Cycle Parking at Railway Stations in the Borough of Richmond upon Thames

“Although half the nation owns a bicycle and 60% live within a 15-minute ride of a station, only 2% of passengers currently use their cycle to access the local station.”Source - Dft

Compare this to Holland where:

“All major stations in Holland provide extensive cycle parking, usually based around a cycle hub which also offers additional secure storage for a fee of about £1 a day, together with repairs and cycle hire for as little as £3 a day. A typical Dutch intercity station would store 4,000 cycles, but at Leiden this rises to 9,000 and the plan is to more than double this to 22,000 in the near future.” Source - Dft

There are thirteen railway stations in the Borough of Richmond,each with great potential for increasing the number of people arriving by bicycle. RCC members carried out an audit of all thirteen stations andthese audits can be accessed by clicking on the station name in the table below. Check out your nearest station and the recommendations from the audits. These are live documents so let us know of anything we’ve missed, new issues or things you’d like to see

Station(Click on station name to see audit) / National Rail / CyclesReported Stolen (1) / Cycle Parking Spaces (2) / % Usage of Current Parking (3) / Annual Passengers (4) / Current Provision (Passengers/ Space) / DfT Target Spaces (1/20 passengers)(5)
Barnes / Station Plan / 5 / 62 / TBC / 855,109 / 38 / 117
Barnes Bridge / Station Plan / 1 / 14 / 0 / 233,627 / 46 / 32
Fulwell / Station Plan / 3 / 20 / 40 / 242,576 / 33 / 33
Hampton / Station Plan / 3 / 49 / 53 / 610,021 / 34 / 84
Hampton Wick / Station Plan / 11 / 82 / 39 / 439,060 / 15 / 60
Kew Gardens / Station Plan / 1 / 34 / 141 / 2,028,668 / 163 / 278
Mortlake / Station Plan / 6 / 102 / 63 / 992,791 / 27 / 136
North Sheen / Station Plan / 0 / 0 / n/a / 160,160 / n/a / 22
Richmond / Station Plan / 9 / 128 / 125 / 6,742,049 / 144 / 924
St Margarets / Station Plan / 1 / 12 / 100 / 775,058 / n/a / 106
Strawberry Hill / Station Plan / 1 / 16 / 56 / 507,697 / 87 / 70
Teddington / Station Plan / 7 / 92 / 52 / 1,254,146 / 37 / 172
Twickenham / Station Plan / 14 / 60 / 100 / 2,460,099 / 112 / 337
Whitton / Station Plan / 4 / 10 / 100 / 683,975 / 187 / 94

(1) Bikes reported stolen by the British Transport Police, (01/06/09 - 07/03/10). Source, BTP

(2) Bike parking spaces as observed as part of 2010 RCC Parking Audit

(3) Based on number of spaces observed full as part of 2010 RCC Parking Audit

(4) Obtained from BTP website, Accessed October 2010.

(5) DfT Report targets 5% of passengers arriving by bicycle - equates to one space per 20 passengers

(6) In Holland, where up to 40% of passengers arrive by bicycle, there is on average one space per 3 passengers

RCC would like to see improvements in three areas that would help realise the potential for growth in cycling to stations in the Borough - Security, Provision and Access.


“Cycle theft is a serious barrier to increased cycling - National research indicates that of those who suffer the theft of a bicycle, 24% no longer cycle, and 66% cycle less often” - Source - TfL

As a minimum, station cycle parking should:

  • Be easily accessible, close to the station entrances and in an area well frequented to dissuade cycle thefts (i.e. not hidden away out of sight)
  • Be well lit
  • Be covered
  • Stands should allow locking of both wheels and be correctly spaced
  • Have CCTV coverage (which should actually point at the cycle parking)

Where demand is greatest, more secure cycle parking should be provided. The following are examples of more secure parking (both subscription and free):

  • Surbiton (122 cycles, card access, £25 deposit)
  • Finsbury Park (125 spaces, £5 deposit and 50p per 24 hours)
  • London Bridge (400 spaces, card access, £200/yr)
  • Cambridge’s Grand Arcade and ParkStreetCycleParks (500 & 232 cycles, open access, free)

There are plenty of documents out there which outline the key requirements for well designed cycle parking:

Cycling England - Cycle Parking

TfL Cycle Parking Standards

Cambridge Cycle Parking Guide


“[cycle] parking facilities…should aim to meet the existing demand (including suppressed demand), and provide capacity for future growth.” Source - DfT

Demand clearly exceeds supply at several stations within the Boroughand there is the issue of suppressed demand - those put off cycling to stations due to lack of adequate spaces or poor access or security.

There are guidelines for the number of spaces that should be provided at stations. In Holland, on average they have one for every three daily commuters. The 2009 DfT report ‘Better Rail Stations’, proposed a national target of 5% of passengers cycling to stations (compared to Holland where it is currently 40%) Richmond station, to meet the DfT guideline, would require 900 stands. On the same basis as Holland, it would have over 6,000 spaces!Clearly there is some way to go before we reach standards of Holland, but there is no reason why we can’t increase usage significantly and space exists to expand the current parking.


