Onondaga Masonic District Historical Society

Resources –Page 2

Articles – A-L

Linshaw's "One More Time, Please!"with reprints of some articles which . . . deserve to see the light of day again.

The Masonic Trowel– Be sure to visit their extensive website.
- Index of Article

10 Guides for Freemasons Source/Author Unknown ATT
10 Steps Source/Author Unknown ATT
10 Steps to Lodge Renewal From Grand Lodge of Iowa
A Beginners Guide To Masonic Jurisprudence by Bro. Mark Winger, G. Reg
A Bible Presentation Talk Source/Author Unknown ATT
A Brief Sketch of Freemasonry and The Symbols of the First Degree by WBro Ernest H. Shackleton
A Creed for the Craft by R. I. Clegg, The American Freemason - Nov 1914
A Definition of Masonry by Frank C. Higgins, F. R. N. S., The American Freemason - December 1912
A European View Of Masonic Growth by W Bro. Michel L. Brodsky
A Female Freemason From THE MASONIC REVIEW - 1858
A Few Definitions Of Esoteric by Clarence Anderson
A Freemason's Instructions, 1754 From The Master Mason - March 1925
A Guide for Masters & Wardens From The Grand Lodge of Maine
A How Can Masonic Education Be Furthered? From MASONIC CRAFTSMAN - 1937
A Lesson for Freemason or A Series of Moral Observations on the Instrument of Masonry From The Spirit of Masonry - 1843
A Mason's Belief by John R. Nocas, The Royal Arch Mason - Fall 1972
A Masonic Bible Presentation Source/Author Unknown ATT

A Masonic Lecture by WM E. Krupp

A Masonic Wedding by Kent Henderson

A Master's Wages by Carl H. Claudy, THE MASTER MASON - MAY 1925

A Model Master by M.W. SRO. WN. Mercer Wilson, THE CRAFTSMAN - 1866

A Parsee's Opinion of Masonry From Freemasons' Magazine - 1852

A Plain Talk About Masonry From THE MASONIC REVIEW - 1855

A Point Within A Circle by Wor. Bro. S. L. Waterman

A Profitable "Lodge Night" by Ernest E. Murray, The Builder - JAN 1920

A Program of Masonic Education by Herman Sarachan, The Royal Arch Mason - Fall 1980

A Stroll Through The Seven Liberal Arts And Sciences by Richard D. Marcus

A Senior Warden Planning Guide by Bro Wayne T. Adams **

A Story of Masonry by Dr. Albert G. Mackey

A Tale of Anti-Masonry by Rob Morris, Light and Shadows of Freemasonry - 1852

A True Mason Source/Author Unknown ATT

A Vindication of Masonry by Bro. Charles Leslie, From "The Spirit of Masonry" - 1843

Additional Degrees Worked In England And Wales: An Explanation by WBro Barry Clarke

Albert Pike, Mystic by Bro. Henry R. Evans, Litt. D.

Albert The Great, Teacher Of Master Builder From INTERNETLOGE.DE

Allen Earl Roberts's Biography by Wallace McLeod, FPS

An Action Team in Action From The Freemason - Fall 1987

An Address to an Initiate From The Master Mason - May 1927

An Explanation of The Degrees From Moore's Magazine for January - 1845

An Examination Of The Masonic Ritual

An Examination of the Masonic Ritual by Meredith Sanderson - 1926 **

An Examination Of The Masonic Ritual - EA by Meredith Sanderson - 1926

An Examination Of The Masonic Ritual - FC by Meredith Sanderson - 1926

An Examination Of The Masonic Ritual - MM by Meredith Sanderson - 1926

An Informed Brother From The American Freemason - February 1914

An Operative Bricklayer Builds A Speculative Wall by W. Brother Cameron Mackay

Anatomy Of A Lodge Room by Bro. Ed Greenberg

Ancient Landmarks by Albert G. Mackey

Ancient, Sacred, Secret and Fraternal by Richard Brookhiser

Ancient Symbolic Penalties by K. W. Aldridge

Ancient Truths by Roger M. Firestone, 32 KCCH

Anderson's Ancient Charges Source/Author Unknown ATT

Anderson's Constitution of 1723 by Bro. Lionel Vibert, Past Master, THE BUILDER AUGUST 1923

