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KING’S QUEST 1 HINTS (Look here if you get stuck in the game and don’t know what to do)


KING’S QUEST 3 HINTS (look here if you get stuck and don’t know what to do)




DUE on May 30.

Spend ~5 hours using English in one of the ways below. The purpose of this is to encourage you to do lots of reading, listening and using English in real situations. The more you use English, the faster you will improve .

1)Play King’s quest 1 (download the game at: Download the 3 files to the same directory and run them). More details at click dongeui files-info, open adventure game instructions file. OR

2)Go to: and download and play 5 games for 1 hour or 1 full game. These games have 1 hour free to play. You’ll need to pay ~20,000 won if you want to play more. Choose from these games (see a summary below):
CUTE KNIGHT, TRADEWINDS (version 1, 2 or legends), OR

3)Go to and download and play 5 games for 1 hour or 1 full game. These games have 1 hour free to play. You’ll need to pay ~20,000 won if you want to play more. Choose from these games (see a summary below):
Wonderworld Adventures, Marian’s world, OR

4)Find a group at: join it and discuss things with other people. OR

5)Register and join the 2nd life community at: Travel around in this virtual world and talk and interact with other people from around the world.


When you finish the above activities, do the below writing and turn it into to me on May 30. The writing should be around 1/2-1 page (~3-500 words) Check your grammar carefully. Here’s what you should do to get good grades:

    1) A summary of the game story.
    2) some of the major problems you had and how you overcame them.
    3) What was most fun or not so fun about the game?
    4) Include a screen shot of the last point in the game (do this by pressing “print scrn”, then go to MS Word or HWP, then press ctrl-p and then print).
    5) Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?
  • E-MAIL DISCUSSIONS: Print out several of the e-mails that YOU wrote to the group. There should be at least 10 letters that you sent to the group (and they should be ~1/2 page each). Then write a report summarizing what you discussed on the group and what you learned and how you felt about it. Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?
  • 2ND LIFE: Write about your experience on 2nd life, how it was getting started, who you met, and what you discovered and what you talked about. What were the good points and the bad points. Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?


DUE on May 30.

Spend ~5 hours using English in one of the ways below. The purpose of this is to encourage you to do lots of reading, listening and using authentic English. The more you use English, the faster you will improve .

  1. Do one of these things:
    A) King’s quest 3: (Download the 2 files to the same directory and run them). More details at click dongeui files-info, open adventure game instructions file. OR
  2. Go to: and download and play 5 games for 1 hour or 1 full game. These games have 1 hour free to play. You’ll need to pay ~20,000 won if you want to play more. Choose from these games (see a summary below):
  3. Go to and download and play 5 games for 1 hour or 1 full game. These games have 1 hour free to play. You’ll need to pay ~20,000 won if you want to play more. Choose from these games (see a summary below):
    WESTWARD, ZOO VET, 3rd world farmer OR
  4. Find a group at: join it and discuss things with other people. OR
  5. Register and join the 2nd life community at: Travel around in this virtual world and talk and interact with other people from around the world.


When you finish the above activities, do the below writing and turn it into to me on May 30. The writing should be around 1/2-1 page (~3-500 words) Check your grammar carefully. Here’s what you should do to get good grades:

    1) A summary of the game story.
    2) some of the major problems you had and how you overcame them.
    3) What was most fun or not so fun about the game?
    4) Include a screen shot of the last point in the game (do this by pressing “print scrn”, then go to MS Word or HWP, then press ctrl-p and then print).
    5) Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?
  • E-MAIL DISCUSSIONS: Print out several of the e-mails that YOU wrote to the group. There should be at least 10 letters that you sent to the group (and they should be ~1/2 page each). Then write a report summarizing what you discussed on the group and what you learned and how you felt about it. Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?
  • 2ND LIFE: Write about your experience on 2nd life, how it was getting started, who you met, and what you discovered and what you talked about. What were the good points and the bad points. Do you think this was helpful to your English? How?


