October 2009
Volume 2, Issue10
Inside this Issue
1 / From the Pastor
2 / Fellowship
3 / Church Library
Christian Ed
4 / Worship & Music
Family Promise
5 / Church in Society
6 / Stewardship
7 / Children’s Page
8 / Church Calendar
9 / Preschool News
10 / Lay Ministry Schedule
11 / Our Ministry of Worship
Church Office Hours:
Tues –Fri. 9:00 am- 2:30 pm
email us at:

From the Pastor

Jim Latimer

Pew Communion vs. Chancel Communion: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered why we do Communion two different ways: sometimes receiving it in the pew, and other times coming forward to receive it at the foot of the Chancel steps?

There are many ways to celebrate this sacrament. These are the two most common forms among Protestant Christians.

Communion is one of two sacraments among Protestant Christians. The other is baptism.

Since much about God is mysterious, and beyond our human powers to fully comprehend, sacraments – thru symbolism and metaphor – allow us to experience even the mystery of the Holy. They are powerful.

Our tradition testifies that thru the rituals of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) believers can experience Jesus’ presence in a particularly powerful and intimate way. Both rituals re-enact events in which Jesus himself participated. The Gospel accounts in the Bible attest that he was baptized by John the Baptist, and also that he had a final supper of bread and cup with his closest followers during the final week of his earthly life.

Holy Communion invites us to connect with Christ in an intimate way and physical way as we experience Christ’s symbolical presence in the bread and the wine or juice.

When you receive Communion in your pew, it is private and individual. It’s also passive: the elements are brought to you. In contrast, Chancel Communion is more public and communal. It’s also active: you must get out of your seat, together with others, and come forward to receive the elements. The coming forward in a group highlights your participation in the Body of Christ – you’re part of a community of believers - not just an individual. And perhaps most significant, you are coming forward – actively moving toward the holy, rather than passively receiving it.

Theologically, pew communion highlights individualism, privacy, and a God who comes to us without our having to do anything to deserve it. That is grace. We can be passive and undeserving and still loved by God.

In contrast, chancel communion highlights that the fact that in our faith journey we are part of a larger group - the Body of Christ – in which we participate publicly. It teaches that if we want to grow spiritually – grow closer to God and experience

Your Church Staff

Rev. Jim Latimer


610-568-2480 (cell)

Regina Floyd

Church Secretary


Sam DeWald

Consistory President


Robin & Dustin Bennett



Dan Smith

Director of Music


Marti Smith

Bell Choir & Praise Band


Bridgette Rothermel

Children’s Choir


Christine Miller

Preschool Director


Warren Lubenow



Don Dickerson

Financial Secretary


Jack McGuire

Asst. Financial Secretary


Regina Floyd

Financial Recording Secretary


(Continued from pg. 1)

the Holy Spirit moving thru us – we must take action.

Both methods are valid. But each calls forth different aspects of our relationship with Christ and our church community.

Yours in Communion,

Rev. Jim


You are invited to the Retirees’ Breakfast on Thursday, October 15th, @ 8:30 a.m. You need not be retired to join in the fellowship! If you can break away or start the day with us, please do so. We meet at The Breakfast Hut for a scrumptious meal and wonderful conversation. For more information contact Betty Houck (610.779.2962)or Ethel Adams (610.779.2164).

If Breakfast is too early, join us at Noon for lunch on the 1st Thursday of the month, all are welcome.

We will meet at the church and carpool to try the many different restaurants in our area.

For more information contact Jolene Miller (610-779-3272).

October 10th @ 8:00 a.m.

The 2nd Saturday of each month the men of congregation meet for breakfast at The Breakfast Hut restaurant to discuss timely topics concerning the church and our Community.

Community UCC Stitching for You - Join Us!

Do You Knit or Crotchet? Would you like to learn to knit or crochet? Join us on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m., in the church library. We’ll plan projects, work together or individually to help others enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of Community UCC members and friends. For more info please call Barb Taglang @ 610-779-2649.

The Church Library

Gerhart Library

Marianne Lubenow and Lorie Martin

Come in and check out our new library. We’ve accomplished some much needed house - keeping. Many of the older books have been given to the Berks Co. Library Annual Boll Sale. Your donations have been incorporated into our collection enlarging the fiction and non-fiction sections.

We encourage you to borrow any of the books or other items. A log book in which you list the items borrowed, date and your name will help us keep track of the selections and how often they are checked out. Children’s books and tapes are located in the lower level of the book case.

We will continue to accept your donations. Besides your contributions we’d like to hear your suggestions and opinions. Would a magazine section be worthwhile? We look forward to hearing your comments and recommendations. Thanks for helping us to revitalize the library.

Christian Education

Barry & Sandy Fehnel - Directors

October 11- Sunday School Open House

There will be a CHIP (Child Identification Program) offered to all who attend. It is free of charge. The program provides an opportunity to educate our children on safe practices and gives the parents a special kit to use if ever they are separated from their child. What is included:

  1. Digital still photo as well as digital video interview
  2. Fingerprints
  3. DNA kit

All information is given directly to the parent or guardian. No copies are made. Parents will complete permission and release form.

October 11 – CROP Hunger Walk at Gring’s Mill at 12:30.

We will be meeting at the church at 12:00 and carpooling over. Anyone interested please talk to Barry or Sandy Fehnel

ATTENTION: Families with loved ones in the Military or with college students

The Sunday School students need your help. Starting in September the Sunday School will be taking on the task of sending cards and gift packages to men and women serving in the military and college students throughout the year. In order to do this service project, we need their names and addresses (birthday would be good too). Please give your information to any Christian Ed Committee Member. Thanks!

Fall Meeting of the

Penna Southeast Conference

Saturday, Nov 21st, 2009

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

St. Paul's UCC (Amityville)

1312 Old Swede Rd. Douglassville, PA

Youth of all ages are encouraged to come and participate! Confirmation classes, youth groups, etc.

CREATIVE WORSHIP -We will learn how to use theatre & the arts in worship. Our time together will be fun, interactive, and creative! We will also be putting together some ideas for leading worship at the Spring Meeting in 2010, in which youth and adults will be leading the morning worship time.

FELLOWSHIP -You can meet other youth from around the Conference. We'll have lunch together, get to know each other, and hang out.

UPDATES -Get the latest on Regional Youth Event, Service Projects, Conference events, and much more!

WE would like to have our church represented. If interested or you have questions – Talk to

Barry or Sandy Fehnel, or

Marti Smith.

Music & Worship

Laity Sunday - November 8

(10:15 Service Only)

The Worship and Music Committee is organizing a Laity Service on Sunday, November 8. We will hold one service that day at 10:15. We will connect with our stewardship theme “From Jesus we have all received, grace upon grace” (John 1:16). Participants will lead various portions of the service that day. One of our committee members may speak to you or if you are interested, you may contact Sandy Fehnel, Marti Smith, Dan Smith or Barbara McGuire for further information.

Worship & Music Seeking Committee Members

If you are interested in serving Community Church through this committee please contact one of the members listed above. We are a very active committee that plans and implements our worship experiences. The committee meets the second Monday of each month from 7:00 -8:00PM.

Child Care at Community

The Worship and Music committee is working to revitalize the child care program during the 10:15 services. We hope that this will provide an opportunity for members and visitors to have their children supervised as they worship. Child care will be provided in the library directly behind the narthex beginning September 13. There are two ways that members of Community UCC can help this program: (1) contribute items that pre-school age children can use during their care. These can include books, puzzles, “quiet toys”, etc. (2) volunteer to serve in the child care room. If we have a good number of people volunteering to do this, we can develop a rotating schedule. Please contact the church office if you can serve in this capacity.

We Praise 2

We Praise 2 is open to children, who like to help lead singing, and are ages 4 to grade 6. Rehearsals are every Sunday that there is Sunday School beginning at 8:45am. A student is eligible to help lead singing if they attend the rehearsal at 8:45am that day. Students are also expected to set a good example of Christian behavior.

Your Music & Worship Committee

-Dan Smith (Chair)

-Marti Smith

- Barb McGuire

- Dick Taglang

-Sandy Fehnel

Church in Society


The Church-in-Society mission team is excited to announce a new opportunity for outreachin our community. We are getting ready to join many other churches in the local area to take part in a program called Family Promise, whose mission is to provide help to homeless families here in Berks County.

The committee has put in many hours of discovery and discussion to learn about and to understand the program. We have met with the director of Family Promise. We’ve spoken to other churches who already participate. We have visited them to see the program in action. And now we, together with the Consistory, are excited to bring this to you.


Gwen Didden, the Executive Director of Family Promise in Berks County, will give a short presentation that Sunday. She will talk about ways that we, here at Community UCC, will be able to make a difference, face-to-face, with families who need our help.

WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK. Since it’s important for you to feel informed and to give your input, we will ask for your response. This is new and exciting for Community UCC! Come see what it’s all about!

More information is available on our church website.

Friends, your Church-In-Society committee continues to meet and search for ways in which our congregation can impact our neighbors and those in need in our community here and in the world. Some of those things are in action now, and some are being planned for the upcoming months. All of it is exciting!

Habitat for Humanity – continues to be a mission of this church, by way of work crews that are organized by Doug Werner. Please watch for his signup requests, and contact him at 610-375-7117.

Opportunity HouseShelter

Watch for the Souper Bowl fundraiser for Opportunity House. Held at the Goggleworks. There are two craft-making sessions to create hand-made soup bowls that will be auctioned off later in the year. For $10, you can make a bowl to keep and one to donate. Its lots of fun and the bowls are beautiful. Show your crafty side! There is a Souper Bowl class on Sunday, October 18, from 1:00-3:00 and Thursday, December 10 from 6:30-8:30.

Get a group and go!

Golden Living Center

21 Fairlane Rd. Exeter

This small senior home has many who would be blessed if someone could visit. Perhaps you might consider reading to a resident, or calling Bingo on Saturday, or just chatting for 15 minutes. Call the activities director if you’re inspired to serve. 610-779-8522

Food Pantry – Thanks for bringing in your contributions to In His Name Food Pantry in Mt. Penn. Times are hard for many, and the food pantry is a blessing. Let’s help them feed those in need. Keep it coming!

Church–In-Society team:

Lorie Martin 610-779-7676 ()

Connie Killian 610-779-7091 Marianne Lubenow 610-779-3632

Diane Schaeffer 610-779-4490

Donna Suchomelly 610-779-3260

Pat Nase 610-779-8855

Kim Crosier 610-779-3069




Children’s Page



Calendar Page

Preschool News

Christine Miller- Director

As we enter into the month of October, we hope that you will be enjoying all of autumn’s natural treasures. The preschoolers are settling in to the new routine. Many of the children are making new friends and have already learned new things. Everything is beginning to FALL into place at preschool. Be sure to look on the walls downstairs to see some of the children’s creations!


Our first fundraiser is underway, 2009-2010 KIDSTUFF COUPON BOOKS are here. Save on clothing, shoes, toys, sporting goods, activities, food & more!

Use just a few coupons and save more than the $25.00 cost of the book... Our school earns $12.50 per book sold. The book makes a great gift for families. If you would like to look through a KIDSTUFF COUPON BOOK, drop by the preschool office. You can see for yourself this is a great value, especially in our tough economic times.

The preschool’s annual fall festival- Harvest Blessings Celebration will be held on Friday, October 23rd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This free event is open to all children attending CUCC Preschool and their families. A variety of hands on fall fun activities will be taking place. Every year we ask for donations from the parents and local businesses to help make this event a success. If you have a business and would like to donate an item/service for our raffle, contact the preschool office.

Please keep the preschool staff, committee members, and children, along with their families in your prayers.

Jesus took the children in his arms,

Put his hands on them and blessed them.

Mark 10:16

Bible Quiz

A beautiful psalm describes God’s majesty and speaks of human dignity. Which of the following psalms describes people as having been crowned by God “with glory and honor”?

A. Psalm 1

B. Psalm 8

C. Psalm 23

D. Psalm 51

Answer: B (see verse 5, NRSV)



Lay Ministry Schedule for September

October 48:0010:15

AnnouncementsBarry FehnelPat Nase

Lay LeaderJack McGuireDon Dickerson

Flower SponsorsDan & Lorie Martin

Don & Sallie Dickerson

Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed

October 118:0010:15

AnnouncementSam DeWaldBruce May

Lay LeaderDavid ChapmanDan Martin

Flower SponsorsKathy May

Sandy & Barry Fehnel

Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed

October 18 8:0010:15

Announcements Sam DeWaldLinda Dawe

Lay LeaderMike WalulekSam DeWald

Flower SponsorSponsor Needed

Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed

October 258:0010:15

AnnouncementsSam DeWaldDan martin

Lay LeaderBob NaseMartin Smith

Flower SponsorSponsor Needed

Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed

Our Ministry of Worship

Each Sunday, we gather for worship at 8:00 & 10:15 a.m. Child-care rooms are located on the parking lot level of the church. Remember that we have an elevator from the parking lot level to the sanctuary level