Bio 211 Exam 2 Review Questions

1.  What is false regarding the phylum Nematoda?

a)  There are about 25,000 named species

b)  They’re also known as roundworms

c)  No species is larger than 1 mm

d)  Some are found in aquatic environments

2.  What word can be used to describe the body cavity of roundworms?

a)  Coelomate

b)  Acoelomate

c)  Pseudocoelomate

d)  None of the above

3.  Describe the movement of roundworms.

They contract their longitudinal muscles against their cuticle (exoskeleton made of collagen) = thrashing

4.  Nematodes have

a)  Specialized circulatory systems

b)  Respiratory systems

c)  Incomplete digestive systems

d)  An excretory system

e)  No nervous system

5.  Which of the following is not a parasitic nematode of humans?

a)  Pinworms

b)  Hookworms

c)  Tubeworms

d)  Filarial worms

6.  What type of nematode is the following statement referring to? “Females emerge at night to lay eggs in the perianal area causing itching.”

a)  Pinworms

b)  Hookworms

c)  Tubeworms

d)  Filarial worms

7.  What does the name Arthropod mean?

“jointed feet”

8.  Approximately what fraction of all named organisms belongs to the phylum arthropoda?


9.  What is false regarding arthropods?

a)  They have segmented bodies

b)  They have hard exoskeletons made of collagen (their exoskeleton is actually made up of chitin)

c)  They have extensive cephalization

d)  They have sensory organs

10. Most members of the chelicerata are members of the class ______.

a)  Arachnida

b)  Hexapoda

c)  Crustecea

d)  Diplopoda

11. Which dangerous spider found in Iowa produces a hemolytic toxin that destroys the tissue around the bite?

Brown Recluse Spider: class arachnid, order spider

12. How many SETS of walking legs per a segment do members of Diplopoda have?

a)  1

b)  2

c)  3

d)  4

13. Which class, Diplopoda or Chilopoda, are herbivores? Carnivores?

Diplopoda (millipedes)= herbivores, Chilopoda (centipedes)= carnivores

14. Which of the following is false regarding the subphylum hexapoda (class insecta)?

a)  Jaw-like mandibles

b)  Most are insects

c)  Most are marine

d)  1 pair of antennae

15. What are the three body regions that hexapods (class insecta) have?

Head, thorax and abdomen

16. What kind of respiratory system do grasshoppers and crickets have? What kind of digestive system do they have?

Tracheal system; complete digestive system

17. What order are the following insects from?

a)  Diptera

b)  Hymenoptera

c)  Lepidoptera

d)  Hemiptera

e)  Orthoptera

f)  Odonata

g)  Phthiraptrea

18. Which of the following lists is in the correct order of embryonic development in animals?

a.  Plasmogamy, Karyogamy, Blastula, Cleavage

b.  Fertilization, Cleavage, Blastula, Gastrula

c.  Fertilization, Blastula, Gastrula, Cleavage

d.  Fertilization, Cleavage, Gastrula, Blastula

e.  None of the above

19. The blastopore becomes the

a.  Mouth of deuterostomes

b.  Mouth of protostomes

c.  Anus of protostomes

d.  Anus of deuterostomes

e.  A & C

f.  B & D

20. The fluid filled cavity that separates the digestive tract from the outer body wall found in some animals is the

a.  Endoderm

b.  Coelom (this is the only cavity listed)

c.  Mesoderm

d.  Ectoderm

21. Bilateral symmetry is strongly correlated with

a.  the ability to move through the environment.

b.  cephalization.

c.  the ability to detect prey.

d.  a and b.

e.  a, b, and c.

22. In triploblastic animals, the inner lining of the digestive tract is derived from

a.  the ectoderm.

b.  the mesoderm.

c.  the endoderm.

d.  the pseudocoelom.

e.  the coelom.

23. Pseudocoelomates

a.  lack a fluid-filled cavity.

b.  have a fluid-filled cavity that is completely lined with mesoderm.

c.  have a fluid-filled cavity that is partially lined with mesoderm.

d.  have a fluid-filled cavity that is not lined with mesoderm.

e.  have an air-filled cavity that is partially lined with mesoderm.

24. Choanocytes are

a.  a group of protists that are believed to have given rise to animals.

b.  specialized cells of sponges that function to beat the water around them, sending nutrients into the microvilli for filter feeding.

c.  cells that make up the gelatinous layer in sponges.

d.  cells of sponges that function to transfer nutrients to other cells.

e.  cells that form spicules in sponges.

25. Why aren't sponges eaten more by predators?

a.  They are protected by silica spicules.

b.  They are protected by toxic defensive chemicals.

c.  They are eaten; it's just that the leftover cells reaggregate into new, smaller sponges.

d.  Both a and b are correct.

e.  a, b, and c are correct.

26. The radula belongs to which of the following groups?

a.  Ecdysozoa, phylum mollusca

b.  Ecdysozoa, class bivalvia

c.  Lophotrochozoa, class gastropoda (they belong to PHYLUM MOLLUSCA)

d.  Lophotrochozoa, phylum gastropoda

e.  Lophotrochozoa, class mollusca

27. What organisms can survive without a SPECIFIC mouth, digestive system, or anus?

a.  Cnidarians (Their “mouth” and “anus” are shared by the same hole on the organism; therefore no true organs or tissues are present)

b.  rotifers

c.  arachnids

d.  cestodes

e.  nematodes

28. Which phylum does not have at least some members with a closed circulatory system?

a.  Lophophorata

b.  Arthopoda

c.  Annelida

d.  Mollusca

e.  All of the above phyla have some members with a closed circulatory system.

29. In arthropods, the tracheal system is

a.  a unique set of structures that function in ingestion and digestion of food.

b.  a series of branching tubes extending into the body that allow for gas exchange.

c.  a series of tubules that allow waste products in the blood to be released into the digestive tract.

d.  the series of ommatidia that form the compound eye.

e.  none of the above.

30. Main characteristic(s) of the class Arachnida include

a.  two tagmata.

b.  six walking legs.

c.  an aquatic lifestyle.

d.  Parthenogenesis.

e.  both b and a.

31. Incomplete metamorphosis:

a.  is characterized by distinct larval and adult stages that do not compete for resources.

b.  includes the process of molting.

c.  is a characterized growth process in which the young physically resemble the adults of the population.

d.  b and c.

e.  all of the above.