American History I: The Presidency of George Washington (Part I)

I. George Washington (President from 1789 - 1797)

l  No political party affiliation

l  Won 100% of electoral vote in both elections

l  Established precedent of only serving two terms as president

II. Creating the First Cabinet & Establishing the Supreme Court

Alexander ______

Washington’s ______Secretary

l  Wanted to build a financially strong and independent US, especially for American industry and businesses

l  Thomas ______

Washington’s Secretary of ______

l  Former governor, congressman, and ambassador to France

l  Wanted to protect states’ rights, US-French relations

l  Resigned from the cabinet in 1793 due to his disagreements with Hamilton

l  Henry ______

Washington’s Secretary of ______

l  Tasked with building America’s ability to defend itself

l  Memorization device: Ft. Knox (in Kentucky) is named after him; forts are used in WAR)

l  Supposedly died from swallowing a chicken bone

l  Edmund ______

Washington’s ______

l  Later became Secretary of State after Jefferson’s resignation, but then forced to resign in 1795, due to scandal; he had been coaching the French government on how to manipulate President Washington, potentially an act of treason

The ______Act of 1789

l  Passed by the First Congress

l  Established the Federal Court system

l  Made clear that the ______Court was the highest court in the U.S.

l  President Washington appointed John Jay to be the first Chief Justice

John Jay: First Chief Justice (1789-95)

l  Sent to England in 1794-5 to negotiate Jay’s Treaty (more on that in a later)

l  Resigned from the court in 1795 to become governor of New York

III. Alexander Hamilton (Federalist Party) vs. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican Party)

Hamilton’s Economic Plan

l  Most states had many debts left over from the Revolution

l  Hamilton wanted the US to assume the states’ individual debts

l  US would pay these debts by taxing ______and imported goods

l  Hamilton also wanted to establish a national ______

Constitutional opposition to Hamilton’s Plan

l  Thomas Jefferson argued government did not have the constitutional power to create a bank (a strict interpretation of the Constitution)

l  Hamilton argued that the “______” clause allowed the government to do what was necessary to perform its functions (loose interpretation)

Southern opposition to Hamilton’s Plan

l  Taxes on imported goods would hurt southern farmers

l  Many southern states had already paid off their war debts

l  South agreed to support Hamilton’s plan only after North agreed to move the capital from New York City to a site on the ______River (Washington DC)

Frontier opposition to Hamilton’s Plan

l  Didn’t like tax on whiskey because that was how many frontiersmen made their living

l  This opposition led to the ______Rebellion of 1794

l  Pennsylvania farmers refused to pay whiskey tax and took up arms

l  Pres. Washington responded by personally leading the US Army in putting down the rebellion

l  Federal government demonstrated it could (and would) enforce its laws

Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans
Federalists / Democratic-Republicans
Led by Alexander Hamilton / Led by Thomas Jefferson
Favored a strong federal government / Favored strong state governments
Favored large landowners & wealthy merchants / Favored small-scale farmers
Favored tariffs & business-friendly policies / Favored a "laissez-faire" approach where government did not try to regulate the economy
Favored a "loose" interpretation of the Constitution / Favored a "strict" interpretation of the Constitution
Strongest in the Northern states / Strongest in the Southern states
Pro-business / Pro-farmer
Favored neutrality in the war between Britain & France / Favored supporting France in their war against the British