Anderson's Regulations Compiled by Mr. George Payne, Anno 1720

Anno Lucis Source/Author Unknown ATT

Another Bible Presentation Source/Author Unknown ATT

Another View of Structure of Freemasonry Source/Author Unknown ATT

Annual Memorial Service From Grand Lodge AF&AM Connecticut

Apron Charges From The Grand Lodge of Maine

Apron Presentation Source/Author Unknown ATT

Approaching The Portals American and Canadian Grand Lodge AF&AM

Apron Distinguished Badge From St. Thomas Lodge Website

Architecture And Speculative Masonry - An illustrated series, in five parts, explaining unusual terms and the Five Orders of Architecture by Most Worshipful Brother Ralph E. Legeman

Are There Cowans In Our Midst by VW Bob Walker

Arthur Nash: The Golden Rule By Bro. Harold Marshall, The Master Mason - June 1924

Attention To The Rough Ashlar From The Grand Lodge Of Texas

Attracting Masonic Leaders by M.W.B. Houton A Brian

Baltimore Convention 1843 Source/Author Unknown ATT

Beehive by C. Bruce Hunter, The Square - March 1998

Beehive From Grand Lodge of Texas

Beginnings of American Freemasonry by Julius F. Sachse, The American Freemason- June 1911

Beginnings of Freemasonry From Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Beginning the Journey From Grand Lodge of Manitoba

Better Meetings and Meals From The New Model Lodge

Bible Presentation by Ellwood C. Wilder

Bible Presentation To A Newly Raised Brother Author Unknown ATT

Biblical History Of King Solomon's Temple by Rev. David Hamiltonof Mishkan Ministries

Brother and Fellowship Night Source/Author Unknown ATT

Brother or No Brother; Or Which One Was the Wiser? F rom Freemasons' Magazine - 1852

Build A Masonic Lodge Library by Ed Halpaus

Building King Solomon's Temple by Bro William Littlepage Jr.

Burn's Farewell To Masons by Rob Morris, Light and Shadows of Freemasonry - 1852

Can We Retain Those Ideals And Principles Of Freemasonry? by Bro. E. A. Snell

Canadian Installation Charge by R W Bro Wally Marner

Candidate Care Made Simple From The Grand Lodge of New Brunswick

Candidate Coach and Mentor Source/Author Unknown ATT

Ceremonial Explanation of an EA Degree by W.B. Duane E. Anderson

Ceremonial Preparations by Brother Don. Falconer

Ceremonies Source/Author Unknown ATT

Charles A. Linbergh - Man, Mason, American by Roger M. Firestone, 32 KCCH

Charity: The Greatest Of The Theological Virtues by Bro. Edwin L. Childers

Chapter Granted By The Masons Of Scotland To St Clair 1601 Source/Author Unknown ATT

Charter Granted By The Masons Of Scotland To Sir William St Clair In 1628

Chevalier Ramsay's Oration Source/Author Unknown ATT

Christianity And Freemasonry by Rev. N. Anderson, PGChap

Circumambulation and Euclid's 47th Proposition By Reid McInvale

Closing Charge by Bro. Brian James Fegely

Coin Presentation Source/Author Unknown ATT

Color Symbolism And Freemasonry by Bro. John Shroeder

Commercial Listing Compilation Of Many Articles

Compasses Above - The Spiritual Aspect of Masonry by Jim Tresner, 33

Confessions of a Born Again Fundamentalist Freemason by Nelson King

Confusion in the Temple by R.W.Bro. E.A. Clarke

Conscience And The Craft by Bro Jim Tresner, 33

Council of Vienne 1311 - 1312 A.D. ed. Norman P. Tanner

Craft And Royal Arch Legends by V. Wor. Bro. the Revd Neville Barker Cryer, M.A. P.G.C.

