Al Bernotas – (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Tom Carroll – (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Tony Simao – (XXX) XXX-XXXX

“The City of Bethlehem does not have a revenue problem it has a spending problem”

Al Bernotas, Tom Carroll, and Tony Simao officially announce that they are Republican candidates for Bethlehem City Council. The announcement takes place at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem in the 1741 Terrace at 11:30 a.m. Al, Tom, and Tony will be joined by State Senators, State Representatives, County Officials, and Congressman Charles Dent who will publicly endorse the three candidates during this press conference.

Bethlehem’s current and past leaders have mismanaged the city’s finances to the point that its credit rating has been dropped. Bethlehem currently holds more than $300 million in debt and there have been deficits of over $8 million in both 2008 and 2009. The current budget was passed with a tax increase of nearly 6% and the assumption of a $16 million loan which is based on a complex shifting of property sales, and loans. Funds have been badly mismanaged to the point where money is being taken from protected sources such as the casino host fee without permission from City Council and then used to pay day-to-day expenses. In 2010 Bethlehem City Council approved borrowing $6 million to repair the EMS building. That money was spent on general expenses and the EMS building was never repaired. The latest debacle was a transfer of $500,000.00 from a Federal Grant Fund in order to make the first payroll for year 2011. Al Bernotas, Tom Carroll, and Tony Simao hold conservative values of fiscal responsibility, honesty, transparency, and accountability. These candidates have a solid plan which will allow them to cut wasteful spending, stop unnecessary borrowing, and cut taxes while improving required services to the residents of the City of Bethlehem such as police, fire, and public works.

All three candidates believe that a common sense approach to identify, evaluate, and resolve the basic causes of complex problems along with personal experience in managing businesses of different sizes will be an asset to the City of Bethlehem. Al, Tom, and Tony come from separate and diverse backgrounds but share in the belief of responsible and frugal government.

For specific biographies, and other information please visit each of the candidates’ websites:

Al Bernotas

Tom Carroll

Tony Simao