(For Singapore Applicants)

All applications must be fully endorsed by the Chief Executive Director, Executive Director or Director of Research (or equivalent) of the Singapore Principal Investigator (PI)before the submission deadline.

Only applications with the following submissions will be accepted:

One softcopy submission through the Host Institution Office of Research of the Singapore PI, containing the following two documents:

  • Proposal Details (One Word format without signatures AND one PDF format with signatures) to be e-mailed to: th the subject heading 12th SG-CN JRP grant application

The deadline for softcopy submission is:

Friday, 8 Jan 2016, 5 pm (Singapore Standard Time)




Name / Role / Designation / Department / Institution / Contact no. / Email address
Principal Investigator (SG)
Principal Investigator (CN)


  • For every proposal submitted, there should be 2 Principal Investigators (one Singapore-based and one China-based). This section should include both the Singapore and China Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s).
  • The Principal Investigators (PI) are the lead researchers who have the appropriate level of authority and are responsible for the milestones and deliverables of the project, coordinating research activities carried by the research team, managing the grant award and submitting progress reports, making presentations on behalf of the research team, and are accountable for the proper conduct and overall direction of the project.
  • The Co-Investigator(s) (Co-I) will be the person(s) leading, managing and involved in the scientific development and executionof a particular aspect of the collaborative effort. He/she typically devotes a higher percentage of effort to the project as compared to a collaborator and is considered senior/key personnel of the research team.
  • A Collaborator means any company, institution, incorporated body or other industry or academic collaborator, which is not an Institution or an Investigator, but is to be engaged in the Research in collaboration with the Institutions or any of them. For avoidance of doubt, collaborators are not entitled to receive (directly or indirectly) any portion of the Funds.


S$ ______(direct cost) + S$ ______(20% indirect cost) = S$ ______


  • The research project will be funded approximately up to S$300,000 (for the Singapore component) for up to 3 years, and this figure includes funding for general overheads (indirect costs).
  • For non-A*STAR research institutes that are eligible for indirect cost funding, the maximum direct cost funding quantum is S$250,000.




Please select up to 5 health categories from the list of health categories below.

□ Blood / □ Musculoskeletal
□ Cancer / □ Neurological
□ Cardiovascular / □ Oral and Gastrointestinal
□ Congenital Disorders / □ Renal and Urogenital
□ Ear / □ Reproductive Health and Childbirth
□ Eye / □ Respiratory
□ Infection / □ Skin
□ Inflammatory and Immune System / □ Stroke
□ Injuries and Accidents / □ Generic Health Relevance
□ Mental Health / □ Others
□ Metabolic and Endocrine


In no more than 300 words, please provide a general description of the proposal that can be understood by a non-scientific audience. Please include its importance to science or medicine, and where appropriate, the approach of the research proposal. Note that the lay abstract may be released to the media for the purpose of the announcement of the grant call results.


In no more than500 words, concisely describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the research proposal including its importance to the furtherance of medical science, in particular clinical significance. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the research proposal. The same scientific abstract should be used in both the Singapore and China applications.


In no more than5,000words (word limit excludes the reference section), include the following sections in the research proposal. Note that proposals with more than 5,000 words will be rejected. Please use Arial font size 10 for all text.

The proposal shall be assessed based on the following considerations:

  • Innovativeness
  • Demonstration of a high level of scientific pursuit
  • Clear identification of recipients of research outcomes and applications
  • Challenge paradigms and sets international benchmarks
  • Level of synergy in the collective set of activities by Singapore and China researchers
  • Abilities of the researchers, their past performance, track record, and comments of the referees (if required)
  • Effectiveness of project management
  • Appropriateness of the requested budget


Pleaseprovide the expected percentage effort within the project of both Singapore and China researchers, as well as within his/her other work commitments for each Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s).

Name / Role in Project (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator or Collaborator) / Designation / Institution / % Effort Within This Project^ / % Effort Relative to Researcher’s Other Work Commitment
TOTAL / 100%

^ Represents percentage effort spent by the team members in the project relative to his/her other team members. The total in this column must add up to 100%.

