CLERK: Mrs A Kendall, 115 Carne View Road, Probus, Truro, TR2 4TR
Telephone (01726) 883614 email:
Minutes of the Meeting of Probus Parish Council held on Monday 17thJanuary 2011 in the Probus Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.
Members Present:
Councillors Colton,Williams,Cole, Courtman, Rogers, Willcox, Datson, Jones, Booth & Harvey.
Cornwall Councillor Egerton & PC Blackie.
Public Discussion
Resident requested details on the S106 money due from the Taylor Wimpey site, it was explained it was primarily for the Playing Field area, no money will be spent without full public consultation. Resident requested that play equipment for pre-school children is considered, she also felt that the area is worse now with beer cans and glass.
- Apologies.
- Declaration of Interests on Agenda Items
a)Councillorsdeclared no interests.
b)Councillors declared they had not received gifts of greater than £25.
- The minutes of the last meeting held on 20th December 2010 (ordinary & planning) were declared as correct by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Rogers; all agreed the Chairman signed them as a correct record.
- Matters Arising
a)Code of Conduct training
CouncillorsJones, Harvey, Booth, Williams and the clerk attended Code of Conduct training at St Erme. It was an informative evening although it was reported the Standards Board will be going at the end of the year and, to date, nothing is in place to replace it. The Audit Commission will also go with it and nothing is in place to replace this service either. Clerk to ask present internal auditor if he would be willing to continue to audit Parish Council accounts after the changes.
- To receive the financial statement of accounts for the year to date
Clerk produced outgoings for January 2011 to all Councillors, invoices checked and Appendix 1 signed byChairman as a correct record. Monthly budget figures producedwith up to date balance.
Councillor Williamschecked the bank statements with the cheque stubs and paying in book.
Clerk informed Councillors parish and town councils are included in the Government’s requirement for public bodies to publish financial information on expenditure over £500 on line. This will exclude private information relating to salaries and NIC. It is expected this will come into force during the financial year 11/12 but no further information on format has been announced.
- PC Blackie report to Council
PC Blackie stated 4 crimes had been reported since the previous meeting; window damage, theft of diesel, damage to Mercedes van and cable theft.
Fly-tipping brought to PC Blackie’s attention and invoice left with the rubbish with person’s name and address passed over.
- Cornwall Councillor’s report
Written report circulated to Councillors, Councillor Egerton went over items in more detail.
Noise abatement order has been served on a resident due to his birds, which he has owned for several years. If people feel this is unfair support can be offered to the resident, although it was stressed this must be done in the capacity of ‘member of the public’ not as a Councillor as this is not a Parish Council issue.
Cornwall Council has a duty to investigate nuisance and take proceedings if they feel it is necessary.
- Parish Clock
The Parish Clock is now working and chiming. Councillors Williams and Courtman attended the servicing; it would appear the winding mechanism is the problem. Mechanic felt the motor maybe too small; he completely stripped the mechanism and rebuilt the clock.
Mrs Melville has made a donation to the Parish Council in the memory of her husband, Ian Melville, for the service. Clerk to place article in Probus magazine thanking her for her donation.
- Stile near Village Hall
Stile has been repaired at a cost of £100+ VAT.
- Village Hall
Councillor Cole reported a new secretary had been appointed to replace Carolyn Carne when she steps down at the AGM. The new equipment purchased with the grant money is in use. Bank account is in order, and bank statements shown to committee members. Letting Secretary is also to resign at the AGM.
A request from the committee to the Parish Council, the granite post is removed from the grass area, as cars were parking on it. It was agreed not to remove the granite post, it is serving its purpose; Councillor Cole to report back to Village Hall committee. Parish Council understood area is to be landscaped by Taylor Wimpey so the post will blend with the shrubbery.
- Quality Council
Councillor Williams has been pressing the matter with CALC, as they have had our application for 4/5 months and it has not been accredited. Hopefully this should happensoon.
- Playing Field
Pillars to the Playing Field car park are badly damaged, quote received to repair is £100; Councillor Courtman to take to the Playing Field committee to authorise repair.
Councillor Courtman had circulated a report with the minutes, with ideas for redeveloping the area, he would be grateful for any ideas. It was suggested that several line drawings of the area are produced so Councillors can view plans of the various different schemes.
It was emphasised the Playing Field is for everyone, not a football field, although the football club does make a financial contribution to the Playing Field committee.
The pavilion is presently laid out as changing rooms, primarily for football, would like to change this so it can be used by all ages. There is nothing in the facility for ladies; it would be beneficial if the football club had separate facilities to the pavilion.
Discussion took place, to place on Next Agenda.
- Inter-school Link
Councillor Booth is waiting for the headmaster to get back to her; Councillor Booth wishes to talk to the children about the forthcoming Diamond Jubilee. Would like to see the children drive the celebrations and decide what legacy should be left for future generations.
It was proposed the Parish Council support Councillor Booth in this project, seconded, and carried.
It was resolved Councillor Booth to speak to schools about the forthcoming Diamond Jubilee.
- Toilets
a)Air quality sensor burnt
This was originally damaged several months ago, but it would now appear it has been burnt through, unsure if it is still working. There has also been a small fire in the corner of the ladies toilet.
b) Request for socket in electric cupboard.
Mr Coop has requested an electric socket be placed in the cupboard so he can power wash the floors, up until now he has had to plug into a neighbouring property which is not ideal.
It was proposed clerk to obtain 3 quotes if items are above £100, seconded, and carried.
It was resolved clerk to obtain 3 quotes for the repair of the air quality sensor and installation of socket, also to ask electrician to check the time switch on the lights.
15. Play Area
a) Roundabout missing pedals.
Councillor Jones has still heard nothing, Councillor Courtman offered to have a look and see if he can help, to agenda for next month.
b)Picnic table pulled out of ground.
Councillor Courtman has been up and looked at the picnic table; it would appear that one corner has been lifted out of the ground, including the concrete.
Proposal clerk to sort out reaffixing the table, seconded, carried.
It was resolved clerk to sort out reaffixing the table.
16. Correspondence
a) Tree Preservation Order served, 41 Cullen View Probus.
b) Truro Eastern District Centre- leaflet explaining proposals (distributed to Councillors)
c) Planning & Local Councils Pre-application Task Group- meeting notes.
d) Poppy Party – advertising literature.
e) SLCC one day conference 9th February at Plymouth- Proposal Councillor Williams and clerk to attend, seconded, agreed. It was resolved Councillor Williams and clerk to attend.
f) Email- casual vacancy can now be advertised- it was agreed to advertise for co-option with the closing date being 20th March 2011.
g) Mrs Melville- re Parish Clock
h) Neil Duckworth- regarding cars for sale at Trewithen roundabout & fly-tipping at Playing Field.
i) Cornwall Council-Mr Carhart, 17 Rosparc Probus. Construction of garage-permission granted.
j) Homestart- donation request, denied.
k) Email- reply re bank damage in Tresowga Lane.
17. Items for Next Agenda
- Playing Field
- Village Hall
- Pedals roundabout
- Cullen View Grit Bin
- Interschool link
- Church View Open Spaces
19. The date of the Next Meeting was agreed as 21st February 2011at 7.30pm Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm