MARCH 2015
MARCH 2-3, 2015
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN and CLOSED
The Elastomer Seals Task Group (SEAL TG) was called to order by M. Koucouthakis, Chairperson, at 9:00 a.m., 2-Mar-2015.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Michelle / Brunet / The Boeing Company / attended by phone
* / Shaun / Brewin / Rolls-Royce
* / Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corp. / Proxy for S. Kronabetter
* / Melissa / Facas / Pratt & Whitney
* / Patrick / Heppe / The Boeing Company
* / Manuel / Koucouthakis / Honeywell Aerospace / Chairperson; Proxy for J. Hudspeth, R. McDaniel
Luis Gustavo / Pacheco / Embraer SA
* / Konstantina / Stefanidou / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Estrella / Watson / Goodrich (UTAS) / V. Chairperson; proxy for B. Clothier, M. Gage, D. Grulke
Xin / Jin / COMAC
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEDirk / Busmann / International Seals FNST Simrit / attended by phone
* / Jon / Cutler / Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Stephany / Divens / Parker Hannifin / attended by phone
Javier / Gonzalez / Parker Hannifin / attended by phone
Brook / Holt / Greentweed / attended by phone
Carl / Horne / Parco Inc. / attended by phone
* / John / Hudspeth / International Seals FNST Simrit / attended by phone
Steve / James / Trelleborg Sealing Solutions / attended by phone
* / Mark / Keal / Meggitt Polymer & Composites
Jessica / Mattison / Parco Inc. / attended by phone
Robert / Nichols / Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Ronald / Zielinski / PolyMod Technologies Inc. / attended by phone
PRI Staff Present
Brittany / McSorley / attended by phoneKeith / Purnell
1.2 Safety Information:
Fire exits and how to vacate the building using the stairs was reviewed. Attendees were requested to notify PRI Staff of any emergencies.
1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN and CLOSED
The Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest were reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.
1.4 Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN and CLOSED
The Antitrust Video was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.
1.5 Review Agenda – OPEN
The agenda for the March 2015 meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to discuss their expectations for this meeting. An expectation agreed upon was to complete the ballot comment resolution of the Draft AC7115 Rev C audit checklist.
1.6 Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN
The minutes from October 2014 Nadcap meeting were approved subject to changing in 7.1 AMS P to AMS CE.
Motion made by E. Watson and seconded by K. DeFranco to accept the October 2014 minutes after changing 7.1 AMS P to AMS CE. Motion Passed Unanimously.
2.0 review membership status – open
The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded.
The voting records and meeting attendance for SEAL Task Group Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. NOP-001 paragraph states “To maintain Voting Member privileges, the following criteria shall be met unless the Task Group Chair determines that other circumstances warrant retention:
• Voting Member shall not be absent without approved alternate representation (including a full proxy) from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings.
• Voting Member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2 consecutive letter ballots. A waive shall count as a vote.”
All SEAL TG Voting Members met the requirements for meeting attendance.
All SEAL TG Voting Members except M. Gage & D. Grulke met the requirements for voting on letter ballots. The Voting Members and Chairperson agreed to waive the voting requirement for this occurrence. M. Gauge and D. Grulke will maintain Voting Member status.
ACTION ITEM: M. Koucouthakis to email M. Gauge and D. Grulke to explain the importance of voting on letter ballots. (Due Date: 27-March-2015)
S. Brewin of Rolls-Royce plc requested to become a SEAL TG Subscriber Voting Member. This was S. Brewin’s second SEAL TG meeting attended.
Motion made by E. Watson and seconded by K. DeFranco to approve S. Brewin as a SEAL TG Subscriber Voting Members. Motion Passed Unanimously.
S. Brewin requested that B. Shaw remain on the SEAL TG as Rolls-Royce Alternate Subscriber Voting Member.
Motion made by E Watson and seconded by K. DeFranco for B. Shaw to remain on the SEAL TG as Rolls-Royce Alternate Subscriber Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.
K. Stefanidou of Honeywell Aerospace requested to become a SEAL TG Alternate Subscriber Voting Member. This was K. Stefanidou’s second SEAL TG meeting attended.
Motion made by E. Watson and seconded by K. DeFranco to approve K. Stefanidou as a SEAL TG Alternate Subscriber Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.
New voting members were confirmed by the Chair.
ACTION ITEM: B. McSorley to update the Nadcap SEAL TG membership. (Due Date: 29-May-2015)
The March 2015 Attendees Guide was reviewed and requires updating to include Fabric/Textile Reinforced Seals and the new SEAL TG members listed above.
ACTION ITEM: B. McSorley to update the Attendees Guide to include Fabric/Textile Reinforced Seals and the new SEAL TG members. (Due Date: 29-May-2015)
Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SEAL TG Metrics, Audit Cycle Time, Most Common NCR’s, Average number of Major and Minor NCR’s, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates / Locations and Staff Engineer Delegation Metrics. (Attached)
Staff Engineer received feedback that the NCR bar graph and summary of the four most common NCR’s was non value added and can be eliminated from future Staff Reports. The SEAL TG requested the number of audits used to create the NCR paragraph summary be identified on that slide.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and B. McSorley to revise the PRI Staff Report to delete the NCR bar graph and summary of the four most common NCRs and add the number of audits used to create the NCR paragraph summary slide. (Due Date: 19-Jun-2015)
4.0 Supplier Support Committee REPORT – OPEN
K. Purnell presented the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at www.p-r-i.org.
5.0 Feedback from AMS CE Meeting
This topic was omitted as there was a conference call with the AMS CE committee during the meeting.
6.0 Audit Failure criteria - OPEN
Review Audit Failure Criteria, Single Year Data Compared to Multiple Years of Data
Audit failure criteria from 1 year, 2014, 2 years, 2013 and 2014 combined, 3 years, 2012, 2013 and 2014 combined, 4 years, 2011 to 2014 combined and 5 years, 2010 to 2014 combined were reviewed. The reason for reviewing multiple years of data is the limited number of audits performed by the SEAL Task Group. NOP-011 paragraph states “New Task Groups are requested to define their failure criteria (Mode B) once a statistically valid number of audits (e.g. 32 audits) have been conducted or at the second anniversary of their checklist publication”. It required 4 years of SEAL audit data to exceed 32 audits. A third day failure criteria also needs to be addressed as Seal manufacturers with a captive lab that is not ISO/IEC 17025 accredited may request to be audited to the AC7122P checklists.
Establish SEAL Task Group Failure Criteria for 2015
SEAL TG reviewed the above data and the number of total NCR’s per day remained the same and matched the existing failure criteria regardless of the number of years of data used. The number of majors has gone down but since a revised checklist is being released with additional scopes it was decided to keep the existing criteria. It was also requested to N/A one day Audit Failure Criteria since no one day audits are performed.
Motion made by K. DeFranco and seconded by E. Watson to maintain the existing failure criteria of 2 Major and 3 Total NCR’s Per Day and N/A one day Audit Failure Criteria. Motion Passed Unanimously.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to notify M. Graham that the SEAL failure criteria are not changing for 2015. (Due Date: 31Mar2015)
7.0 AC7115 Draft C – open
The latest Draft AC7115 Rev C audit checklist was reviewed and discussed prior to resolving ballot comments. The section titled Audit Elements will be the accreditation scope that appears in eAuditNet. Scopes of accreditation will be O-Rings and Molded Shapes, Plate Seals, and Fabric/Textile Reinforced. These scopes are the titles for the three columns in the Job Audit Matrix. Forms required to be updated because of the new scope were also discussed and are addressed later in the agenda.
Ballot comments posted in eAuditNet on Draft AC7115 Rev C were reviewed. Some comments were submitted by email; the ballot will be reopened so the commenter can add those comments to the ballot. A WebEx conference call was conducted during this portion of the meeting to allow additional representation to resolve comments. All comments were resolved.