11Curriculum Vitae

Please attach the Curriculum Vitae of both the Singapore and China-based Principal Investigators and Co-Investigator(s).

The applicants’ CV should include the following information

  • Name
  • Current position and past employment history

(Please provide full details, e.g. joint appointments, percentage of time spent in Singapore every year, if applicable)

  • Academic qualifications (indicate institution’s name and the year degree was awarded)
  • Selected publications (list up to 10 publications, stating impact factors where applicable)
  • Other key research achievements (e.g. patents, licenses, awards, spin-off companies, external consultancy, etc.)


  • Fund disbursement is subjected to ethics approval
  • Please tick the appropriate boxes if the study involves the ethical considerations listed in the table below
  • Indicate the expiry date of the ethics approval (if known) and attach the ethics approval documentation
  • If the research involves any of the ethics categories but ethics approval is not necessary, please provide the reason in the ‘Remarks’ column

Ethics Categories / Involved? / Ethics Approval Required? / Ethics Approval Attached? / Expiry Date of Ethics Approval
(DD-MM-YYYY) / Remarks
a) Human Subject / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No
b) Use of Human/Animal Tissues or Cells from Primary Donors
(i.e. subject/volunteers recruited for project) / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No
c) Use of Commercially Available Human/Animal Tissues or Cells / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No
d) Animal Experimentation / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No
e) Requirement for Containment / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No
f) Multi-centre trial(s) / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No / □ Yes □ No


  • Please indicate theoverall funding required, including the breakdown of the budget requirement for Manpower (EOM), Consumables (OOE), Overseas Travel and Equipmentin the table below.
  • Collaborators may participate in the grant by providing technology or in-kind contributions in terms of manpower, time or other resources. However, collaborators may not receive any funding.
  • Budget should be planned on an annual basis for each category and each Partner Institute.
  • Please indicate how the funds would be distributed to the Co-I(s).
  • Only expenses directly related to the project are allowed. Non-A*STAR applicants can include indirect costs in theirproposed budget.
  • Indicate the budget required for each line item clearly and list the individual items to be bought under Other Operating Expenses (OOE) and Equipment (EQPT).
  • Please refer to the following documents before filling up the budget section:

(i)A*STAR Grants Terms and Conditions

(ii) Guidelines for Managing A*STAR Grants for a list of non-fundable items

(a) Budget Template


Role: PI or Co-PI


Overall Budget Manpower (EOM)

/ Highest Qualification / Existing OR
New Hires
(pls indicate) / No. /

Year 1(S$)


Year 2(S$)


Year 3(S$)


Total (S$)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Assistant

Laboratory Technician

Others (pls specify)

EOM Subtotal

Overseas Travel (please state purpose, location and no. of trips)


Year 1(S$)


Year 2(S$)


Year 3(S$)


Total (S$)

Overseas Travel Subtotal

Other Operating Expenses (OOE)


Year 1(S$)


Year 2(S$)


Year 3(S$)


Total (S$)

Materials & Consumables (please specify)

Animal Cost

Others (please list)

OOE Subtotal

Equipment (please specify)




Year 1(S$)


Year 2(S$)


Year 3(S$)


Total (S$)




Indirect cost (20% of total direct cost, X)

(Applicable to non-A*STAR institutes only)


(b)Details and Justifications for Budget Requested

Manpower (EOM)

Overseas Travel

Other Operating Expenses (OOE)



  • Propose Milestones for assessment of the progress of the study and shade the appropriate boxes. The proposed milestones will be subjected to review at the end of each FY for the period of grant awarded. The progress of the research project will be taken into consideration for continued disbursements of funds.

Milestones / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 3

15Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Please indicate the expected outcomes of the project. Please state 0 if the indicator number/value is not applicable.