Craftswomen - An Abstract by John G. Priede

Craftsmen in Captivity Masonic Activities of Prisoners of War by Bro. A. R. Hewitt

Creative Thinking Source/Author Unknown ATT

Crisis, What Crisis? Source/Author Unknown ATT

Critical Reading of Masonic Literature by Bro Yoshio Washizu

Cryptic Masonry by Hugh M'Curdy, The Voice of Masonry - 1880

Daily Survival Kit For Freemasons by Dennis A. Coltart, P.M.

Dare To Be Different by Jordan S. Levitan, P.M.

DDGM Toolbox Source/Author Unknown ATT

Dealing with Others' Fault by Confucius

Delivery of the Ritual by W.Bro. Peter Verrall l.P.M.

Description Of The Cook Manuscript by Wm James Hughan, London 1895

Did You Know This About Freemasonry? by Rev. Noah L. Bess, Royal Arch Magazine – Winter 1966

Different Volumes Of Sacred Law Source/Author Unknown ATT

Discoveries Of The Knights Templar by R. W. Bro. Rev. Brian Burton

Don'ts for Worshipful Masters From Canadian Craftsman, March 1891

Dress Symbolism Source/Author Unknown ATT

EA Charge Source/Author Unknown ATT

Early Catechism Of Freemasonry c 1725 Source/Author Unknown ATT

Early History in England by James Orchard Halliwell

Early Masonic Documents Compiled by Lee Miller

Educate! From The Master Mason - February 1925

Egyptian Myths And Mysteries by Rudolph Steiner ++

Employ and Educate The Brethren in Freemasonry by R.W. W.Bruce Porter

Empty Chair Degree From Frontier Army Lodge of Masonic Research #1875

Enlightenment from the Ritual by Giuliano Di Bernardo

Epilogue To The Master Mason Degree From Grand Lodge of Indiana

Esoteric Orders - An Overview by W.B. Ray Hudson

Etiquette & Protocol From The Concord Lodge #307 Vienna, Virginia 1995 **

Everything Happens For A Reason Source/Author Unknown ATT

Experiences In Caribbean Masonry: The Jamaican Perspective by W. Bro. Afeef A. Lazarus

Explanation 25 Landmarks Of Freemasonry Source/Author Unknown ATT

Explanation - The Point and The Circle by Clarence

Explanation Of The York Rites by Pete Normand

Exposes of Freemasonry by Christopher Kylin


Facing the East From The American-Canadian Grand Lodge **

Facts - Not Fiction From The Freemason Website **

Family and Community Relationship with the Masonic Lodge Source/Author Unknown ATT

FAQ On Masonic Esotericism Source/Author Unknown ATT

Fifteen Points For Masonic Education by WBro. Steven B. VanSlyck

Five Noble Orders by Perce J. George

Forget-Me Not From The American-Canadian Grand Lodge

Formation of Three Degree Structure by Hyde Parke

Fraternal Associations, Fraternal Orders and Freemasonry by M.W. Frater Dr. Claude Brodeur **

"Free" in Freemasonry by H. L. Haywood

Freemasonic Symbolism And Georgian Gardens by Patrizia Granziera

Freemasonry From FREEMASONS MAGAZINE - 1864

Freemasonry - A Perspective by Paul Brunton

Freemasonry - An Institution Of Practical Virtues From THE MASONIC REVIEW - 1851

Freemasonry And Law And Order Source/Author Unknown ATT

Freemasonry And The American Revolution From The Grand Lodge Of Texas

Freemasonry And The Comacine Masters by Bro. H. L. Haywood

Freemasonry And The Undiscovered Country by Jeffery E. Marshall

Freemasonry And The War by John Dove

Freemasonry As It Was and Should Be For All Times by R. F. Elring, The American Freemason - January 1912

Freemasonry As It Was And Should Be For All Times by R. F. Elring, The American Freemason - February 1912

Freemasonry As The Hermetic Art Part 1: Analysis by W.Bro. J. R. Cleland, P.P.A.G. Chap., (Kent)

