Holiday Brownies – New Leader Training

Dear Parent or Guardian,

During the upcoming half term Girlguiding will be running a two-day ‘Holiday Brownies’ event in your area on [dates].

Holiday Brownies is a new concept of having girls meet for their Brownie programme during the holidays. We know that your daughter is a regular member of a Brownie unit which meets weekly, and she will remain a member of that unit, but for two days during this half term we are asking if your daughter would like to take part in this special Holiday Brownies event.

Holiday Brownies will help train Young Leaders new to Girlguiding. They have been recruited from the National Citizenship Service (NCS), which is a leadership and social action course open to all 15-17-year-olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Your daughter will have a good time and her presence will help the potential new Leaders. The participants being trained will be overseen by local Girlguiding Leaders, although your daughter’s usual Leader may not be there.

If you have a Brownie who joins this event and you have a younger daughter who is a Rainbow, she can also attend.

Holiday Brownies will run on [dates] from [times], at [venue].

There is no cost, and lunch and snacks will be provided.

Places are limited. If you would like your daughter to attend, please complete the form below and return it to your Brownie Leader as soon as possible, and no later than [date]. Alternatively, email your response to [Leader] at the email address below.

Please email me any questions or concerns if you require further information. [email]

Many thanks,

[Leader name]


Holiday Brownies

Yes, I would like my daughter ______(name) to participate in the Holiday Brownies Programme.

I understand that this is a one-off Holiday Brownies experience. I will complete a consent form before the event.

Please note any dietary or health requirements:

Signed (parent/carer):

Email address: