4-H Camp Counselor Application

Due February 1, 2018

Clark County has three camps; we would like counselor’s staff to be available for all 3 camps if possible. Please identify those that work into your schedule.

___ Extended Camp June 24 to 28(Campers 6th – 9th grade)

Time: Start 3:00 p.m. Sunday, June 24 / Departure 9:00 a.m. Thursday, June 28

Location: Kamp Kenwood,19161 79th Ave, Chippewa Falls, 54729

___ Overnight CampJuly 17, 18,19(Campers 3rd – 5th grade)

Time: Start 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday / Depart at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday

Location: Sunset Pines Resort, Willard

Notes: Individuals will be TENT camping, limited shower facilities

___ Cloverbud DayCamp July 16(Kindergarten – 3rd grade)

Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Location: Sunset Pines Resort, Willard

Please answer the following questions:

  1. State three reasons you want to be a Clark County 4-H Camp Counselor?




  1. Identify two attributes that make you a strong candidate for being a camp counselor?
  2. What age groups do you have experience working with (please check those that apply)

___ Birth to 3

___ Ages 4 to 6

___ Ages 7 to 10

___ Ages 11 to 14

  1. Identify two activities you like to take part in while camping?
  2. Identify 3 activities (games, crafts, etc.) that you could facilitate independently?
  3. List two camp songs you can teach to a group of youth.
  4. While camping what are 2 food items that are essential to the camping experience?
  5. What size t-shirt do you like to wear if we order one for you? ______Size (adult)

Potential Counselor/Parent Understanding

“I understand that camp counselors are responsible for helping to plan, promote, conduct, and evaluate camp.
I also realize that campers will view me as a role model and it is important that I set a positive example with my attitude, words, actions, and appearance. I promise to fulfill my responsibilities as a Clark County Camp Counselor and role model to the best of my abilities, and if I am selected as a Clark County 4-H Camp Counselor, I will attend the required training sessions on the dates identified, follow and support the camp philosophy and rules, and participate fully at camp.”

Applicant Signature: Date:

“I am aware of my son/daughter’s interest in being a Clark County 4-H Camp Counselor and understand that s/he is assuming, with supervision from the UW-Extension 4-H Agent, a serious responsibility for other people’s loved ones. I support his/her participation in this activity.”

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Please complete and return this application to:

Scan andemail:

Postal Service:UW-Extension Clark County

Attn: Camp Counselor Application

517 Court Street Room 104

Neillsville, WI 54456

Questions Call:715-743-5127

A complete application includes

___ Completed application with signatures

___ Resume

___ A letter of recommendation (from someone other than a parent)

___ Copies of any certifications you hold

J:\Extension\Agent - 4H\CAMPS\Counselors\Counselor Application.2018.docx