Key Performance Indicators / Indicate Number/Value
Training R&D Manpower / Master's research students trained or under training
PhD students trained or under training as part of the grant
Master’s research and PhD students trained and spun out to local industry as Research Scientist and Engineer
Research staff spun out to local industry as Research Scientist and Engineer
Post-doctoral (within 3 years of the PhD award) researchers hired under the grant
Developing Long Term R&D Capability / Joint programs/projects with prestigious international research organisations
Joint programs/projects with local universities
Invention disclosures
Proof-of-concept studies in man
Progress to Clinical trials
Kick-start clinical treatments/therapeutics
Patents filed/granted/licensed/commercialized
Papers published in international journals
Presentations at international conferences
External awards for research at international level
R&D Collaboration / R&D projects with industry cash funding
Industry dollars received^ to fund R&D projects (includes in-kind contribution)
Outcomes / Revenue from royalties and licensing agreements
Spin-off companies registered
New products or processes commercialised

*Industry dollars received: revenue from private companies, excluding revenue from all public sector agencies which includes local universities, restructured hospitals, any A*STAR entities, etc.


Please provide details of the grants currently held or being applied for by the Singapore PI and Co-PI(s)only. Please attach the scientific abstracts of each grant listed in sub-sections (a) and (b) under Annex A. Missing abstracts will render this application incomplete. Attach additional pages if necessary.

(a)Support from Industry Partners

Please provide details on in-kind, cash or other resources provided by any participating industry partner(s) that the Singapore PI and Co-PI(s)have existing collaborations with.

Name of PI or Co-PI(s) / Title of Research / Items Supported / Source of Support / Form of Support / Period of Support (MM/YY - (MM/YY)
In-Kind / Cash Contribution (S$)
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No

(b) List all Grants Currently Held and/orApplied For Where the Outcome is Pending

Please indicate all grants currently held and/or applied for by the Singapore PI and Co-PI(s)and provide details of any overlapping sections between these grants and this proposal in Annex A.

Name of PI and Co-PI / Title of Research / PI and Co-PI’s Role in the Project / Funding Agency / Amount of Grant Applied For (S$) / Period of Support (MM/YY – MM/YY)

Annex A

Please provide scientific abstracts for each grant listed in sub-sections (a) and (b) above.


Please provide the name and contact information of individuals who might have conflict of interests with your current research proposal. This includes competitors who are in your specific area of research.

S/N / Title / Name / Details (Institution and e-mail address) / Reason for COI


Reviewers who are co-authors with the PI(s) in publications are generally not to be included. Note that reviewers must not have conflict of interest or involvement (direct and indirect) with the proposed project. The funding agency has the final discretion whether to select the suggested reviewers for the evaluation of the grant proposal.

S/N / Title / Name / Details (Institution and e-mail address) / Relationship to Principal Investigator(s)


In signing the Grant Application, the Singapore Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator(s) and Collaborator(s)UNDERTAKE, on any Grant Award to:

  • Not send similar versions or part(s) of this proposal to other agencies for funding.
  • Submit supporting documents of ethics approval obtained from the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Animal Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects/human tissues or cells, and animal/animal tissues or cells, respectively.
  • Be actively engaged in the execution of the research and comply with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
  • Ensure that A*STAR funding is acknowledged in all publications.
  • Ensure that all publications arising from research wholly or partly funded by A*STAR will be forwarded to A*STAR.
  • Obtain approval from A*STAR before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by Councils.

I / We declare that the facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true and that this is an original and latest version of the proposal. I / We also declare that no other versions of this proposal (or parts thereof) with similar objectives, scope, deliverables or outcomes have been or will be submitted to any other funding bodies.

Name of Applicant
(Principal Investigator) / Signature / Date
Name of Applicant
(Co-Investigator) / Signature / Date
Name of Applicant
(Co-Investigator) / Signature / Date
Collaborator / Signature / Date
Collaborator / Signature / Date


By the Host Institution Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, Director of Research or their equivalent

In Signing the Grant Application, the Institution Undertakes, on any Grant Award, to:

  • Ensure that approval from A*STAR has been obtained before engaging in any commercial activity that will exploit the findings of the research funded by A*STAR.
  • Read, support and agree to this proposal being carried out in the Department.
  • Ensure that the study complies with all laws, rules and regulations pertaining to animal and human ethics, including the Singapore Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
  • Ensure that all necessary licenses and approvals have been obtained or are being sought.

The Institution supports / does not support* this version of the research proposal.

(*Please delete accordingly)

Signature: / Date:


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12th SG-CN JRP Grant Call