“Often a Bike and Rail journey is prevented by a hazardous (perceived and real) or circuitous route for cyclists to the station. Source - DfT

One of the main barriers to increased cycling to the Borough’s stations is poor consideration of access routes for cyclists. A good example of this Richmond station, which has a gap in provision from the recently improved A316 cycle paths. Each of the station audits attempted to review access and provide recommendations for improvement. Any future works around these stations should take into account these recommendations.

When routes and parking is provided, clear signage should be installed to direct cyclists. One of the criticisms of the new cycle parking at Richmond station is that many cyclists are unaware of existence.

Where footbridges have to be crossed, ‘wheeling channels’ should be provided, as have been successfully demonstrated at many railway stations.



Cycling Campaign

RCC Station Parking Audit - Barnes

Location - Google MapLink

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

On the day of the audit, a Community Police Officer was on patrol - he said the station was patrolled once or twice a day, for about 30 minutes, 7 days a week

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 52/-
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 10/- (on platform)
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 62/-
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 855,109
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 38
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 117
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 781
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 5
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / For platform parking only
Lighting / Ok

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Step free access to Platform 1

Platforms 2 and 3 are accessed by footbridge

Platform 4 is seldom used

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No issues identified

Suggested improvements:

-Provide ‘wheeling channel’ on footbridge to Platforms 2 and 3 (e.g. (see Cycling England - Wheeling Channels)

RCC Station Parking Audit - BarnesBridge

Location - Google MapLink

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - October 2010

Station Overview

On a dry bright day, no bikes were parked. Very limited facilities but station is unmanned, has little space and is a short cycle from more important, busier and better provisioned stations (Barnes and Mortlake). Hard to say whether poor facilities explain limited use or vice versa; perhaps bit of both.

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 0
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 14/0
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 14/0
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 233,627
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 46
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 32
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 213
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 1
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / For only 2 of the stands
Lighting / Very poorly lit in evenings

Figure 1 - A busy day at Barnes Bridge Station

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Access to the platforms is very poor; up more than 30 steps (narrow on outbound side). No ramps or lifts. A heavily laded bike with an unfit or elderly cyclist etc and the station would be unusable.

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No issues identified

Suggested improvements:

-Provide ‘wheeling channel’ on stairway access to platforms (see Cycling England - Wheeling Channels)

RCC Station Parking Audit - Fulwell

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 20/8
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 0
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 20/8
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 242,576
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 33
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 33
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 222
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 3
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / Yes
Lighting / Poor

Figure 1 - Covered parking at Fulwell

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Access to platforms is via steps

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

None identified

Suggested improvements:

-Review current cycle parking location to see if it can be moved to a less secluded position to make it less attractive to thieves or have improved lighting/CCTV coverage

-Provide ‘wheeling channel’ on stairway access to platforms (see Cycling England - Wheeling Channels)

RCC Station Parking Audit - Hampton

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

On the day of the audit. 26 bikes were parked up, with the preference for the covered parking over the uncovered parking on the platform. Some of the Sheffield stands are installed too close to allow two bikes to park, some are installed to close to the fence to allow both wheels to be locked and some are not accessible due to parked cars (hence difference in spaces from NetworkRail reported numbers).

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 18/18
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 31/8
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 49/26
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 610,021
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 34
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 84
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 557
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 3
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / No
Lighting / Ok

Figure 1 - Station Road Side (left - note bike stands too close to cars) and Ashley Road Side (right - note stands to close to fence)

Figure 2 - Station Road Side Close up of stands not adequately spaced and blocked by parked cars

Figure 3 - Well used parking on Hampton platform - note again poor spacing between many stands

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Step free access on both platforms

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No issues identified

Suggested improvements:

-Review current stands on Station Road side of station with regards to spacing and access (currently being blocked by cars) Either move or ensure they can’t be blocked by parked cars

-Relocate uncovered stands on Ashley Road side and on platform so that there is adequate space to allow both wheels to be locked (Currently the stands are located to close to the fence to allow this and some are not adequately spaced to allow parking on both sides of stand)

-Provide cover for uncovered parking on platform

RCC Station Parking Audit - Hampton Wick

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

Good number of cycle parking spaces but poorly lit and located in a way that encourages theft. High cycle theft may be inhibiting use.Covered parking only on one side of station.

