Scrutiny Lounge Norwich 15th April 2014

Scrutiny Panel members attended the Scrutiny Lounge from the following organisations:

Circle Housing Wherry

Saffron Housing Trust

Orbit East

Circle Housing Roddons

Victory Housing Trust

The Scrutiny Lounge began with an exercise that allowed the scrutiny panel members to suggest areas of scrutiny they would like to discuss. The following questions were chosen. For each question short discussions were held around the tables and then a group wide discussion followed. Some of the main issues raised are shared here.

  1. How do other Scrutiny Panels go about recruiting younger residents?

Saffron – through newsletters. In the last newsletter they specifically asked for younger people, however, they work so are not always available to get involved and cannot devote the time needed. Have some people in their 20’s involved but not in scrutiny.

Orbit East – lucky as overall age profile of the group is lower than most. Also have a ‘Scrutiny Community’ who are independent from Orbit East. There are currently 22 members who are contacted by email or post. Send them specific questions during the review and keep them updated through newsletters.The Scrutiny Community members tend to be more forth coming because they are not dealing with Orbit East. The Scrutiny Panel has its own email address and website

Wherry– young people don’t like scrutiny. They come along once but don’t tend to stay. The times of meetings and venues are an issue. Wherry has properties in Peterborough, Kings Lynn and Cambridge and transport is an issue e.g. the last train to Kings Lynn leaves Norwich at 9.05pm

VHT – hold meetings in the evening (6.30pm – 9pm) as two members work. All scrutiny panel members are issued with an IPad so they can contribute electronically. Younger people are involved through ‘Virtual Victory’, forums and task & finish groups not necessarily associated with scrutiny.

Roddons–use TAG’s (Tenant Advisory Groups), focus groups and surveys

  1. What incentives are used to retain interest?

Saffron –nurturing -spend a lot of time talking to people

Roddons– no incentives but involvement enhances life skills

VHT – none other than joy and satisfaction being involved brings

Wherry - use vouchers for mystery shoppers and property inspectors, offer training including life skills (e.g. DIY, IT) and prize draws with surveys

Orbit East - £50 for Christmas draw for community scrutiny members and training

  1. How do you choose your topic? Are you steered?

Wherry– Did some small group work at the AGM which produced a list of areas for review. Have 3 other main methods of referral. Through ‘Way Ahead with Wherry’ (the overarching umbrella group) who get feedback from the ‘Patch Panels’, direct from the ‘Patch Panels’ and from residents who are entitled to approach WISP direct and request a scrutiny review. Have the freedom to look at what we like.

Orbit East – Look at performance data and MOT (moment of truth) surveys. Would like to see more tenant information

Saffron – Just put Terms of Reference in place. It allows for the Tenant Audit Panel to choose what they want to look at but tenants and the Board can suggest areas to look at.Hold ‘Tenants Question Time’ once a month and pick up things through them.Have looked at performance information and complaints and have chosen Grounds Maintenance as first review

Roddons– Look at performance data and feedback from tenants to choose area to review.

VHT– The STAR survey is the initial starting point for choosing an area to review.

  1. To what extent does resident feedback feed into picking your topic for review?

Everyone present questioned whether reliance on performance data should carry less weight than complaints and satisfaction levels.

Wherry – been doing a lot of customer surveys and getting a lot of responses. Customer perceptions are different from the data given. Use the Circle survey team to help put the survey together, but devise their own questions. Surveys are conducted either by telephone, post or internet and have a prize draw as an incentive to encourage responses.

  1. What is your budget for scrutiny?

Wherry – Don’t know what the budget is, but it forms part of the overall resident Involvement budget

Roddons – Don’t know what the budget is, but it forms part of the overall resident Involvement budget

VHT - Don’t know what the budget is, but it forms part of the overall resident Involvement budget

Orbit East – Know what the budget for scrutiny is. Monitor it on a quarterly basis but don’t manage it.

Saffron – CAP (Customer Advisory panel) have a budget for involvement.