
/ WP4 - 4.5 Campaigns and Education
Bicycle Training in secondary schools
(implementation FGM-AMOR, Graz, Austria)

Title of the measure that will be designed an implemented:

Bicycle Training for secondary school children in real traffic situation

Aim of the measure/campaign/action (key points):

  • Give children the opportunity to experience and learn to cycle in real traffic rather than in a protected area like a traffic training ground to learn how to behave in a safe and confident way.

Short description of the planed measure (max. 3-10 lines):Kurze

In Austria only children aged 12 years and over are allowed to ride the bicycle in real road traffic without an adult unless they take a non-compulsory cycling exam at age 10. These exams are usually held in protected training areas and children don’t become used to real traffic situations. Since 17 years now FGM-AMOR holds bicycle trainingsin real traffic conditions for children of the last class primary school, as a preparation for the cycling exam. Within BICY it will be possible to extend the training to children of the 1st and 2nd class of secondary schools to remind children about what they have learned and to make them into more confident cyclists in real traffic situations. The training takes place in the immediate vicinity of the school after a safe practice in the schoolyard. Then they practice cycling in real traffic conditions under the guidance and supervision of a bicycle trainer. Thus the children improve their cycling ability in areas with reduced traffic and controlled groups and individual bike trips. They are gently prepared to become self-confident, healthy and conscientious road users. The training programme focuses on practical cycling sessions in real traffic situations. Afterwards the children’s cycling ability is evaluated by trainers before and after the training. So far, teachers, pupils and parents are very convinced about the success of this type real and practice orientated approach.

Target group(s):

  • Pupils of the 1st and 2nd class secondary school (10-12 years)

Strategy: how to reach the target group?

Headmaster/headmistress of the schools is contacted, the advantages of the programme are explained and then a date is agreed when the bicycle training will take place.

Implementationplan: (when, where, with whom (= cooperations,etc.)

  • Adaptation of the activity until August 2010
  • Adaptation of the existing materials for children of the 1st and 2nd class secondary school August 2010
  • Contacting of the schools starting September 2010 - continuing
  • Carrying out the bicycle training courses in the various schools starting October 2010 - continuing
  • Ongoing support and contact with the schools since September 2010
  • Evaluation of the measure in the schools and for the project October 2010 until the end of the measure
  • Report after the implementation end 2012


Which existing materials can be used (including those that need to be modified)? Which materials need to be developed?

  • Information material for the schools
  • Parents letter to explain the programme to the parents and to ask their permission
  • Observation sheet (name, age and cycling ability of children, for before and after the measure)

How can we measure our success?

(Implications: qualitative and quantitative results; expected success factors and obsticals;)

  • Evaluation of the training (feedback of teachers and pupils)
  • Number of participating schools: so far 4 schools, 10 classes
  • Number of participating children: so far about 200
  • Number of children that have noticeably improved their ability to cycle in real traffic situations: at least 85%
  • Number of schools that would like to continue with this measure: all

Similar measures / actions / campaigns

(within BICY or other projects)

Exsiting bicycle training for primary schools in Graz and Styria