Freemasonry and Bees Source/Author Unknown ATT

Freemasonry And Esoteric Movements by Bob Gilbert

Freemasonry and Its Landmarks From The Rough Ashlar - August 1892 and June 1893

Freemasonry And Mormonism by Michael S. Thomas

Freemasonry And Religion Statement of the Board of General Purposes - Grand Lodge of England

Freemasonry And Religion by David Brownback

Freemasonry And The Cathedral Builders by H. L. Haywood, The Builder - March 1923

Freemasonry And The Civil War - A House Undivided by Justin Lowe

Freemasonry And The Future by Bill Stemper (New York), Royal Arch Mason - Spring 1980

Freemasonry And The Hermetic Tradition by R. A. Gilbert

Freemasonry And The War by John Dove

Freemasonry Banned In Spain by Wor. Bro. Juan Carlos Alvarez

Freemasonry For Women by Catherine Yronwode

Freemasonry Founded In Nature From Freemason Monthly Magazine - 1842

Freemasonry: How, Whence & Whither Source/Author Unknown ATT

Freemasonry In America From The Craftsman - 1866

Freemasonry In France 1918 by George W. Baird, The Builder, 1918

Freemasonry In Germany Prior To Nazi Regime And Its Collapse 1935 by Bro. Eric Howe, P.M.

Freemasonry In Society Today and Tomorrow by R.W. Brother Michael W. Walker

Freemasonry In the British Army Freemasons Monthly Magazine - 1842

Freemasonry In The Modern World by W. Brother Cameron MacKay

Freemasonry Is Not Guilty Source/Author Unknown ATT

Freemasonry Revealed by Reynold S. Davenport **

Freemasonry: Something So Simple Source/Author Unknown ATT

Freemasonry, What For? by Martin Stapdtecker

Freemasonry's Wisdom, Strength and Beauty by Frank Church, The Voice of Masonry - 1880

From England to the USA by R.W. Douglas L. Jordan

From Labour To Refreshment! by Clifford W. Parkin, MASONIC LIGHT - APRIL 5949

From Whence Came You? Published in the New Age Magazine (Scottish Rite Journal) Sept. 1986

Functions of a Masonic Lodge From MASONIC LIGHT - 5950

Funeral Services From The Grand Lodge Of South Carolina

Further Light In Masonry - Introduction To Royal Arch Masonry Source/Author Unknown ATT

Further Study On The Liberal Arts And Sciences Based of The Grand Lodge British Columbia And Yukon Website

General Regulations Compile by Mr. George Payne

Geometry And The Letter G From The Salem 289 Lodge Website

Getting At The Meaning of the Ritual by Bro. Louis Block, The Master Mason - FEBRUARY 1925

Going To The Lodge With Ones Great-Great Grandfather From The American Freemason - September 1913

Golden Sentences From THE CRAFTSMAN - 1866

Golden Verses Of The Pythagoreans Source/Author Unknown ATT

Grand Book of Maxims by Rui Alexandre Gabirro

Grand Lodge No. 1 Manuscript Source/Author Unknown ATT

Grand Lodge of Scotland Source/Author Unknown ATT

Growth And Service Of The Fellowcraft Degree by N.W.J. Haydon

Guarding the Lodge Portals by Julius F. Sachse, THE AMERICAN FREEMASON - AUGUST 1911