At the start of the game, click and watch the introduction story. Then you can start to play. If you move your cursor to the top of the screen, you can see 5 things which will help you. Use these to move around and do things (you can also use right click on your mouse to switch between these things):

a walking man (click this, then you can walk around)

an eye (click on this, then click on objects in the game to get descriptions of them…sometimes there are hints here about what to do)

a hand (click this, then click on doors to open them or objects to pick them up or other things to “do” things to them)

an object from your inventory,

a bag (your inventory)

an option box (to load games which you have saved and to save games which you are playing and change settings).

Use these things to move around and learn about your game and objects in it and to use them.

The King's Quest 1 Map of Daventry is below. All places will scroll (continuous loop of locations). The castle actually takes up 3 screens.

lake / pebbles / rock & dagger / CASTLE / pond / waterfalls / stump
woodcutter house / woods / river / bridge / stone bridge / lake
pond / lepr. exit & hole / woods / rock ** / rock/river / gnome / green bridge / flower patch
witch house / woods / walnut tree / bowl / rocks / troll bridge / lake / tree
woods & witch / pond / cave entrance / elf / lake / clover patch / pond / cave exit/eagle
well / rocks / big tree / carrot patch / trees / goat corral

KING’S QUEST 1 HINTS (Look here if you get stuck in the game and don’t know what to do)

As stated in the introduction of the game, your quest is to find the three legendary treasures of Daventry. There are different ways to solve the problems/challenges in this game. Some solutions will give you more points than others will, while certain solutions may even lower your score (for example giving gold to the troll on the bridge).
The first thing a player should do is get a bit familiar with Daventry. This is quite a job, since Daventry is large and loops around to add to the confusion. Take note of interesting places or unique things (such as big trees, special plants), you come across. Often but not always something important is there. Try to use the hand on them to pick them up or pick them up. If you see people or elves talk to them. If you see witches or sorcerers or wolves, run away fast before they kill you.

IMPORTANT: Save your game often in case you die accidentally. Then you won’t have to go back so far.

Finding the Mirror

So where is the magic mirror?

  • According to the story in the manual, the sorcerer who took the magic mirror hid the treasure in his lair with one of his beasts to guard it. It seems the sorcerer's lair is an underground cavern.

I found the cave, but there's a rock sealing off the back room.

  • You'll have to find another way in there. Are there any other places where you might be able to go underground?

Can I dive and explore whatever lies beneath the surface of bodies of water?

  • Click the hand-icon on the water to continue exploring. There's only one place where this can be done though.

How can I get Graham to untie ropes?

  • You can't. You can cut ropes, though. There's an item hidden somewhere in Daventry that can be used to cut things.

How do I get the magic mirror without getting toasted?

  • The dragon's only way of defending itself is its fiery breath. Get rid of his flames and he'll beat a hasty retreat.
  • Breathing fire all the time makes your throat dry.

Finding the Chest

Where can I find the magic chest?

  • The story says the witch flew off into the clouds with the chest. You'll need to find some way to get up there. One of the inhabitants of Daventry can help you in getting there.

How can I get past the troll guarding the bridges?

  • Find someone who really hates trolls and let him do the dirty work (Learn your fairy tales).
  • There should be a goat pen somewhere in Daventry. The inhabitant might be willing to do you a little favor.
  • The goat's trough is rather empty. To quote the game: goats are always hungry. Use that to your advantage.
  • Find something goats consider tasty.

Hey, I got the goat to tag along, but he suddenly left me!

  • The goat can't swim. Don't try to swim across any lakes.
  • Don't enter dark or scary places.
  • Don't give the carrot away while the goat isn't looking.
  • Don't go back into the pen. There's nothing you need there.
  • Get that magic ring off your finger.

The gnome gave me a key. Now what?

  • Find something to unlock. Take a look at the map.

Any tips on navigating the winding walkway inside the cavern?

  • Don't just click the walk cursor on the exit and hope Graham will do all the work himself. At certain points (at the third screen) you might want to use the keypad instead of the mouse to get through the tunnel.
  • Make sure you keep the red dot on the walk cursor on the walkway. And be careful when near those dark tunnels. Somebody lives here and he's greedy.

What's the gnome's name anyway?

  • There's a spinning wheel, a pile of straw and a pile of gold nearby. The gnome is another fairy tale character.
  • There's a note in the gingerbread house that has a clue on the gnome's real name. Sometimes it's wise to think backwards.
  • That hint can be interpreted in two ways (the logical and the less logical way).

