St Mary’s CE PrimarySchool



Date:Wednesday 9th March 16


Venue:The School


Mrs L Appleton (Chairperson), Mrs E Irvin (Headteacher), Mrs Y Guariento, Rev. Clive Larsen, Miss E Small, Ms H Tebbutt, Mr G Phillips, Mr G Dixon, Mr N Palin and Mrs A Baguley.


Ms S HadfieldAssociate Member

Ms R GrantAssociate Member

Ms L RobinsonAssociate Member

Ms J BottingProspective Foundation Governor

Mrs R HodgsonGovernor Support Officer


Governors were welcomed to the meeting and introductions made. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Ms J Grundy.


Governors were asked to declare a personal interest in any agenda items; no declarations were made.

Governors were reminded that they should declare any interest which arose during the meeting.


a)Previous Governing Board Minutes

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2015, copies circulated previously, be approved and signed by the Chairperson and authorised for publication.

b)Matters Arising from Previous Governing Board Minutes

The Diocese had been approached by two candidates, Ms J Botting and Ms L Robinson, who wished to fill the vacant Foundation Governor position. It had been decided that Ms J Botting would be appointed by the Diocese in due course. The GSO would confirm her start date upon verification from the Manchester Diocese.

Governors noted and discussed the individual merits of Ms L Robinson for appointment as an Associate Member of the Governing Board, with voting rights at committee level. A vote was taken and it was duly

RESOLVED - That Ms L Robinson be appointed onto the Governing Board as an Associate Member, with voting rights at committee level, for a four year term of office starting 9th March 2016.

There were no further matters arising.

c)Action Points from Previous Governing Board Minutes

The actions raised at the autumn term meeting were duly reviewed as follows:

The request for a Prevent Duty module on Modern Governor had been made. The GSO undertook to ascertain what LA training was available for the summer term. The possibility of a bespoke training session, if nothing suitable was planned, would be investigated.


d)Committee minutes

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the following meetings:

Resources Committee – 21st October 2015, 10th February 2016

Teaching & Learning Committee – 27th January 2016

copies circulated previously, be approved and signed by the Chairperson and authorised for publication.

e)Matters Arising from Previous Committee Meetings

There were no matters arising.

f)Ratification of Anti-Bullying Policy

The LA model policy had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher explained the main changes to the document and governors duly RESOLVED to ADOPT the policy with immediate effect.


a)Budget Update

Governors were referred to the previously circulated Budget Monitoring Report of 3rd March 2016. The predicted carry forward balance of £86,859 was higher than reported at the spring term Resources Committee meeting but, at 10%, was still within the 12% guideline. This was due to a delay in receiving the quotes for the refurbishment of the Key Stage 1 toilets. Given the urgent need to keep the carry forward at less than 12%, and the uncertainty of when quotes would be received and work started, governors AGREED that the refurbishment of the KS1 toilets should be delayed until the new financial year and the Traversing Wall project (originally agreed for the next financial year) be completed in this financial year.

FOSM had agreed to donate £1K towards the cost of the Traversing Wall project. A member of FOSM had questioned whether the surface being proposed was potentially carcinogenic and the Headteacher circulated a letter which confirmed it was non-carcinogenic. Governors viewed the two proposals and quotes from Outdoor Spaces (£17,550) and Sovereign (£17,050). The Outdoor Space design was felt more appropriate and practical and was duly APPROVED.

b)Approval of the Budget 2016/17

The provisional budget for 2016/17 had been previously circulated. The budget would be presented at the summer term Resources Committee meeting on 4th May for final approval.

c)To Consider and Approve any Changes to the Buyback of L.A. Services

The Buybacks were similar to last year’s. It was school’s intention to review the services offered by Carillion and Stockport Homes in September to ensure they were still cost effective.

