Peer reviewed abstracted presentations
Lamb SE, Guralnik JM on behalf of the Women’s Health and Aging Study. Risk factors for falling in older women with Stroke. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Congress 2003 (in press)
Nakash R, Cooke MW, Lamb SE et al. A survey of current national practice for severe ankle sprains to inform a randomised controlled trial. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Congress 2003 (in press)
Pepper J, Lamb SE et al Bladders behaving badly study. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual Congress (in press)
Lamb SE, Frost H, Doll H, Rivero O, Stewart-Brown S. Advice versus manual therapy for the treatment of low back pain: Results of a randomised controlled trial. Accepted 6th International Forum on Low Back Pain, Sweden, May 2003.
Frost H, Lamb SE, Doll H, Carver T, Stewart-Brown S. Multi-centred randomised controlled trial comparing physiotherapy treatment with advice for patients with low back pain. Accepted World Physical Therapy Congress Barcelona 2003 [recipient of Robert Jones Award].
Haywood KL, Hargreaves J, Lamb SE Clinician and patient-assessed measures of outcome for lateral ligament injury of the ankle: A structured review. Accepted World Physical Therapy Congress Barcelona 2003 [recipient of Robert Jones Award].
Cooke MW, Lamb SE, Marsh J, Dale J A survey of current practice of treatment of severe ankle injuries in A&E. presented Faculty of Accident and Emergency Meeting, November 2002 awaiting publication of abstract.
Frost H, Lamb SE. Variation in patient-reported ostearthritic knee pain prior to knee replacement surgery. Rheumatology 2002; 14, P122
Lamb SE, Frost H, Carver T, Stewart Brown S. A multi-centred RCT of advice versus physiotherapy for low back pain: Trial methods and lessons learnt. Physiotherapy 2002 in press.
Lamb SE Recovery of mobility after hip fracture. Free paper presentation at CSP congress October 2001 (in press, Physiotherapy).
Barker KL, Simpson AH, Lamb SE Recovery of muscle strength after femoral lengthening. Free paper presentation at CSP congress, October 2001 (in press, Physiotherapy).
Barker KL, Simpson AH, Lamb SE Association between TESS functional questionnaire and timed tests of function. Free paper presentation at CSP congress, October 2001 (in press, Physiotherapy).
Lamb SE, Guralnik JM, et al Risk factors for falling in women with stroke. Proceedings, 2nd Annual Conference in Falls Prevention. Royal College of Physicians, London. September 2001
Lamb SE, Toye F, Barker KL, Barrington S Changes in measures of pain and function in intervention studies of severe OA.: Comparison to patient perceptions. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2001 vol 60; suppl1: 285
Toye F, Lamb SE, Barlow JH, Wright C The discriminatory validity of the New Zealand Scoring system in a UK population. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2001 vol 60; suppl1: 284
Barker KL, Lamb SE, Simpson ANRW Association between TESS functional questionnaire and timed tests of function. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2001 vol 60; suppl1: 290
Barker KL, Simpson AHRW, Lamb SE Factors associated with Loss of Knee Range of Motion in Femoral Lengthening. Physiotherapy 2000; 87;7: 378.
Lamb SE, Kemp GJ, Campbell CHT Effects of neuromuscular stimulation on the contractile efficiency of the first dorsal interosseous muscle of the hand. Physiotherapy 2000; 86: 7: 380.
Lamb SE, Bartlett HP, Ashley A, Ashcroft P, Bird W A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Thames Valley Health Walks Scheme in increasing physical activity in sedentary people. Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Sports Science, Jyvaskula, Finland, July 2000 (now published in the European Journal of Sports Science).
Anderson JL, Davies S, Lamb SE, Dodd CAF Recovery rates of quadriceps and hamstring torque over one year following arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: comparison of patellar tendon and hamstring tendon graft. Physiotherapy 2000: 86, 1: 33.
Roberts P, Lamb S.E., Garderner, T., Grimley Evans, J., Simpson, AHRW (1999) Changing floor construction may be a way of reducing fractures in the elderly. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (in press).
Lamb SE, Grimley Evans J, Morse RE and Trundle H (1998) A randomised placebo controlled and double blind study of neuromuscular stimulation to improve mobility in the first three months after surgical fixation for proximal femoral fracture. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1998 80-B(Suppl II): 172
Frost, H.,Lamb SE, Klabber Moffat, J., Moser, J., Fairbank, J. (1998) Randomised controlled trial of a fitness programme for patients with chronic low back pain : Two year follow up results. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1998 80-B(Suppl II): 174
Lamb, S.E., Guralnik, J.M., Ferrucci, L., Simonsick, E., Buchner, D.M. et al (1997) Knee pain, strength and functional limitations in physically disabled older women. Clinical Rehabilitation, 11, 3, 260
Lamb, S,E., Kemp, G.K., Thompson, C.H. (1998). Evidence of specificity in response to different types of chronic neuromuscular stimulation in a mixed fibre human muscle. Proceedings of the Third Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Manchester, UK, July. Journal of Sports Science.
Gillespie LD, Gillespie WJ, Cumming R, Lamb SE, Rowe BH. (1997) Interventions to reduce the incidence of falling in the elderly. Proceedings of the Cochrane Colloquium, Amsterdam.
Gillespie LD, Gillespie WJ, Cumming R, Lamb SE, Rowe BH (1997) Interventions to reduce the incidence of falling in the elderly. Proceedings of the 1St UK Health Promotion Research Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Lamb,S.E., Morse, R.E., Lagaay, M.E., Steel, R.M. (1994) Assessing mobility in elderly people: an appraisal of the performance test of mobility. Clinical Rehabilitation 3, 274.
Lamb, S.E. (1994) The Barthel Index, it’s uses, it’s limitations and some suggestions for improvement. Proceedings of Clinical Audit in Action Conference, North Yorkshire Trusts, Harrogate.
Lamb, S.E. (1992) The effects of interferential therapy on the circulation of the calf. Proceedings of International Physiotherapy Conference, Trinity University, Dublin.
Lamb, S.E. (1992) The effects of interferential therapy on the circulation of the calf. Clinical Rehabilitation(6) 348 - 9
Lamb SEand Mani R. (1991) Effects of alternating electromagnetic fields on the microcirculation. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint British/Swedish Angiology Meeting.
Bartlett H and Lamb SE (1998) A randomised controlled trial to evaluate of the effectiveness of the Thames Valley Health Walks scheme: Methodological issues. Proceedings of “Working Together for Better Health” International Conference, Cardiff.
Lamb, S.E. (1995) Testing the limits of the Barthel Index. Clinical Rehabilitation (2),175
Lamb, S.E. , Frost, H., Shackleton, C., et al (1998) Preventing chronic low back pain: Disability and General Health Outcomes twelve months after participating in the functional restoration programme (FRP). Proceedings of the Third International Forum on low back pain, Keele University.
Lamb SE, Kemp GJ, Thompson CH, Styles, P. (1997) Effects of chronic neuromuscular stimulation on human muscle. Proceedings 14th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Brussels, pp 29- 30. Extended abstract.