Integrated Math 3 Honors
Teacher: Mrs. Castellanos
Room 50, period 2
E-mail Address:
Course Description
Honors Integrated Mathematics 2 is a comprehensive course that integrates algebra, geometry, and statistics, thus approaching mathematics as a coherent whole. Students will learn major concepts through investigations, where the teacher acts as a facilitator and students are encouraged to work in teams. Students complete a variety of projects and reflective essays throughout, which require them to apply their knowledge to real-world problems. The intent of the course is to integrate mathematics, so students can utilize different domains in order to solve real-world problems.
You are required to bring the following to class everyday:
· A 3-ringed binder at least 1.5 inches thick which the following divisions: Notes, Warm-Ups, Homework/Class work, and Quizzes/Tests. Make sure you have enough notebook paper at all times.
· Pencils because all work has to be done in pencil or no credit!
25% Learning Partnership: SJVA believes in establishing and maintaining a learning partnership between students, parents, and teachers. In terms of your grade, this area includes class work, homework, and peer tutoring. It is crucial that you complete homework on time and to the best of your ability. Homework lays the foundation for your success and confidence in class and tests. In order to assist you in maintaining good habits, no late work will be accepted. You will receive 2 make ups per grading period, but any late work beyond will receive no credit. If you have an excused absence, you will receive the number of days you were sick and one additional day complete the work. It is your responsibility to know what you missed, so make sure you ask a classmate or me for notes and assignments. I will check your homework during warm-up time. As for peer tutoring, you are required to tutor someone in Integrated Math 2 or below at least 10 hours per semester during enrichment only. You may complete 10 additional hours for extra credit. Each hour is worth 2 points of extra credit.
5% Habits of Mind: In order to be successful, it is very important that you are prompt, prepared, positive, productive, and polite.
30% Formative: Formative assessments refer to assignments that show your progress during a chapter. These include quizzes and projects, and you will have either a project, quiz, and/or test every week. Projects must be turned in on time and will not be accepted late. This means that you cannot use one of your 2 freebies on projects. Quizzes will be team quizzes, so learning to work constructively and positively with your classmates is imperative. You will have the opportunity to retake a maximum of one quiz per semester. Your final grade will be the average of your two quizzes. If your initial quiz was a score lower that 60% and your retake was a 60% or higher, I will count the initial quiz as a 60%. Remember, if you score lower on a retake, I will average the two scores and your grade will drop.
40% Summative: Summative assessments refer to assignments that demonstrate your achievement at the end of a chapter or unit. These include tests, benchmarks, and finals.
Breakdown of Grading
A+ =97%-100% B+=87%-89.9% C+=77%-79.9% D+=67%-69.9%
A =93%-96.9% B =83%-86.9% C =73%-76.9% D =63%-66.9%
A-= 90%-92.9% B-=80%-82.9% C-=70%-72.9% D-=60%-62.9% F=0%-59.9%
Note: If you are not exhibiting mastery and diligence, you will be transferred to the non-honors course. This class is a privilege.
Title: California Integrated Mathematics 3
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Honor Policy
It is of utmost importance that students exhibit honesty, integrity, responsibility and respect. In order to create an environment where students adhere to high learning expectations, I hold a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating and plagiarism.
If a student cheats or commits plagiarism, he or she will receive a phone call home as well as a zero on the assignment without the opportunity to remediate the grade. A second offense will result in a conference and contract, as well as suspension and possible expulsion.
Class Rules
· Cellular phones and electronic devices must be turned off and either placed in your back pack or given to me. If I see or hear your phone, it will be confiscated and a parent/guardian must pick it up from Mr. Ward’s office.
· No food or drinks. Only bottled water is acceptable.
· Sign-in and out anytime you leave class
· Sit in your assigned seat
· Enjoy learning and applying yourself with creativity and intelligence J
Parent Acknowledgement
Good communication between teachers, students and parents is essential to maximize the success of students in high school. With this in mind, please take a moment to complete this syllabus acknowledgement and parent contact form, and return it to me by way of your student. It will be counted as your student’s first homework assignment. Please provide as much of the requested information as you can.
Parent/Guardian Name______
Phone Number______E-mail Address______
Parent/Guardian Name______
Phone Number______E-mail Address______
*Please note that I utilize e-mail as a form of communication for awards, student updates, and important messages.
I will attempt to communicate with you about your student’s progress in this class on a regular basis by progress reports and at other times as needed. I hope you will feel free to contact me by phone or email at anytime to discuss your student’s progress.
Please sign and date the section below to indicate that you have reviewed the course syllabus and agree to assist with the communication necessary to reach our goals. Thank you!
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Student Signature______Date______