Following a question about the gates and barriers audit, the Headteacher informed governors of the work that had to be undertaken after a tree collapsed in the Forest School area. Thanks were given to Reddish Vale Golf Club, who had quickly removed the tree. A fence still needed to be repaired. Plans to remove the Crack Willow and plant an orchard were revealed.

d)Scheme of Delegation Form

Governors were referred to the School Business Manager’s report.


The SFVS had been submitted and no actions were required.

f)Resources Committee Remit

The GSO confirmed that she had added review and approval of the Finance Manual to the Resources Committee remit. An update would be sent to the Headteacher for the VLE.



The Headteacher’s Report had been circulated to the governors prior to the meeting.

The number on roll had dropped since September due to the rehousing of 3 children. Those children had been in classes of over 30 and would not be replaced. An indication had been given that over 30 families had placed St Mary’s as first choice for the September 2016intake.

Governors heard about Bishop Mark’s visit on Ash Wednesday. There was to be a Collapse the Curriculum day on the Easter Story with the opportunity to spend some time in Church, the day after Palm Sunday. A palm cross would be offered to each of the children who received the ash on Ash Wednesday. The SIAMS Inspection certificate for an Outstanding judgement was circulated.

Operation Eagle Eye had been a success but parking and speeding remained a problem. Governors discussed potential ways to help alleviate the problem, such as widening the road. The Headteacher advised that any complaints or recommendations needed to come from residents and not the school, though school was very happy to support residents. Do you ever get a police presence? Yes, PCSOs did have a profile on the street.

Governors were reminded of the Restorative Approach (RA) which had been adopted in school for some considerable time. Jenny Curzon, the RA lead for Stockport, would be visiting on 11th March to look at school’s practice and see how it could be shared with other faith schools.

The Headteacher explained the circumstances in which a Note of Concern may be issued.

The Salford Reading Test results were highlighted. The Deputy Headteacher shared an example of the Headstart test and analysis, which tested maths learning to back up the teacher assessment.

Sample exam papers for the new Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 tests were circulated. Teachers were still unaware of the pass marks. The tests were thought to be very challenging.

Will these exams affect the league tables? Yes. Governors were reminded of the possibility of being deemed a coasting school and its implication.

Ms J Botting left the meeting at 19.55

Governors expressed their admiration and praised staff for their hard work and flexibility in approaching the many changes to assessment and the curriculum in the last year.

The Headteacher thanked those governors who had helped to complete the Safeguarding Audit. This was the first time governors had been involved and it was felt to have been worthwhile.

The Headteacher was thanked for her report and there not being any further questions it was RESOLVED that the Headteacher’s report be received.


a)School Improvement Plan (SIP)/ School Development Plan (SDP) Update

The latest version of the SIP/SDP was circulated to governors prior to the meeting. It was noted that the school was working towards meeting the objectives set.

b)Report on Racist, Bullying, Homophobic Incidents

The Headteacher reported that there had not been any racist incidents in school during the autumn term.

The Clerk provided a nil return form, which was completed and signed by the Headteacher and Chairperson; the Clerk then undertook to return the form to the appropriate section within Services to People.


The Headteacher reported that there had not been any incidents of bullying or homophobic behaviour during the autumn term.

c)Report on Physical Incidents

The Headteacher reported that there had been no incidents during the autumn term where the use of physical intervention procedures had been necessary.


a)Governing Body Development Plan

The Development Governor had formed a draft plan. This was based on the skills audits returned by members of the Teaching & Learning Committee. Governors who had not completed a skills audit were asked to do so.


The following actions were highlighted:

  • To identify areas for development in skills to sustain high quality governance.
  • To establish a programme of governor visits to research best practice.
  • To familiarise all governors with the new Ofsted expectations.

The Headteacher advised that there were several documents on the official Ofsted website which would help governors to understand the inspection framework.

The development plan would be updated with specific skills developments once all audits had been completed and it would be made available to governors on the VLE.

The Diocese had sent a training package for new Chairs of Governors which had included some useful presentations. It was hoped that these could be included in the New Governor Induction booklet.

b)Governance Leadership Development Programme

The Chair of Governors had registered on the Governance Leadership Development Programme.

c)Training Feedback

Governors were encouraged to attend training courses made available by Governor Services. The Development Governor was advised that the following courses had been attended:

Mr N Palin and Mrs A Baguley were completing the New Governor training.

Mrs A Baguley and Mrs Y Guariento had attended SEND training.

Mrs L Appleton had attended Safeguarding training and Restorative Approaches training.

d)Governor Conference

It was noted that this year’s conference would take place at Marple Hall School on Saturday 12th March 2016. Mrs A Baguley and Mrs Y Guariento would be attending.


a)Schools’ Finance Update

  • Guidance upon the completion of the SFVS was noted. The return had been submitted.
  • The school budget plan would be linked to the SDP/SIP.

b)Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (including Safeguarding) Toolkit

  • Governors were made aware that the Toolkit – containing key documents and supporting materials relating to an Ofsted inspection – was available via Office Online.

c)Early Years Update

  • Governors noted the guidance.

d)Governance Leadership Development Programme

  • This item had been discussed above. In answer to a question, the GSO explained the new requirement for all governors to have a CRC (formerly called DBS) by 1st September. Governors who had not already done so were asked to bring relevant identification to the School Office so the Business Manager could start the process.


  1. DATES

a)Full Governing Board

Wednesday 29th June, 6.30pm

b)Committee Meetings

Resources Committee: Wednesday 4th May, 6.30pm

Teaching & Learning Committee: Wednesday 18th May, 6.30pm


a)End of Term of Office

The meeting was informed that Miss E Small’s term of office would end on the 31st March 2016. It was noted that she would be eligible for re-election. Miss Small informed the meeting that she would not be standing again. On behalf of the Governing Board, the Chair of Governors thanked Miss Small for her dedication to the school and for her rigorous scrutiny. The Headteacher added thanks for her hard work and for seeing out her term of office as a governor after she had handed over the Chair of Governors role. Miss Small thanked governors for their support at a time when governance itself was changing dramatically.

The Headteacher and GSO would agree an election timetable for the parent governor vacancy.


Miss R Grant’s term of office as an Associate Member was also due to end and governors unanimously RESOLVED to grant another 4 year term of office with effect from 9th March 2016. Miss Grant was extended voting rights at committee level.

b)Update on Vacancy

The Foundation Governor vacancy would be filled on confirmation from the Diocese of Ms Botting’s start date.

c)NGA – Sharing Contact Details

The Clerk explained that as part of the Local Authority’s standard membership package with the NGA, all governors were entitled to receive weekly e-newsletters; three nominated governors would also receive the bi-monthly Governing Matters magazine by post. It was confirmed that personal information would not be used or shared outside the NGA.

Governors duly AGREED the request to pass contact details to the NGA.

d)Visit to Trinity High School

The Chair of Governors described a recent visit to Trinity High School and expressed an interest in developing stronger links with the school. Given that it was an outstanding school which held similar values, the Board was in agreement. Governors discussed why parents did not see the school as an automatic choice for secondary school. Rev. Larsen reminded the meeting that parents should to be made aware of the need to attend a faith based church when applying.

Rev. Larsen had attended the planting of an apple tree outside the chaplaincy of Manchester University,in memory of Alan Turing. He wondered if a link could be made when creating the orchard in school, perhaps by planting the same variety of tree. The Headteacher was in favour of the idea.

With no further business to discuss, the Chairperson thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.35pm.




3c / Investigate Prevent Duty training / GSO / Post meeting
4c / Send committee remits to Headteacher / GSO / Post meeting
7a / Complete Skills Audit / All / Post meeting
8d / Bring identification for CRC checks / All / Before 1st September
10a / Organise Parent Election / HT/GSO / From 1st April