What am I supposed to do with the beans I get?

  • Plant them in fertile soil. There are three spots in Daventry where they can grow.
  • If soil is fertile, there's lots of vegetation around. And not just trees and bushes.

I keep falling off the beanstalk. This is getting frustrating.

  • Save your game often and keep the red dot of the walk cursor on the beanstalk. Try to keep Graham's entire body and even his feet on the beanstalk, not just his hands.

There's a giant guarding the chest. How do I get rid of him?

  • The giant has a very short attention span.
  • If he can't catch you, he'll give up sooner or later.

I got the chest. Do I have to go back the way I came?

  • Even if you got up there by climbing the beanstalk, you can go down through the cavern with the walkway. The choice is yours. The door at the bottom of the walkway can be opened from the inside.

I used the walkway to get down and for some reason my chest / mirror / treasure is missing!

  • Hmmm... I'm afraid your treasure just ran away with a dwarf attached to it. It's really hard to outrun the dwarf on the twisting walkway, but if your magic ring still has power left you might want to use it here (And no, you can't get your treasures back).

Finding the Shield

So, where exactly is the shield?

  • According to the story, a dwarf hid the shield in some hole in the ground. Before you go there, it might be a good idea to explore Daventry a bit and visit places you haven't been to yet.

There's a gingerbread house in the dark forest, but whenever I try to get inside, a witch catches me.

  • Again, remember your fairy tales. That house looks tasty. Remember Hansel and Gretel's first reaction?
  • If there's someone home you might want to come back later, unless you have magical protection.

I'm in the gingerbread house. Anything interesting here?

  • One object is in plain sight. The other isn't hard to find either. Just take a careful look at your surroundings.

The witch arrives home and "kills" me.

  • Hide in the other room and then do what Gretel did. Be quick, but be careful too.
  • The witch won't keep her back turned on you forever. Don't dawdle.

How can I help the starving woodcutter and his wife?

  • This is an ideal location to waste points by giving them treasures or certain food items. There's only one item that will TRULY help them. It can be found somewhere in the fields of Daventry.
  • The instructions needed to use it are included. Just take a careful look at it.

Now how about the shield?

  • Rivers surround the place where you need to go. Don't worry though, you can hitch a ride with someone / something. Explore Daventry a bit more.
  • In case you have trouble catching your cab, check the ground very carefully. The correct spot is marked. Timing is the key here.

Hey, there's the hole. Should I go down?

  • You'll survive the fall, but it would be wise to explore the surrounding area first. Once you're down there, you won't be able to get back up.

OK, I went down the hole and now I'm in a cavern. There's a big rat guarding the door.

  • You might be able to bribe him with something. The rat is both greedy and hungry. Either trait can be exploited.

I got past the rat, but behind the door are some leprechauns who catch me.

  • Leprechauns like music a lot. Introduce them to the sound of music.

Wow, I now have the shield. How do I get out of here? The walls beneath the hole are too steep and the hole in the wall in the room next to the throne room is too small for me to fit through.

  • Remember how you were told to explore the area around the hole before jumping in? Hope you followed that advice. Your only ticket out of here was somewhere around your landing spot.

I'm outside. Am I supposed to return to the castle now?

  • Didn't the game already tell you that?

Alternate Solutions

Dealing with the dragon

  • The dragon's throat isn't covered by scales. Hit him in his weak spot.
  • Or use magical protection of some sort.

Dealing with the troll

  • He told you he'd move aside if you paid him. There are plenty of items you can use to bribe him.

Dealing with the giant

  • Play David and Goliath. Dispatch him from a distance with a ranged weapon.
  • Or use magical protection of some sort.

Dealing with the rat

  • Like the troll, this creature can be bribed.

Dealing with the leprechaun guards

The leprechauns are rather superstitious. Look around the room for a clue on how to scare them off.


At the start of the game, click and watch the introduction story. Then you can start to play. If you move your cursor to the top of the screen, you can see 5 things which will help you. Use these to move around and do things (you can also use right click on your mouse to switch between these things):