Some of the WebEx attendees belong to the AMS CE committee that is Drafting ARP3051 titled Molded Elastomer Components Manufacturing Processing Requirements. This ARP will be balloted in the near future and there was concern that AC7115 and ARP3051 may have some differences. The SEALS TG agreed to compare the two documents after both are released to reconcile any discrepancies.
All Draft AC7115 Rev C ballot comments were resolved. Some comments were technical and will require another ballot.
ACTION ITEM: S. Divens to enter emailed ballot comments for Draft AC7115 Rev C into eAuditNet. (Due Date: 12-Mar-2015)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and B. McSorley to incorporate ballot comment resolution into Draft AC7115 Rev C. (Due Date: 20-Mar-2015)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to email revised Draft AC7115 Rev C to SEAL TG and WebEx attendees for any errors or omissions and review ballot comment resolution prior to reballoting. (Due Date: 27-Mar-2015)
ACTION ITEM: SEAL TG and WebEx attendees to email ballot comment resolution errors and omissions on the revised Draft AC7115 Rev C to K. Purnell and B. McSorley. (Due Date: 3-Apr-2015)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and B. McSorley to ballot Draft AC7115 Rev C on a 14 day affirmation ballot. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2015)
The checklist matrix was reviewed and an “X” was added to row 19 under the Fabric/Textile Reinforced column.
Move Forward Plan:
· Reballot Draft AC7115 Rev. C after ballot comment resolution.
· S. Brewin and M. Keal to perform test audit using the Draft AC7115 Rev. C Audit Checklist after SEAL TG ballot is completed.
· If test audit is successful a Pilot audit will be scheduled with R. Nichols of Trelleborg. Trelleborg will conduct some onsite training on Fabric/Textile Reinforced Seals prior to the Pilot Audit.
The NMC Compliance Spreadsheet will be completed after the remaining ballot comments are resolved.
The s-frm-66 Preliminary Questionnaire for Elastomer Seal was reviewed and updated to add the Fabric/Textile Reinforced Seals scope and references to previous procedures were updated to Operating Procedures. This form will not be released until the revised AC7115 Rev C is posted in eAuditNet.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and B. McSorley to revise s-frm-66 and post in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 16-Apr-2015)
NIP 6-01 and NIP 6-01 Appendix SEALS Guidelines for Selection of Auditors of Elastomer Seals are being replaced by OP 1116 and OP 1116 Appendix SEALS. Operating Procedure and Appendix were reviewed and no changes were required at this time.
The a-frm-04 SEALS Auditor Questionnaire for Potential Auditors was reviewed and section 1.2 Manufacturing Experience was revised by adding Fabric/Textile reinforced and Composites. Section 1.5, Professional was Accomplishments, was revised to include Languages Spoken.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and B. McSorley to revise a-frm-04 and post in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 16-Apr-2015)
The current SEAL audit schedule for the next six (6) months was reviewed; Subscribers were encouraged to observe audits to support the requirements of NOP-012 – Auditor Consistency. The next two audits scheduled are being used as training audits. The SEAL TG has a requirement in NIP 6-01 Appendix SEALS that requires a Trainee to participate in one (1) training audit with a Task Group Subscriber Member. No Subscriber members were available to participate in these training audits so the following motion was made.
Motion made by E. Watson and seconded by P. Heppe to waive witnessing of B. Kocsis T1 and T2 audits and instead witness the first audit performed after Training. Motion Passed Unanimously.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell and M. Koucouthakis to make arrangements for a Subscriber to witness B. Kocsis’ first audit after her T2 Audit. (Due Date: 20-Mar-2015)
Zero SEAL audits were in Supplier Review.
There were no problem audits to discuss.
Auditor performance was reviewed and included the most common checklist paragraph referenced in NCRs traceable to the Auditors that wrote the NCRs, Audit Oversight Feedback, and Average and Total NCRs per Day written by the Auditors. This information is used for evaluating Auditor Consistency. There was a limited amount of data to review because of the small number of auditors and audits conducted.
The SEAL TG requested K. Purnell contact S. Hayzlett, a Nadcap Composites (COMP) Auditor, to see if he is still interested in becoming SEAL Auditor.