reports
C13/55.1.4 / Chairman’s Report
Travellers - Since we last met we were visited by a group of travellers. They arrived on 30 July. Thanks to Lisa they were evicted one week later - this was not without a considerable amount of work on her part. I would also like to thank the members of the council and the general public who helped clean the field after the travellers had left - it took 4 pick-up truck loads to dispose of the rubbish. Thanks to Cllr Fulford for borrowing the truck. The travellers left the ground but about three vehicles and vans were left outside the gate. They were finally removed at about 9pm. Since that time the gate has been reinforced with a box-like structure around the lock, a reinforced padlock (both features should deter people from removing the lock) and the gate hinges are welded to prevent the gate being lifted and opened. Further on Monday last some additional posts have been installed which will prevent vehicular access round the sides of the gate. Thanks to Cllr Fulford for his expertise in arranging this. In view of the continued presence of the travellers in the locality Cllr Johnstone parked a vehicle across the gate over the weekend, and I have continued that since Monday.
Bosham Association - The meeting with the BA Chairman went well. We covered a number of topics including:
·  Planning - here we have mostly convergent views and I welcomed their support. Interestingly I learned that they were quite enthusiastic about the Burne's shipyard proposal by Burhill. I must say that I am more circumspect - particularly about the motives behind a 99 year lease to Chi Harbour Trust. I wonder how firm the lease conditions are - maybe I am just cynical.
·  BVDS - an example where BA and BPC worked together and got an excellent result.
·  Affordable Housing - no identified issues except the painfully slow progress by CDC.
·  Flooding - I was given a copy of the report. It certainly seems to contain some hyperbole on the situation in Delling/Bosham and Walton Lanes and possibly some over estimates of the depth. (The fact that one driver ended up in the ditch at Strange's corner invoked little sympathy from myself - cars are not designed to travel through deep water, and road edges will not be marked....) I expressed this to Peter Newman and also the statements made by BA about the EA re the Penstock and imminent flooding in the village. They have an opinion that there was very limited flow through the grill in Walton Lane and they are convinced that there is some restriction in the pipe under the old garage site as the volume of water discharged did not equate with their expectations. This warrants further investigation - possibly they have misunderstood some key aspects of the flow. I would question some of the numbers and conclusions although the general sentiments expressed should only further the cause to get drainage and sewage pipes looked at more broadly. But I am realistic enough to recognise that the level of damage will probably invoke little response from CDC/WSCC in these cash strapped times. There may be some small projects we can undertake at a local level, we can encourage householders to stock up with sandbags and to buy pumps (as well as considering how much redundancy is in the electricity supply, particularly if the meter/distribution board is not sited very high) and we could encourage the many agencies involved to talk more - but it's a long term plan as I see it. (BA has produced a further report which is currently not being released; it may be worth a look at some time). Flooding is not on the BA agenda at present.
·  Traffic and Parking - BA expressed a willingness to help with the report. I outlined where we had got to at our first meeting. PN was not so keen on the shared area on the East end of Walton Lane, I still think that this is an idea worthy of further exploration. The BA would like footpaths in Walton Lane and in Taylors Lane around the Stumps Lane area - while that may be "ideal" I doubt it will happen at this time. They are also concerned about Moreton Road - but didn't offer any tangible solutions. I would welcome views as to the extent that BPC should invite BA to participate in the Traffic and Parking Report.
Burhill - I subsequently met with Cllr Johnstone, Paul Barnes and his CEO from Burhill. They were seeking a letter of support but this was declined. We should see the planning application at the end of September, or October so we will know more then.
Recreation Ground Car Park - A sign has been erected in the car park (on Colin Lacey's wall with his agreement) with the aim to deter the use of the car park by car vendors (members will recall that on the occasion of the school fête there were 7 such vehicles parked thus limiting legitimate access to the recreation ground.)
C13/55.2 / Clerk’s Report
·  Register of members interest, please can I have your forms back.
