S A Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging

S A Hunters and Game Conservation Association

Plot 3. Mountain Drive 7 E-Mail: Tel: (012) 808 9330

Derdepoort Website: www.sahunt.co.za

P O Box 1952 Fax: (012) 808 9343

Montana Park 0159


Please complete the application form and email or fax it to Trish Britz.

Please note that all the following must be attached otherwise the application cannot be processed.

Please take note of the following:

1.  Remember to write your membership number on your application form and deposit slip.

2.  Your motivation must be completed in full.

3.  Proof of payment (R200.00) must be attached with reference number “SS”.

4.  A copy of your ID must be attached

Thank you,

Hennie de Jager


SA Hunters

ABSA Pretoria North

Account number: 0144-399-00-77

Branch code: 632-005

No: ______AB / MC/ MP

S A Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging

S A Hunters and Game Conservation Association

Plot 3. Mountain Drive 7 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (012) 808 9330

Derdepoort Website: www.sahunt.co.za

P O Box 1952 Fax: (012) 808 9343

Application to be declared a Dedicated Sport Shooter

I, the undersigned, / Title:
Full names:
Name called:
ID Number:
Residential address:
Postal address:
Telephone (day time): / Cell phone:
E-mail addres: / Fax:
Branch affiliation:
SAHGCA Membership number:
Delivery of certificate: Will collect personally ______
Post to above address ______
Post to branch ______

Hereby declare::

  • that I am a paid-up member of SAHGCA;
  • that I have already successfully done the Dedicated Sportsman course as presented by SAHGA. (certified copy of my certificate attached);
  • certificate of equivalent course or proven relevant field of study, attached hereto if applicable, if I have not done SAHGCA’S Dedicated Sportmans course;
  • that I realise I may not practise a trade related to hunting on the grounds that I possess Dedicated Hunters Status in terms of article 16 of the Firearms Control Act, 60 of 2000;
  • that I actively partake in sport shooting activities the last 12 months;
  • that the reason for this application is as follows:




I furthermore declare that I am aware that I am personally responsible to keep the abovementioned up to date and to actively partake in sport shooting related activities so that I will be able to submit proof of my sport shooting and related activities of the previous 12 months. I further declare that I realise it is my own responsibility to maintain the above and to keep being involved in sport shooting related activities and that in the event of renewal of my annual membership, on request should be able to present substantiation of my involvement in sport shooting activities during the previous 12 months, and that the SAHGCA must and shall inform the SAPS should I not comply hereto and that I, in such case, lose my Dedicated Status and that I will have no claim whatsoever against the SAHGCA or its management or any of its officials. The responsibility to meet the conditions maintaining my Status up to date and to stay active as prescribed in The Dedicated Status Manual, lies solely with me.

I have read the above and understand and ascertain the contents and requirements of the Dedicated Status Manual, edition no: J006.002.002A

Signed at ______on this _____ day of ______

20 ______.


Signature of applicant




SA Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association
(Wet 60 / 2000) (Act 60 / 2000)
Jaar / Year / Van / Surname
Voorletters / Initials
SAJWV lidnommer / SAHGCA Membership number
Takaffiliasie / Branch affiliation
Toegewyde Jagter-nommer / Dedicated Hunter number:
Toegewyde Sportskut-nommer / Dedicated Sport-Shooter number:
I.D. nommer / ID Number
Aktiwiteit / Activity / Provinsie / Province / Distrik / District / Plaas / Farm / Skietbaan / Range / Datum / Date
1 / Skietoefening / Shooting exercise
2 / Skietoefening / Shooting exercise
3 / Skietoefening / Shooting exercise
4 / Skietoefening / Shooting exercise
5 / Jag / Hunt
6 / Jag / Hunt
7 / Jag / Hunt
8 / Jag / Hunt
9 / Vergadering / Meeting
10 / Vergadering / Meeting
Belangrike notas: / Important Notes: / Handtekening / Signature
1) Enige 2 erkende jagaktiwiteite of 3 sportskiet aktiwiteite is voldoende vir 'n lid om sy/haar toegewyde status jaarliks te bevestig; Any 2 recognised hunting activities or 3 sport-shooting activities are adequate for a member to confirm his/her status annually
2) Stawende dokumentasie moet deur die lid bewaar word / Documentary proof must be retained by member / Datum / Date
Hierdie vorm kan elektronies ingevul word en moet jaarliks voor 31 Oktober aan ge-e-pos word of gefaks word aan 012-808 9343
The above form can be completed electronically and must be emailed to or faxed to 012-808 9343 before 31 October annually.