APUSH Goal 9

Chapter 23 and 24

  1. What was Warren G. Harding’s campaign slogan? What did it mean?
  2. Note the graph on page 805. What is key about consumer debt, and what year did it rapidly drop? Why?
  3. What is welfare capitalism? Why did businesses become more sensitive to the needs of their workers?
  4. Define open shop.
  5. Describe the impact of the automobile on US society.
  6. What was unique about Henry Ford’s business practices?
  7. The Great Depression will start in 1929. What group felt the impact before then? Why?
  8. During the twenties people had more free time. What movies were popular? What was the first talking movie, full length animated feature? What new invention will transform the family?
  9. What the first really big radio hit? What did it feature?
  10. What were the independent women called? What would they dance to?
  11. Define: Babe Ruth, Knute Rockne, Red Grange, Gertrude Ederle,

Flapper, Volstead Act, Al Capone, speakeasy, bootlegger.

  1. The 18th Amendment was suppose to lower crime, but instead what happened?
  2. What was the Immigration Act of 1921? It set up a ______system. What countries were not affected by this law?
  3. What was the KKK, and how did it change from the 1860’s?
  4. What was the fundamentalist movement?
  5. What theory did the fundamentalists target? Why?
  6. What was the Scopes Monkey trial, and how was the Bible put on trial?
  7. Who was the lawyer for the defense? Who did he put on the stand and why?
  8. What happened to William Jennings Bryan?
  9. What were the problems with Warren G. Harding running for president?
  10. What was the nickname of his cabinet?
  11. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal? How did this affect Harding?
  12. Who became president after Harding?
  13. What was the famous quote Coolidge gave about business? What does it mean?
  14. What was Hoover’s idea of the “associative state?”
  15. What was the Kellogg Briand Pact?
  16. What was the Harlem Renaissance? Name some famous musicians and poets?
  17. Who was Marcus Garvey? What was his “Back to Africa” movement?
  18. Who was Ernest Hemingway and what did he write?
  19. Who was F. Scott Fitzgerald and what famous novel did he pen?
  20. What was the Red Scare?
  21. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? Why were they executed?
  22. Who ran in the presidential election of 1928? Who won?
  23. What was buying on margin?
  24. What happened on Oct. 29, 1929? What was it called?
  25. What caused the Great Depression?
  26. Describe conditions during this time. What was the unemployment rate?
  27. What did everyone blame Hoover?
  28. What was rugged individualism?
  29. Define “Bonus Army“ and why did they signal the end of Hoover?
  30. Who ran for president in 1932? Who won? And what did he promise people?
  31. Who was Roosevelt’s wife? What problems did Franklin Roosevelt have?
  32. What was the brain trust?
  33. What was the “fireside chats?”
  34. What was the Emergency Banking Act. Roosevelt declared a bank holiday. Why was this important?
  35. What was the 100 days?
  36. Define: CCC FDIC FERA Direct Relief AAA TVA NIRA PWA

This is the alphabet soup of the New Deal. What program was responsible for the most jobs?

  1. Who were Roosevelt’s critics?
  2. What was passed during the second 100 days?
  3. What was the National Labor Relations Act? (Wagner Act)
  4. Who was John Lewis, and the CIO?
  5. What was the Dust Bowl?
  6. What was the WPA? What was the Federal Arts Project?
  7. What was the court packing scandal?
  8. What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the New Deal?
  9. Who as the first woman cabinet member?
  10. Define: Black cabinet Mary McLeod Bethune Marion Anderson
  11. Did the New Deal end the Great Depression? Why or why not?

Do the following entries in the workbook:

Chapter 23: 1, 3, 4

Chapter 24: 1, 2, 3, 4