Familiar topics in Biology B

Biology B Specification Content: What is familiar from previous Biology?

Topic / Appearance in new specification / H021/H421 spec. ref. / New spec. ref.
Cells / Content from both ‘cell structure’ and ‘cell membranes’ adapted into the new ‘cells and microscopy’ topic / 1.1.1 Cell Structure
1.1.2 Cell Membranes / 2.1.1 Cells and microscopy
Water / Some learning outcomes taken from ‘biological molecules’ / 2.1.1 Biological Molecules / 2.1.2 Water and its importance in plants and animals
Proteins and enzymes / Merging of content from two topics / 2.1.1 Biological Molecules
and 2.1.3 Enzymes / 2.1.3 Proteins and enzymes
Nucleic acids / Very similar content adopted but ATP structure included / 2.1.2 Nucleic Acids / 2.1.4 Nucleic acids
Transport and gas exchange systems / Much content relates strongly to F212 Module 2 / F212 Module 2: Exchange and Transport / 2.2 Transport and gas exchange systems
Mitosis / Much content familiar from 1.1.3 but apoptosis added here (A2 content previously) / 1.1.3 Cell Division, Cell Diversity and Cellular Organisation / 3.1.1 The developing cell: cell division and cell differentiation
Disease / Content significantly extended from previous topic 2.2.2 / 2.2.2 Health and Disease / 3.2 Pathogens, immunity and disease control and 3.3 Non-communicable diseases
Respiration / Concepts familiar but fitness context new / 4.4.1 Respiration / 4.1 Energy, metabolism and exercise
Photosynthesis / Key concepts included as introduction to broader themes / 4.3.1 Photosynthesis / 4.3.1 Photosynthesis, food production and management of the environment
Population impact / Demographics and impacts included but without the considerations of competition and predation / 5.3.2 Populations and Sustainability / 4.3.2 The impact of population increase
Genetic control / Molecular genetics and population genetics included much as before / 5.1.1 Cellular Control
5.1.2 Meiosis and Variation / 5.1.1 Patterns of inheritance and 5.1.2 Population genetics and epigenetics
Gene Technologies / Much content familiar from 5.2.3 / 5.2.3 Genomes and Gene Technologies / 5.1.3 Gene technologies
Nervous system / Much content familiar from 4.1.2 and 5.4.2 but with new focus on damage / 4.1.2 Nerves
5.4.2 Animal Responses / 5.2.1 The nervous system and the identification and consequences of damage

Biology B Specification Content: What is familiar from Human Biology?

Topic / Appearance in new specification / H023/H423 spec. ref. / New spec. ref.
Cells / The context of blood cells is used / 1.1.1 The Blood / 2.1.1 Cells and microscopy
Water / Some learning outcomes familiar from ‘molecules’ / 1.1.2 Molecules / 2.1.2 Water and its importance in plants and animals
Heart function / Familiar content adapted and merged / 1.2.1 The Heart and Monitoring Heart Function and
2.4.1 CHD / 2.2.1 The heart and monitoring heart function
Transport and gas exchange systems / Much content relates strongly to 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 / 1.2.2 The Circulatory System and 1.2.3 The Lungs and Investigating Lung Function / 2.2.2 Transportsytems in mammals and 2.2.3 gas exchange in mammals and plants
Mitosis / Much content familiar from 2.1.1 / 2.1.1 Mitosis as Part of the Cell Cycle / 3.1.1 The developing cell: cell division and cell differentiation
Cancer / Content adapted from 2.1.2 / 2.1.2 Detecting and Treating Cancer / 3.3.1 The cellular basis of cancer and treatment
Infectious Disease / Significant familiar content from F222 Module 3 / F222 Module 3 Infectious Disease / 3.2 Pathogens, immunity and disease control
Lung Disease / Similar to 2.4.2 with more treatment focus / 2.4.2 Lung Disease / 3.3.2 Respiratory diseases and treatment
Respiration and exercise / Content and context both familiar from F224 Module 1 / F224 Module 1 Energy and Respiration / 4.1 Energy, metabolism and exercise
Mammalian reproduction / Much familiar content / 4.2.1 Fertility and Contraception, 4.2.2 Assisted Reproduction, 5.4.1 The Effects of Ageing on the Reproductive System / 4.2 Mammalian reproduction
Population increase / Familiar content adapted and updated / 4.2.4 Food, Farming and Populations – Human Impact on the Environment / 4.3.2 The impact of population increase
Inheritance / Fundamentals of genetics remain the same / 5.1.1 Inheritance of Human Genetic Disease / 5.1.1 Patterns of inheritance
Gene Technologies / Much content familiar from 5.1.2 / 5.1.2 Genetic Techniques / 5.1.3 Gene technologies
Nervous system / Much content familiar from 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 but with extra material from 5.4.2 / 5.2.1 Monitoring Visual Function and 5.2.2 Treating Central Nervous System Injuries and 5.2.3 Modifying Brain Function and 5.4.2 The Effects of Ageing on other Body Systems / 5.2 Nervous control
Homeostasis / Familiar key concepts / 5.3.1 The Importance of Homeostasis / 5.3.1 The principles and importance of homeostasis