Halliwell Manuscript Source/Author Unknown ATT

Harmony and Strength From THE MASONIC REVIEW - 1857

Have A High Conception From The Canadian Craftsman, Sept. 1898

He Was A Mason by Roger M. Firestone, 32 KCCH

Hiram Abif Source/Author Unknown ATT

History Tracing Boards by Bro. Mark S. Dwor

History Of the Two Pillars by W. L. Fawcette, Atlantic Monthly - 1874

Holy St. Johns Source/Author Unknown ATT

How To Lead A Lodge Meeting Source/Author Unknown ATT

How To Have Fun At Lodge by Murray Lampert

How To Keep Young Mason Interested by WB Jim Bennie, PM

How Well Are We Guarding The West Gate? by Michael D. Nanny

I Am a Mason Why? by R.W. Bro. A.O. Aspeslet

If Ought But Death by Bro. Lionel Winship, The Master Mason - Jan 1926

Illustrated by Symbols From Dormer Masonic Study Circle #157

Improved Scheduling From The New Model Lodge Website

In Defense Of Memorization by Michael Knox Beran

In Knowledge Lies Strength The American Canadian Grand Lodge, AFAM

In Search of Brotherhood by Abraham Benjamin

In Whom Do You Put Your Trust? by Rev. Harold J. Schieck

Increasing Membership From The New Model Lodge Website

Initiation and the Rites of Freemasonry by Thomas D. Worrel

Information Every Mason Should Know From The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Website

Installation Night At The Celestial Lodge Source/Author Unknown ATT

Instructor's Manual From The Grand Lodge of Maine A. F. & A. M. **

Introduction to Anderson's Constitution by Bro. Lionel Vibert

Introduction To The Higher Degrees of Freemasonry by Jacques Huyghebaert

Introduction To Masonry by V. W. L. F. Walker, MASONIC LIGHT - 5950

Introduction To Freemasonry - Entered Apprentice by Carl H. Claudy

Invest Thought, Study, and Reflection to Reap by Jack R. Levitt

Irreligious Libertine From THE MASONIC REVIEW - 1853

Is Freemasonry Afraid of its Own Shadow? by Jay Kinney

Is French Masonry Atheistic? THE AMERICAN FREEMASON - MARCH 1912

Is Masonry A Church? by DR. William R. White, RAM - Fall 1961

Is The Masonic Oath Illegal And Against The Principles Of Christianity? by Alphonse Cerza

Isn't About Time? by Jay La Suer

Isn't That A Secret? Source/Author Unknown ATT

It Never Hurts to Review: Master Mason From The Oklahoma Mason

J and B by H. L. Haywood

Jacob's Ladder From The Craftsman - December 1897

Jephthah by Bro. Wayne D. Anderson, MPS

Jewels Of Freemasonry by Torence Evans

Jewels of the Lodge by Don Falconer

Jubal and Tubal Cain by Bro. Rudyard Kipling

Just a Junior Deacon by Bro. James Thomas "Jimminy" Wray, MASONIC LIGHT APRIL 5949

Kessinger Publishing's Rare Esoteric Reprint Catalog and Order Form From Kessinger Publishing Website

Key Element to Renewal Source/Author Unknown ATT

Killer Phrases by C. Thompson

Knights of Malta by Harold Meij, H.P.

King Solomon Temple - Biblical Account And Commentary From Encyclopedia Phoeniciians

King Solomon's Temple by W. Bro. Garnet Holmes

King Solomon's Temple by Bro William Littlepage Jr.

Lambton Castle From The Freemasons' Quarterly Review - 1834

Landmarks, Landmarks? Landmarks! by Bro. A. Gerald Gibbs, P.M.

Landmarks And Old Charges by R. W. B. Daniel Doron,

Landmarks Of The Fraternity From the booklet, More Light on Freemasonry

Large Lodges by A. G. Pitts, THE AMERICAN FREEMASON - JULY 1911

Leadership And The Survival Of Freemasonry Source/Author Unknown ATT

Learning And Memorizing the Ritual by Wor. Bro. Mark Waks

Lectures On The Degrees by Keith F. Walker

Legends Of Freemasonry From the Grand Lodge of Missouri

Lessons Of The Foundation by Byron E. Hams PM

Like a Maiden by George O. Thorne, THE ROYAL ARCH MASON, SPRING, 1966

List of Existing Manuscripts Source/Author Unknown ATT

Lodge Courtesies Source/Author Unknown ATT

Lodge Improvement Suggestions by David R. Bedwell, P.M.

Lodge Or Temple by Richard White

Lodge Floor Work by V.W.Bro. D. G. Simmonds

Look Up! From The Keystone - 1897

Looking East by Torence Evans Ake

Gary L. Heinmiller, Director