·  Police and Crime Commissioner – Hustings will take place in October.
·  Stagecoach route 56 – the 0715 bus has been replaced by 0655 and 0755 services. This makes it impossible for the village children who attend Bishop Luffa school to use the service.
·  Have your say on the draft Sustainability Appraisal of the West Sussex Waste Local Plan - Draft (Regulation 18). The consultation document is available for viewing online at
·  We have been asked for our views on the future of the 10 Gypsy and Traveller sites owned and managed by West Sussex County Council and the proposal to seek alternative owners of these sites.
·  Consultation on the priorities for Chichester District Community Safety Partnership
·  Chichester Sub District of CDALC will take place on Monday 24th September 2012, 7pm at Lavant Memorial Hall, Pook Lane, Lavant. Cllr Holloway will attend on behalf of Bosham.
·  The Clerk, along with Cllrs Chapman and Pexton attend the CDC meeting regarding the changes to Council Tax Support. The changes will not affect Bosham in the short term and we do not know what government proposes for the coming financial years.
C13/55.3.5 / Representatives to Outside Bodies
Bournes Community Forum – Meeting will be next week. Cllr Whitmore Jones has asked that they put Travellers on their agenda.
Burial Ground – Next meeting in October
Village Hall – nothing to report
District Council – nothing to report
County Council – nothing to report
C13/56 / Parish Council Communications Policy
Only Cllr Johnstone was able to open the link. The Clerk to re-send the link to Councillors for their comments. / LR
C13/57 / Green Lane
KJB Contractors have completed the work and invoices have been sent to the four residents. The Clerk has asked for an update from Highways on the Delling Lane drainage. MINUTE CLOSED / LR
C13/58.2 / Traffic and Parking Strategy
Min Ref: C13/46.2 – letter has been sent to CDC regarding the state of the Car park, but not received a reply.
Cllr Dean to write to interested parties via the village newsletters and website to ask people to attend a working party for the Traffic and Parking Strategy on Monday 12th November 7.30pm here at the Bosham Centre. / JD
C13/59.2 / Committee Minutes and Reports (previously issued)
Planning meeting 01/08/12 & 29/08/12
RESOLVED: to receive and note the minutes of these meetings.
RGS meeting 01/08/12
RESOLVED: to receive and note the minutes of this meeting. Consider Min Ref: RGS13/09.2 - The members RECOMMEND to full council that some of this budget (playground surface) be spent on a recreation ground footpath lighting solution. The motion was put forward and seconded.
Motion Proposed: That the Clerk get another quote from Haddow for the installation of new bollard lights, but on the other side of the pathway with new cabling. The RGS Committee are empowered to decide on the way forward.
RESOLVED: Motion was carried unanimously. / LR
C13/60.3.3 / Finance
Orders for Payment (previously issued/Attached)
RESOLVED: to approve, unanimously, all of the attached orders for payment for
£9,058.26 (Including VAT payable of £973.17). It was AGREED that the Clerk should receive £250 gross bonus for her extra work on evicting the travellers.
Costs attached to illegal encampment and future risk assessment (previously issued)
The net costs of repossessing and securing the recreation ground were AGREED as:
Removal Costs
SIB Ltd (legal consultation and process servicing) £995.00
County Court fees £175.00
Boarhunt (eviction transport)£150.00
Security Costs
Padlocks/chains £ 76.56
Southern Fabrications Sussex Ltd £649.00
Total Cost to date £2,045.56
Future costs
Southern Fabrications Sussex Ltd £919.00
Total £2,964.56
Sammy Community Transport – a grant of £432.32 was APPROVED
Bosham Football Club – a £350 grant was APPROVED to help with the re-seeding of the field.
Disability Awareness UK, a charity promoting disability awareness in the area – The Clerk to write a letter saying that the council would be happy to consider a grant from Bosham Primary School should they require such a visit.
C13/49 / To note the date of the next meeting is on 10th October 2012

The meeting closed at 21.02pm