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 40/14
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 42/18
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 82/32
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 439,060
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 15
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 60
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 401
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 11
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / Present, but coverage of cycle parking mixed
Lighting / Poor

Figure 1 - High Street Side (left - note covered bike stands hidden away behind parked cars on left) and Station Road Side (right - note poorly lit and not covered)

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Access to platforms is via stairs with no ‘wheeling channels’

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No issues identified

Suggested improvements:

-Review security coverage (e.g. Police patrols) due to high number of thefts

-Provide covered parking with adequate lighting on Station Road side

-Relocate High Street Side old covered parking that is currently hidden behind parked cars to beside new covered parking. This area is better frequented and will discourage bike theft

-Provide ‘wheeling channel’ on stairway access to platforms (see Cycling England - Wheeling Channels)

RCC Station Parking Audit - KewGardens

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - June 2010

Station Overview

Note, many of the bikes were locked against railings and trees due to lack of bike racks.

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 12/0
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 22/48
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 34/48 (Plus several on platform itself)
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 2,028,668
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 163
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 278
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 1853
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 1
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Outside - Sheffield
Platform - Front Wheel Clasp
CCTV Coverage / Yes
Lighting / Ok

Figure 1 - Cycle Parking on Kew Retail side of station (note bikes locked to trees)

Figure 2 - Cycle Parking on KewVillage side of station

Figure 3 - Further Cycle Parking near to KewVillage side of station

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

KewVillage side – walk on access

National Archive/Kew Retail Park side – ramp to platform from street level

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

Station split by railway and has 2 entrances. Access to other platform is via a subway or a bridge, both of which have steps. There is a way to access the other platform by road but it is not signed. There is more parking available in Kew village, approx 100-150m from station.

Suggested improvements:

-Replace front wheel clasp racks on platform

-Provide more bike racks to meet demand and include covered racks (as per SWT stations)

RCC Station Parking Audit - Mortlake

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

On a dry and bright day, it was busy with 64 bikes parked and good to see new parking well used but some space still available.

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 60 (Outside) +16 (On platform 1)/-
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 26 (Outside)/-
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 102/64
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 992,791
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 27
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 136
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 907
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 6
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / Good CCTV coverage for external parking, no coverage for platform parking
Lighting / Good

Figure 1 - New covered cycle parking at Mortlake

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Step free access to both platforms.

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No issues identified

Suggested improvements:

-Consideration should be given to provision of secure parking as demand for parking high and significant number of thefts reported by BTP

RCC Station Parking Audit - North Sheen

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

No cycle parking as the platforms are accessed directly from the main road via a walkway and footbridge. It is, however, a Zone 3 station as opposed to Richmond’s Zone 4 and therefore for those wishing to take their bicycle into London, it is a cheaper option. Particularly useful if you have a folding bike as pictured!

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / No cycle parking
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / No cycle parking
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / No cycle parking
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 160,160
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 0
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 22
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 146
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 0
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / N/A
CCTV Coverage / N/A
Lighting / N/A

Figure 1 - North Sheen saves you some money on the way into London

Accessibility of platform for bicycles:

Access via a footbridge, which lacks ‘wheeling channel’ to allow cyclists to wheel their bikes.

Accessibility to and from station from surrounding area:

No significant issues relating to the station itself. Manor Road on which the station is located, is heavily used by cyclists and there is a significant pinch point heading towards the A316 on the north side of the level crossing.

Suggested improvements:

-Provide ‘wheeling channel’ on footbridge access to station (see Cycling England - Wheeling Channels)

-Remove pinch point on north side of level crossing in direction of A316.

RCC Station Parking Audit - Richmond

Location - Google Map Link

Google Streetview -Link

Last Update - May 2010

Station Overview

The borough’s largest station, there is a significant demand for cycle parking. Until recently, the only parking provided was a small covered section with 16 stands at the rear of the station (‘Old Facility’ - see figure 1). This was hidden away making it more attractive to bike thieves. A new row of 48 covered stands (‘New Facility’ - see figure 2) was provided in early 2010, again in the car park but in an improved location alongside the walkway to Church Road. There is still a preference by cyclists to park at the front. This may be due to a lack of awareness of the new facility (there is minimal signage - see figure 3) but also the perception that due to the busy nature of the front of the station, the likelihood of having your cycle stolen is reduced. On the day of the audit, 108 bikes were lock to railings at the front of the station (see figures 4 and 5) making a total of 160 bikes locked at the station.

Covered Spaces (Installed/In use) / 128/52
Uncovered Spaces (Installed/In use) / None
Total Spaces (Installed/In use) / 128/52 (plus 108 locked up in front of station)
Annual Passenger NumberSource - BTP / 6,742,049
Current Daily Passengers per Space / 144
Number of Spaces needed to match 5% Target / 924
Number of Spaces based on Dutch Model / 6157
Stolen Bikes Reported (01/06/09 - 07/03/10 - BTP) / 9
Type of Bike Rack (e.g. Sheffield, front wheel) / Sheffield
CCTV Coverage / New Facility - Yes, but poor coverage
Old Facility - Yes, but not pointing at racks
Lighting / New Facility - Yes, good quality
Old Facility - Yes, out of service at time of audit