International Ambassador Program

January 1-June 31, 2008

The International Ambassadorsmain responsibilities include:

  1. Identify and meet needs and interests of the international scientific population in their region who might be either prospective or active members of the society.
  2. Promote and explain the benefit of membership in ASM.
  3. Serve as a liaison and enhance communication between ASM and international members in the region of appointment as well as represent ASM in that region.

The following are major accomplishments of the Ambassador Network, during the period January 1 – June 31, 2008:

  1. 4 Ambassadors and 15 Liaisons were appointed. The new Ambassadors are: Peter Krell (Canada); Maria G. Dominguez (Central America and the CaribbeanBasin); Bertha Gonzalez Pedrajo (Mexico); and Alexander Apt (Russia and NIS). The Ambassador Network has grown to 20 Ambassadors and 19 Country Liaisons.
  2. One round of 9 conference calls between ASM staff and coordinated groups of Ambassadors was conducted during March-April. 16 Ambassadors participated in the Conference calls that provided an opportunity for communication, updates, and brainstorming future activities.
  3. All Ambassadors were provided with membership lists in Excel and contacted all current and lapsed ASM members (2006-present) in February-March.
  4. 11 ASM Ambassadors and Country Liaisons participated at the IMC Strategic Planning Retreat on May 31, 2008 in Boston, MA.
  5. A bimonthly Ambassador Newsletter has been initiated describing new programs and resources for the Ambassador Program. To date, 3 issues have been sent out to Ambassadors and interested ASM members.
  6. The Ambassador of the Year Award was given this year to Marcel Gutierrez-Correa, Andean Region, during a small ceremony at the IMC Retreat.

The following are major Ambassadors’ accomplishments during the same period, based on the objectives listed in the Annual Plan, under Ambassador’s responsibilities 1, 2, 3:

►Organization of ASM participation at regional and international meetings and conferences.

Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay

On January 21-26, 2008 ASM Ambassador Guido Mora organized a minicourse, entitled “Advanced Bacterial Genetics: Genetics and Physiology of Bacterial Membrane Proteins” that was held in Santiago, Chile at the Universidad Andres Bello. The event included the participation of ASM members Stanley Maloy, Edmundo Calva and Linda Kenney.

South East Asia

Ambassador Kwai Lin Thong organized the ASM Sunrise Coffee Hour during the 13th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on June 21, 2008. Thong gave a brief presentation on ASM resources and membership benefits relevant to the region.

Asuncion Raymundo, ASM Country Liaison to the Philippines coordinated a significant ASM presence at the Philippine Society for Microbiology (PSM) 2008 Annual Convention, May 8-9, 2008 in Aklan, Philippines. Jan Leach, from ColoradoStateUniversity and ASM fellow, gave the keynote address. Raymundo staffed an ASM booth and awarded one Overall Best Poster Award and four Best Student Poster Awards.19 new members joined ASM at the booth.


Ambassador Peter Krell organized a significant ASM presence at the Canadian Society of Microbiologists on June 9-12, 2008 at the University of Calgary, Canada. ASM member J. Thomas Beatty, University of British Columbia gave the keynote address at the meeting. A complimentary booth was provided for ASM to display information on the Society. Two Best Poster Awards were given in a well attended ceremony. Additionally, Krell gave a presentation on ASM resources and membership benefits.

Andean Region

Marcel Gutierrez-Correa organized a strong ASM presence at the II Latin American Student Congress of Microbiology and Parasitology held from 4-8 February, 2008 in Ica, Peru. Three ASM Ambassadors from Latin America and Lily Schuermann, Director of ASM International Affairs also participated. ASM also sponsored two Best Poster Awards and enabled 70 low-income students to attend by covering bus transportation to and from the event. Forty student members and thirteen full members joined ASM on site.


Ambassador Yiming Shao represented ASM at the International Conference on Viral Hepatitis: Past Accomplishments and Unfulfilled Quests, held from April15 – 17, 2008 in Xiamen, China. Dr. Shao distributed ASM materials and informed the audience about ASM membership benefits.

►Development of an AmbassadorResourceCenter

Marcel Gutierrez-Correa establisheda new ASMResourceCenter at the local University in Ica, Peru, during the II Latin American Student Congress of Microbiology and Parasitology.

►Participation in local events, seminars, and forums

Andean Region

In June 2008, Ambassador Marcel Gutierrez-Correa participated in the course “Biofertilizers and their importance in agriculture” that took place at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, in Lima, Peru.

Central America and CaribbeanBasin

Nalin Rastogiparticipated in several regional meetings including the pilot committee meeting to create a unique web portal for all scientific research organizations of Guadeloupe. The meeting was funded by European Union, and co-organized by the Regional Council of Guadeloupe and the Regional Delegation of Research and Technology.

ASM Liaison to Jamaica, Paul Brown, conducted an informational briefing to microbiologists at the Bureau of Standards, Kingstonon June 13, 2008. During the two hour session, they were informed of the benefits of becoming ASM members and discussed staff training needs.

North Africa

Ambassador El-Gendy represented ASM at the Annual Congress of Egyptian Society for Laboratory Medicine, April 5-9, 2008, held at the CairoInternationalCenter for Conferences, Egypt. He promoted ASM benefits among participants of the Congress by disseminating brochures and information about ASM programs.


Kazuhiro Tateda participated in the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, in Okayama, Japan, June 6-7, 2008 on behalf of ASM.

►Develop partnerships with local Microbiological Societies.

