Fr. Paul Hughes

St. James’ Presbytery

40 Underwood Rd.

Hattersley, Hyde.

SK14 3DH

Tel 0161 368 3618

St. James the Great

In St. Anselm’s Local Pastoral Area

Parish Newsletter

Epiphany of The Lord - Year C

3rd January 2016

First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 The light of the glory of the Lord dawns on Israel, drawing all people back to God, they come bringing gold and incense and singing the praise of the Lord. Does my life reflect the glory of the Lord and give him praise?

Second Reading Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6 Paul tells of the mystery, unknown in past generations, but now revealed by God: all people now share the same inheritance: being part of Christ’s body, and so close to God. Does my life reflect this inheritance?

Gospel Matthew 2:1-12 The wise men set out in faith, travel a large distance, and follow the light of a star, which leads them to Jesus – the light of the world. Our own lives parallel those of the wise men: at baptism we set out in faith and must travel large distances on our journey through life; we too follow a star – the star which leads us, in our turn, to the Lord. We, too, offer him gifts; not gold, frankincense and myrrh but the gift of ourselves given in generosity, love,obediencetoGodandserviceofour neighbour,gifts which honourourKing.

WeprayforallofoursickespeciallyFr.Chris Dwyer, AbelardoLolita Barayuga, CarolBennett, JoanMichaelBoucher, MichaelBowker, NatalieBrown, AnthonyBrownridge, SharonCilgram, Ann Bernard Clarke, Kath Courtney, Kath Coyne, Hilda Donald,JillDoyle, BridgetDuffy, CarlaEdwards, PatEdwards,RebeccaEdwards, BerylEvans, StephenFarrell, MaryFletcher, MargaretFlood, PaulFlaherty, AlbertHalfpenny, LouisaJohnston, WilfredJohnson,LindaJones,AliceLucas,MaryMcCabe,WendyMcLoughlan,MartinMaher,LucyMorrow,LindaMichaelO’Malley, MichaelO’Reilly, VeraPhilbin, VioletRedfern, PeterRiley, MaryJoe Singleton, VeronicaSingleton, ChristineSmedley, JuneSmith, KarenSmith,EmmaStoneley, ClaraWalker, LeonieWillett, andMaureenYates andallinnursinghomesandhospitals.Weprayalsofordoctors,nursesandallwhocareforthesick.

Let us pray for those who have died, especially Danny Turner who died recently,may our risen Lord welcome them to paradise.

No Saints thisweek.

Next Sunday we will welcome Fr. Kevin Prince to celebrate our Mass.

Next Sunday 10 January, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord,marks the end of the Christmas season; the liturgical colour is green and weekday readings are of Year 2 week 1; Sunday 17 January is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Ash Wednesday – which marks the start of Lent – is 10 February; Good Friday is 25 March and Easter Sunday is 27 March.

During the Christmas season our collecting bottle is for CAFOD, to provide an opportunity to share Christmas generosity with our brothers & sisters in the Third World.

Retired Priests’ Fund Special Collection: 10 January. The annual Special Collection for the Retired Priests' Fund will be held. In my short time here, I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of the Diocese towards the annual collection for the Retired Priests' Fund. With your continued support, we can build up the Fund to meet the future needs of our sick and retired priests. Special Envelopes are available for you to use. A Leaflet is also available if you would like to make your donation by Cheque, or if you wish to make a regular donation to the Fund by Standing Order and wish to take advantage of Gift Aid for your donations. I ask that you give as generously as you can to this very worthy cause and would also like to express my deep gratitude for your continued support.

Sick & housebound parishioners: unable to attend Mass & not, at present, receiving Holy Communion at home but would like to do so, please let Fr. Paul know as soon as possible.

Masses for the sick, infirm & housebound: next Mass Sat 19 Mar. 2016 at 2.00 p.m.. Other Masses in 2016, 25 June, 24 Sept, and 17 Dec. Please let us know of anyone who needs transport. Note: No Mass at 12.00 noon on those days.

Sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp: £10 a week. Fill in form, & give it with £10 to Fr. Paul.

Parish Bonus Ball: 23rd Dec No. 32 – No Winner and 30 Dec. No. 23 – No Winner.

