Science 8 Course Outline

Welcome to Science 8! This is an exciting new curriculum focussing on the four following units of study:

1.  Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems – about 15-20 hours

We will learn the basics of the cell, microscopes, tissues, organs and organ systems.

2.  Optics and Vision– about 15-20 hours

We will learn how human vision works while also working with lenses and mirrors to learn about visible light.

3.  Forces, Fluids and Density – about 15-20 hours

We will learn about density and the use of forces with fluids, as well as their properties.

4.  Water Systems on Earth – about 15-20 hours

We will learn about the impact on natural water that humans have, how water shapes the landscape and the natural factors that affect species distribution.

Binder/ Data Book

1 Subject only in this binder

At a minimum your data book should function as a calendar, a notebook, a sketch pad, a diary and a book for documenting lab information

•  You are writing a book about your experiences in class

•  Everything goes into this book – thoughts, observations, handouts

•  May be allowed to use as a reference during tests – so keep it up to date

•  Will be collecting them sporadically to check for progress and read entries (yes for marks!)

•  All material in the binder MUST be dated and kept in order

Online Posting

Notes, as well as other reference material will be posted online for you to access.


·  Arrive to class on time, prepared and ready to learn

·  Be RESPECTFUL to yourself, classmates, teachers, and the property of others.

·  Use class time wisely and complete all homework.

·  Maintain a positive working environment


Projects/ Assignments /Tests/ Quizzes 85%

Final Assessment (Genius Hour) 15%

Assignments and projects will be marked using a rubric that I will share with you, most likely on the blog, so you will know exactly what I will be looking for when marking. I will not be accepting work that does not meet the beginning level on the rubric (ie 50%). If this does occur, the assignment will be handed back and the student will be given and incomplete until they have made the appropriate changes. I will be contacting home when the student has 2 or more incomplete assignments (or 1 major one). I am always available at any lunch and most days before or after school to give extra help when needed, all you have to do is let me know before you are planning on coming.

Rewrite Policy

Students may come in on their own time. Using their book they may do corrections on their test. They will earn 50% of the difference between the two grades. Must be completed within 1 week of test being handed back.

Genius Hour

Genius hour gives you a chance to learn more about a topic in science that interests you. IN the beginning of the year you will be choosing a scientific topic that you’d like to learn more about (anything) and you will have an hour every other week to research and learn more about this. At the end of the year you will have a product that you can share your new found knowledge with everyone else. What should the product be? Anything? A video, a demonstration, a product that you made; the only requirement is that you share this with the class and it will be at least 5 mins in length. You must keep notes from each and every work period that will help track your learning and progression over the course of the project. You will hand this in to me so please ensure that it is kept neat and tidy.

All about You!

  1. What is your favorite subject?
  1. What extracurricular activities/ hobbies are you involved with?
  1. What are your favorite things about school?
  1. What are your least favorite things about school?
  1. Do you take the bus? Do you bring a lunch?
  1. Who are your friends in the class?
  1. I learn best when my teacher......
  1. Three adjective that others may use to describe me would be…………………..
  1. If I could go anywhere, it would be……………..

My academic goals for this course are to achieve a grade that falls between the percent range of ____% - ____%.

If I don’t understand the content presented or I am unsure of what is expected for an assignment I plan to:


Parent Name(s) ______

Parent Contact Numbers: (h)______

Email address: ______