Rio Terrace Community League
15500 76 Ave
April 9, 2017- 10: 00 AM
- Call to Order- 10:00 AM
- Adopt the Agenda- Ryley Chres motions, Sarah Stengel seconds, resulted: carried .
- Adopt Minutes from previous AGM- to follow
- Reports
-Vice President
-Treasurer- We need a replacement, Shirley will train
-Registrar – We need a replacement, Mellissa will train
-Webmaster- Going to try listing playdownas as a tournament to allow for eaiser tracking
-Overview if how to use Sport Engine Website to your advocate tat the conclusion of the meeting time permitting
-Scheduler- For 2017-2018 Games will not be rescheduled and teams will not have the option to opt out of games after play downs and provincials, teams are losing ice because ice is setting empty in March. We’ve shortened the season as much as possible with still allowing min.flexibility in case of unforeseen emergencies with rinks, refs, extra. Too many changes were requested made this year and it caused a lot of confusion. The Scheduler had an issue with cancelations and teams not wanting to play into the season. It was stated that it worked well to use other ice. Open D was short ice all year. Flexibility needs to occur.
-Division Reps- We need a new Open A rep- Riley is moving on and need rep is needed. Rep manages scores, send game sheets for both teams.
-Open B- Have only been sending in the scores
-Open C- No concerns
-Open D- No Concerns
-Referee Assignor (Terri Schade)- proposal and concerns: Changing rates for games from $5.00 to &7.00 a game. Open D single option is ending, there needs to be two refs at all games. Refs will charge if not given 48 hours’ notice. The retainer is to increase for obtaining refs. Saturday ice is maxed out for refs, Open A is very difficult to fill for refs as the pool is small. Tuesdays and Thursdays are empty for ice. If looking to switch ice ask Terri. City ice allocation is changing. If you have questions email Robyn or Murry. If you have problems with refs, email Terri. Look to change the mercy rule to be at any time in the 2nd period. The refs have issues with the jerseys, they need to have a number on the top right and Nawra is looking to add a fine if these numbers are not present.
- Elections-
-Treasurer- Brittany Jocelyn
-Open A rep- Janine Helland
-Register- Ashley Goudreau
-Secretary- Taylor Rogers
-Webmaster (Colleen will stay on unless someone wants to take over)
-Open B- Carley Murphy
-Motion to take Melissa and Shirley off the bank account and add Brittany Jocelyn as new singing authority- all was motioned by Riley Chres and seconded by Sarah Stengel- resulted: carried .
- New Business
- Reps for Ringette Alberta AGM (at least two players) May 6th weekend, this is a two day event
- Move that Corina Doyle and Brittany represent us at the Ringette Alberta AGM this spring, and that mileage and accommodation expenses if necessary be reimbursed. Moved by Riley Chres and seconded by Amanda Bariko, resulted: carried.
- Beer in Banff will go again this year… same number of players as last year.
- Spare players- we need a spare list Sarah Stengel has offered to administer this.
- Serious Injuries
-If serious injuries occur, teams must take responsibility for the safety of their players to ensure they are physically well enough to return to play. AS this is an adult league we are hesitant to dictate a policy in this area until we have an opportunity to look into liability in this area.
- League Fees- the only working capital NAWRA receives is the $100 league fee at the beginning of the season. (As the other $50 is returned to teams when they attend the AGM). Out of this $100 we have to pay for games sheets, venues for the fall and AGM =, expense for representatives to attend Ringette Alberta Events (usually twice a year), the website, bank and accounting fees (when they arise) and refer expense for scheduling errors. There seems to be an understanding that NAWRA gets each team’s entire registration fee and that is not the case. WE try to minimize the costs to the teams as much as possible.
- Discussion items from issues that have arisen this past season
- Illegal player consequence- Ringette Alberta rule
- Add the following to 607 of the NAWRA Bylaws
-Consequence for illegal players:
-Teams acknowledge the use of illegal players and forfeit prior to the commencement of the game shall not be penalized.
-First time offence- the team will receive a loss for the game in which the violation and/or abuse occurred, and the score will be recorded as a 0-7 loss for the penalised team
-Second time offence (within two calendar years of the first offense) – the Head Coach or Acting Head Coach (team rep) will receive a 3 game suspension and the team will receive a loss for the game in which the violation and/or abuse occurred, and the score will be recorded as a 0-7 loss for the penalised team
-Third and subsequent offense (within two calendar years of the first offense) – the Head Coach or Acting Head Coach (team rep) will receive a 3 game suspension and the team will receive a loss for the game in which the violation and/or abuse occurred, and the score will be recorded as a 0-7 loss for the penalised team
Motioned by Riley Chres and seconded by Dan Drake. Result: carried.
- Edit and Addition of Appendixes to the Website (Forms one still asks for the BGL Policy number)
- Spare player clarification for Rec. Division (open D) Add to 607- U19 players and down require affiliation forms signed by coach or parents, Open A, C, C players wishing to sub on a rec team must pay the Ringette Alberta fee to be registered in the Rec Division allowing them to double card.
- Update Job Descriptions- add calculations for playdowns to Open A, B, C Division Rep Jobs- Ashely Goudreau and Dan Drake offered to complete these task.
- Update of Playdown- see attached
- Expulsion from NAWRA- discussion to add ‘code of conduct’- Motioned by Ashley Goudreau and seconded by Riley Chres, result: carried with Terri opposed.
- Fines for Cancellations of Games 1206- Motioned by Ashley Goudreau and seconded by Sarah Stengel. Result: carried.
Meeting adjourned at 12:03 PM