Scripturestudygroup:willrecommence on Monday 18th January 12.30 p.m. in presbytery, everybody welcome, why not join us and understand the scriptures more fully.

LPA Morning of Reflection: Sat 12 March 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at St. Peter & St. Raphael’s Stalybridge Parish Centre followed by Mass in Church. The theme is The Year of Mercy. Led by Fr. Eamonn Mulcahy CSSP – parish priest of St. Ann’s Ancoats.

Second collections for 2016 Notice in Porch. Hattersley Food Store. Notice in Porch.

Please check the parish notice board each weekend to keep up to date.

Verymanythanks:toallwhohave,sogenerously,givencards,greetingsandgiftstoFr. Paul.


The Feast of the Epiphany – epiphany means manifestation or revelation – is the oldest of the Christmas feasts and is still celebrated on January 6th as the major feast of the season by the eastern Christian churches. The feast probably began in those churches in the Middle East strongly influenced by the Gospel of John, who proclaimed of Jesus Christ:

The Word was made flesh he lived among us,

and we saw his glory, the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father,

full of grace and truth. – John 1:14

As the true light that enlightens all men, Jesus came not only that we might see his glory but also that we might share in it. From his fullness we have all received, grace for grace – John 1:16. His baptism in the Jordan and his presence at the marriage feast of Cana in Galilee (themes from John's gospel closely connected with the Feast of the Epiphany) portray Jesus revealed as God's Son and uniting humanity to himself.

The story of the Magi, from Matthew's gospel, celebrates the call of God to all peoples to share in the grace of Jesus Christ. The Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Jesus Christ through the gospel – Ephesians 3:5-6.

The Church in Jerusalem Epiphany Prayer

O God who by a star guided the wise men to the worship of your Son
we pray you to lead to yourself the wise and great of every land
that unto you every knee may bow, and every thought be brought into captivity.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Epiphany Prayer

Lord Jesus may your light shine our way,

as once it guided the steps of the magi:

that we too may be led into your presence and worship you,

the Child of Mary, the Word of the Father, the King of nations,

the Saviour of mankind; to whom be glory for ever.

A New Year Prayer

Lord grant me the strength from day to day
To bear what burdens come my way.
Grant me throughout this bright New Year
More to endure and less to fear.
Help me live that I may be
From spite and petty malice free.
Let me not bitterly complain
When cherished hopes of mine prove vain,
Or spoil with deeds of hate and rage
Some fair tomorrow's spotless page.
Lord, as the days shall come and go
In courage let me stronger grow.

Lord, as the New Year dawns today
Help me to put my faults away.
Let me be big in little things;
Grant me the joy which friendship brings.
Keep me from selfishness and spite;
Let me be wise in what is right.
A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye.
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and laboured here,
And made of it a happy year.

The Angelus

The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,and she conceived of the Holy Spirit.Hail Mary..

Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary..

And the Word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us. Hail Mary..

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Hail Mary..

Mass Times and Intentions

Epiphany of the Lord11.00 a.m.Parishioners

3 January

Monday49.15 a.m.Morning Prayer of the Church

9.30 a.m.Mary Ann Robinson

Tuesday59.15 a.m.Morning Prayer of the Church

9.30 a.m.Barrie Earnshaw

Wednesday 69.15 a.m.Morning Prayer of the Church

9.30 a.m.Staff & pupils of St. James’ school

Thursday79.15 a.m.Morning Prayer of the Church

9.30 a.m.Private Intention

Friday 8No Mass

Saturday 9No Mass

The Baptism of the Lord11.00 a.m.Parishioners

10 January

Sacrament of individual Reconciliation (Confession)Sunday 10.45 a.m. – 10.55 a.m.

Prayer of the Church:2 Mass attendancelast weekend 36

Opening Prayer for the Epiphany of the Lord at the Mass during the Day

O God, who on this day

revealed your Only Begotten Son to the nations

by the guidance of a star,grant in your mercy

that we, who know you already by faith,

may be brought to behold the beauty of your sublime glory.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

O Lord, when I awake and day begins, waken me to your presence;

waken me to your indwelling Spirit;

waken me to inward sight of you, and speech with you, and strength from you;

that all my earthly walk may waken into song

and my spirit leap up to you all day, all ways.