Ambassador Atef El-Gendy collaborated with the US Department of State (DOS) to establish an ASM-DOS Travel Grant to enable scientists from North Africa and the Middle East to attend the GM and ICAAC. Twelve awards were given to scientists from Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Azerbaijan who attended the ASM General Meeting. This initiative will hopefully lead to establishing a relationship with the organizations that the scientists represent (local microbiology society and health departments).

►Translate and print international ASM brochures.

Ambassador Maria Dominguez Bello translated an ASM Presentation into Spanish and French for Ambassadors to use during local scientific events and visits to universities.

►Use the local mass- media to promote ASM’s benefits and services.

Ambassadors Yiming Shao and Xiuhzu Dong have submitted the second ASM installment in the Chinese Society for Microbiology Newsletter. Shao and Dong have negotiated a one-page description on ASM in each issue of the CSM Newsletter.

►Increase ASM membership and subscription to ASM publications in the region. Based on the membership numbers in 2008, the most successful strategy used by Ambassadors this year to increase membership has been the organization of a strong ASM presence at important regional events, including using that occasion to inaugurate Resource Centers; to organize mini events with ASM speakers; and to have membership drives on the site of the event. The high visibility that ASM got during the Latin American Student Congress in Peru led to a membership in Andean Region that more than doubled in 2008. Other regions that registered an increase of membership are: Indian Ocean; SE Asia; and S. Africa (as in the table below):

Change in membership numbers per region (2007-2008)

Region / 2007 / March
2008 / July
2008 / Region / 2007 / March
2008 / July
Andean Region / 55 / 113 / 117 / Japan / 1415 / 1265 / 1294
Argentina, Chile,UR, PR / 233 / 209 / 217 / Korea / 449 / 345 / 371
Australia, NZ, Oceania / 615 / 548 / 582 / Mexico / 233 / 194 / 210
Brazil / 221 / 199 / 218 / N. Africa and Middle East / 233 / 215
Canada / 1878 / 1387 / 1477 / Russia / 64 / 58
Central Africa / 23 / 12 / 14 / SE Asia / 201 / 174 / 219
CEE / 143 / 125 / Southern Africa / 83 / 112
China / 77 / 72 / 79 / W Europe / 5246 / 4774
Indian Ocean / 310 / 273 / 337 / W Africa / 525 / 331 / 425
Central America / 71 / 61 / 71

*Recommendations: Ambassadors should target participation in important regional events scheduled for the beginning of the year as well as at the end of the year (to encourage the registration of members the following year).

►Applications for Ambassador Project Fund.

ASM received and approved applications from the following Ambassadors:

1) Asuncion Raymundo, to organize ASM presence at the Philippine Society for Microbiology (PSM) 2008 Annual Convention, May 8-9, 2008 in Aklan, Philippines ($525).

2) Kwai Lin Thong, to co-sponsor two awards in the Poster Competition that will take place during the 30th Symposium of Malaysian Society for Microbiology ($781)

3) Simbo Aboaba, to purchase books for the ResourceCenter at the University of Lagos ($715)

4) Marcel Gutierrez-Correa, to organize student presence at the Latin American Congress, Ica, Peru ($2,030).

5) Peter Krell, to sponsor 2 best Poster Awards during the CSM meeting ($1,000).

►Activities scheduled for the next 6 months

  • A new round of Conference Calls with the Ambassadors will be scheduled for September-October 2008.
  • ASM is organizing a strong showing and a booth at the IUMS Congresses, in Turkey, scheduled for August 5-16. Ambassadors Peter Krell, Atef El-Gendy, and Guido Mora will be there.
  • Ambassador Julian Rood will be speaking and promoting ASM at the 12th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Cairns, Australia - August 16-22, 2008.
  • Marcel Gutierrez-Correa will organize a strong presence and inaugurate a ResourceCenter at the XIX Latin American Congress of Microbiology, in QuitoEcuador, October 2008.
  • ASM Liaison to Haiti, Jacqueline Gautier and the ASM Ambassador, Maria Dominguez-Bello, are working together to develop a Resource Center in Port-au-Prince, to benefit the State University of Haiti to provide Haitian microbiologists with a venue where they can access their ASM Global Outreach membership;
  • Ambassador Dominguez-Bello is also working with Alexis Mendoza to organize an ASM event at the joint meeting of Microbiology Society and Infectology Society of Venezuela, November 2008.
  • Bertha González Pedrajo is organizing a strong ASM presence at the XXVII National Meeting of the SMB to be held November 16th - 21st, 2008 in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.

Ambassador Budget Expenditure up to July 28, 2008

Ambassadors normally submit the majority of their budget expenses at the end, in their Annual Report due December 1, 2008. However, this year, the IMC developed an Ambassador Budget Request From in order to track expenses and use of the budgets throughout the year. The Ambassador Budget Request Form is only required for expenses greater than $25. Thus far, in 2008, approximately $3,300 has been used from Ambassador Budgets, out of the allocated $20,000.

Another Ambassador resource is the Ambassador Project Fund (APF). This award is available to Ambassadors on a competitive basis and requires the submission of an APF proposal to apply for the funding. To date, $6,820of the $10,000 budget has been used.

*Recommendations for the next 6 months:

  • ASM staff should heavily promote the Ambassador Budget and Project Fund (the budget is mostly unused). Ambassadors should strongly consider new sites for ResourceCenters as well as ASM awards at local meetings. Country Liaisons are invited to submit proposals to their Ambassador.
  • We could expand the list of activities we fund from the Ambassador budget, including activities that address specifically the increase in membership in regions that need it.
  • Significant attention must be given to connecting with Global Outreach members. Qualifying candidates need to be reminded that membership must be renewed annually. Additionally, further explanation of Global Outreach benefits and resources are needed.